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Our new logo of the original Watchtower cross and crown supports our subtitle “Looking to our Past for lessons to help inform our Future.  Find more out the Watchtower history of the cross and crown by clicking here:

WHY THE NAME CHANGE FROM “FRIENDS OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES” TO “BEYOND THE WATCHTOWER?” (Our new redirected website address is  —  BeyondWatchtower.com.)

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Journey of JW Ministerial Servant who became a Bible Student.

Click on picture above for video. This is Part 1 of Rolando’s Testimony. How I joined the Jehovah’s Witnesses and found my way into the Bible Students association. Part 1 deals with his journey into the Witness movement, his time with them, and ends with finding the Bible Students. Click below to watch Part 2, which deals with how and why he left the Witnesses.

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Latest Episode #1371: Will There Ever Be Peace on Earth? – February 3, 2025
View or download (PDF): CQ Rewind Show Notes

Establishing God’s coming earthly kingdom as a scriptural reality

In our last episode about God’s vengeance bringing the end of the world as we know it, we examined several Old Testament prophecies that pointed to how God’s vengeance works in the dismantling of all vestiges of our present and sin-ridden world. When these dramatic prophecies are focused on without the context of the rest of God’s character, they are often understood to paint a bleak and harsh picture of who God is. In this episode, we will again focus on Old Testament prophecies. However, this time we will be looking at what happens AFTER the vengeance of God is exercised. What we will find is a breathtaking view of not only who God is, but what His plan REALLY has in store for ALL of humanity. If you truly want to know who God is, then follow along as we unfold the rest of the story!

LIVE PODCAST every Monday 8pm eastern at ChristianQuestions.com

“Think about the Bible like you never have before” with the weekly podcast dealing with life’s issues from a biblical perspective. Hundreds of podcast episodes on relevant topics are available now. Listen here or through the Christian Questions App. To read along while you listen, each episode has a companion CQ Rewind Show Notes document with every scripture quoted and much of the commentary.

Our Mission: In accordance with God’s grace and providence: make the gospel available to all ages and to as many areas of the world as possible, reach out through podcasting, multimedia offerings, Bible study tools and technology, plant seeds of hope for the burdened and for those searching for answers in their lives, lead people to truth and an understanding of God and His plan for us.

Christian Questions began airing on terrestrial radio June 12th, 1998, as a result of an idea to produce a Christian radio talk show that was Bible-based, where discussion and opinions would be welcome. We welcome listener participation, encouraging a nurturing, politically-free environment of expression on biblical topics. We aim to provide a comprehensive perspective on a wide range of studies and delve into the deep layers of Scripture.

Former Jehovah’s Witnesses and Bible Students testify

Former Jehovah’s Witnesses and Bible Students testify about providential experiences from Jehovah which drew them to consecrate (symbolized by baptism) and to accept the Truth.  The moderator interviewing the brethren is Bro. Irving Foss.  You can read his “eye witness” testimony on the Testimony page, where he describes how the Chicago Bible Students broke away from the Watchtower in 1933.  Personal Testimony meetings were always normal part of Bible Student services in the days of the early Watchtower.  Bible Students have continued this practice to this day and we receive many rich blessings from hearing the weekly experiences our brethren go through, encouraging each other and seeing how the Lord is directing our experiences to help us grow in character as New Creatures, to be more like Christ and to develop the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22, 23).  Some of those testifying became Bible Students in the days of the Early Watchtower when Pastor Russell was alive.  You can listen to this interesting testimony meeting from a Bible student convention in the 1960’s by clicking on the link below.

jw2 – How I got the Truth Testimonies – Irving Foss, Moderator MP3 edited


Here is what JW.org says about blood transfusions.


Here is a quote: ” Why don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses accept blood transfusions? This is a religious issue rather than a medical one. Both the Old and New Testaments clearly command us to abstain from blood (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:10; Deuteronomy 12:23; Acts s the heart, vessels, Read more…

The Arab Israeli Peace Process – Who’s land is it?

Find the books covering this topic by clicking here: Then select the line below that says — Download PDF “The Israeli-Arab Peace Process and Bible Prophecy”

Below are some selected quotes:

Read more…

Meet the Early Bible Students – J.F. Rutherford called them Evil Slaves

This 45 minute video takes you through testimonials and music from the Early Bible Students of Pastor Russell’s day.  Video Clips from the Photodrama of Creation are included.  The people you see testifying are among the 75% of Bible Students who left the Watchtower because they would not follow J.F. Rutherford in his takeover of Read more…

Interview – How David Stein was disfellowshipped from the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization by trying to save his father from Apostasy

THE RECORDING CAN BE HEARD HERE:  DavidSteinInterviewNov12-2011

On Saturday November 12, 2011.  Ex-JW and former Circuit Overseer Richard Rawe interviewed  David Stein a former JW and Bethelite, who is now a Bible Student Elder.   David Stein will tell the story of how he was disfellowshipped from the Jehovah’s Witnesses and how his wife Read more…

How do I know if I have the Holy Spirit?

Does being filled with the Holy Spirit mean I am always happy not matter what?  Does it mean that I can understand scriptures without studying?  Is the Holy Spirit something God will give me if I ask for it?  How will it change my life?  What are the evidences that would indicate that a person Read more…

JW’s Honest Questions Lead to Isolation and Disfellowship, Then Finally to Answers, Joy and Fellowship

Here is the publication of the story of Kent from Sweden by his own hand.

Searching for the true God and the meaning of life.

I grew up in the 70s. My childhood was filled with mixed emotions due to a separation Read more…

Do the Bible Students have a governing body?

Here is the Governing Body of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

Although the Bible Students are few in numbers, they are spread all over the world—America, Canada, England, France, Germany, Lithania, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, India, Africa, Brazil, South America, etc.. . . .Generally, when possible, they are gathered together in “ecclesias.” This word “ecclesia” comes from Read more…

“After Armaggedon” – Who will Survive? Who will be Destroyed?


Bible Student Elder, David Stein led a round table discussion on this topic. Joining him was other Bible Students Jim Parkinson, Ric Cunningham and JM.

Read ” AFTER ARMAGEDDON ” to discover a brighter result of this climatic event than has been reported. Click here to order the free Read more…

How are Bible Students connected to the Early Watchtower?

Who are the Bible Students? Where do they come from? These are questions frequently asked by those who seek to identify this movement and its origins. This special issue of The Herald is an expansion of an earlier edition and is meant to answer these queries.

Seeking to place the Bible Student movement in a Read more…

Spirits, Mediums and Fortune Tellers – What the Bible Teaches

“What the Bible Teaches about…Spirits, Mediums and Fortune Tellers” – Click the title slide below for video.

Many people seek insights from astrologers, tarot card readers, psychics, mediums and channelers. Is it okay for Christians to use these resources? Can witchcraft be used for good? In the Bible, didn’t King Saul use a witch Read more…

The Preterist and Futurist Views of Jesus Second Presence and Anti-Christ 

The leaders of the Reformation all recognized the Roman system as the Antichrist.  The Futurist and Preterist views originated from two Jesuit Priests as a Counter Reformation Rebuttal to argue against the conclusion that the Papacy was the Anti-Christ system, also called the Man of Sin.

Counter-Reformation Futurist and Preterist Views of Read more…

Who Will Survive Armageddon? Only Those in the Jehovah’s Witness Organization (Ark)? Listen to the Feb 4 Conference Call


Join us for a Saturday evening conference call. What does the Bible Actually say? Will everyone who is not a Jehovah’s Witness die when Armageddon comes?

Read more…

What the Bible says about Spiritism and the Occult

 The influence of Satan, the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4), seem to be everywhere.  Entertainment and music promote themes of immorality, magic and violence.  If your parents were shocked when the TV show Bewitched first hit the public airways in 1964, just imagine them rolling over in their graves today.  Perhaps you can Read more…

Deaing with Worry and Anxiety

Matthew 6:27: (NASB) And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?

We all worry and we all get anxious at times. Well, if we are really people of faith, then shouldn’t that faith override our worry?  The answer is that in an ideal situation, yes, faith Read more…

April 20 – Early Watchtower History – Russell, Rutherford, Bible Students – Old Light vs. New Light


Bible Student Elder, David Stein leads a round table discussion on this topic. Joining him were the three Early Watchtower Historians below:

Jim Parkinson: Bible Scholar, Translator and early Watchtower Historian

Eric Patterson: Since first going online in 1996, Eric Patterson’s Pastor Russell website has been seen by 20 million people worldwide. Pastor-Russell.com Read more…

The Bible Does Not Teach the Curse of Ham

“I will make man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.” Isaiah 13:12, 13

The struggle Read more…

Should We Worship and Pray to Jesus?

We worship Jehovah. We do NOT worship any false Gods, any idols, any non-scriptural ideologies. We are to worship our Heavenly Father, Jehovah God. Let’s examine briefly Matthew 4:10 and Luke 4:8. “It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

That seems pretty clear – We Read more…

Was J. F. Rutherford the Grinch Who Stole Christmas?




Find more information about Christmas by clicking here:

In 1927, Joseph Franklin Rutherford declared Christmas to be of pagan origin, and the following year its celebration by Rutherford’s Bible Students was condemned as supporting “Satan’s organization” (The Golden Age, December 14, 1927, “The Origin of Christmas”, pp 178–79. 1975 Read more…

The Great Crowd – Who Are They?


Bible Student Elder, David Stein, discusses the doctrine of the Great Crowd (Great Company). Who are they? What does the Bible say about the Great Crowd? Where are they mentioned in the Bible besides Revelation 7. What do the other scriptures in the Bible have to say about this group and how does Read more…

How Can I Find Joy When My Life Is So Difficult?

The New Creature experiences a joy and rejoicing that the natural mind cannot understand or appreciate. In moments of great trial, when the natural man faints under the weight of human hardship, God’s children call to mind His promises.

Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV) says, “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on Read more…

God’s Comfort, Mercy and Loving Kindness


“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of mercies and God of all comfort; who comforts us in all our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For Read more…

Listen to – Dealing with Doubts and Uncertainties when Leaving the Watchtower


This conference call hopes to provide comfort and consolation for present or Ex-JWs who are confronting the specter of rejection, excommunication, doubt, family splits and negative labeling. These are real and very difficult realities for Read more…

History of the early Watchtower Organization from its Beginnings to the Rutherford Schism


CLICK ABOVE TO LISTEN TO THE RECORDING.  Host David Stein leads a Panel Discussion with early Watchtower historians Jim Parkinson, Brian Kutscher, JM and Rolando Rodriguez. This interview took place on the Six Screens Tele-network back on March 13, 2011 and apparently was never published on our website.  The audience participated with questions and Read more…

An Eye-Witness Account by Br. Irving Carl Foss

An Eye-Witness Account by Br. Irving Carl Foss (Elder), Elder of the Chicago Ecclesia in 1933 [Recorded for his granddaughter, Alys Schneider, on 3/28/83] . Yes, it was about Aug. 1, 1933 that some of us left The Watch Tower Organization and started what is now The Chicago Bible Students Class.  Prior to this, some Read more…

Celebrating the Memorial – Listen to the Conference Call Here


Read the handout “Pictures of Jesus’ Sacrifice” by clicking here:

Bible Student Elder, David Stein led a round table discussion on this topic with Bible Student Elders Ric Cunningham and Len Griehs.

How did the Early Church celebrate the Memorial? How did the Early Watchtower Bible Students celebrate the Memorial under the teachings Read more…


Click here: Jesus, Our Passover Lamb Video

THE MEMORIAL (bread & cup) AND THE CRUCIFIXION (Jesus’ last hours)

We would like to meditate on Jesus’ last hours, especially the Last Supper and Memorial, but also Gethsemane, His crucifixion and His resurrection.  We would like primarily to consider what it means to us, but also for the whole world of mankind.


John 13:1 Now before the Feast of the Passover, Jesus knowing Read more…

Christians & Halloween: Excited or Wary About Ghosts, Witches and Vampires

Halloween has increased in popularity so much that it falls second to only Christmas in terms of total consumer retail spending. Total spending on costumes alone is expected to reach a record $4.1 billion, up from $3.6 billion in 2022. Halloween has pagan origins in Samhain, a Celtic pagan festival and was thought to Read more…

Who May Partake of the Memorial?

“The Lord’s Supper is not for the world, not for merely nominal believers, but only for those who, (1) accepting of Christ as their Redeemer and Sin-bearer, are, (2) consecrated to him and his service. But it is not for us—nor for any man or set of men—to decide who may and who may Read more…

The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” ?










The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” “Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword.”—MATT. 10:34.

Above is the title and theme text of an article beginning on page 12 of the Read more…

Does the Bible support a Jehovah’s Witnesses Governing Body?

The Watch Tower Society originally used the term “governing body” in a strict legal sense, and in fact, used the term quite sparingly. As stated in the Watchtower, it was not until “the year 1944 the Watchtower magazine began to speak about the governing body of the Christian congregation (italics theirs).” (Watchtower, Dec. 15, 1971, Read more…


What does the Greek word PAROUSIA mean. It is used to refer to Jesus second PRESENCE. Or should it be second COMING? Let’s take a look.

VINE’S EXPOSITIY DICTIONARY COMING (NOUN) 3. parousia ^3952^, lit., “a presence,” para, “with,” and ousia, “being” (from eimi, “to be”), denotes both an “arrival” and a consequent “presence with.” Read more…

Parousia (Jesus’ Second Presence) and the End of the Age – Anthony Buzzard vs Peter K.

Peter K. and Anthony Buzzard discuss whether Jesus has already invisibly returned or whether he will return visibly in the future.


Find more information about Jesus’ invisible second presence by clicking here:

Find out more about Anthony Buzzard by clicking here:

Click here for video explanation of Revelation Read more…

Did Jesus have a “pre-human” existence? Anthony Buzzard verses Peter K.


Did Jesus pre-exist as Michael the Archangel?  Or did Jesus first come into existence when born of Mary?

Find more information by clicking below.




WHO Read more…

Today’s World Economy and How Jehovah Will Punish the Wicked Rich

2 Peter 3:7 (NKJV) “But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”

The world’s social order ha been on fire for over 100 years. The reapers have been crying. These workers have been defrauded by Read more…


Would you like to experience a convention where hundreds of Bible Students from all around the USA and even the world meet together? These Bible Students believe what was taught by the early Watchtower in 1916 and prior, in the days of Brother Russell. Envision the feeling of freedom to be able to fellowship openly Read more…

The Council at Jerusalem – Acts 15:22-33 – Christian Liberty and Doctrinal Differences

[Watchtower – R5892 : page 137]  THE COUNCIL AT JERUSALEM   —MAY 28.—ACTS 15:22-33.—



Read more…

Listen to recording “In Jesus Name” – Public Lecture on Sunday Dec. 18 at 9:00 am CT

Recording now available at link below. This Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 9:00am CST (Chicagoland weather permitting), we would like to invite you to a special service entitled, “In Jesus’ Name”. Together we will examine some of the names and titles of Jesus found in the scriptures such as Emmanuel, Christ, Messiah, The Lamb of Read more…

From Religion Section of Time Magazine: Raymond Franz Shunned

From Religion Section of Time Magazine, February 22, 1982:

Witness Under Prosecution. A secretive and apocalyptic sect shuns a former leader.

Listen to the Chicago Bible Students Talk – Days Matter in Daniel and Revelation

We would like to invite you to hear our special Sunday morning service from February 7, 2016, featuring a prophecy-oriented topic about the “days” in the books of Daniel and Revelation. You might get a new perspective on the subject of the rapture, compared to that depicted in the “Left Behind” series. We hope you Read more…

Memorial Meditations on the Life and Mission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ



During this Memorial season, our thoughts turn to Jesus. He was a man like no other. This one life has had a significant impact upon our own, one so profound that it changed the course of human history and the course of each of our lives individually. Read more…

Voices From the Past Online Convention – Elders from Brother Russell’s Day Speak

A recording of this recent Online Convention is now available. It is a celebration of powerful life lessons of a generation that have gone before us. You can enjoy a day of music, devotions and Talks at the links below.

Session 1 – Music, Devotions and Russell Pollock speaks on – God’s Promised Blessings Read more…

Is Christmas Pagan? Does it’s celebration anger Jehovah?

What attitude should those who want to please Jehovah have during the Christmas season?  Should this celebration be totally rejected because it is considered to have pagan connections?  Can we be condemned for wanting to study and meditate upon our Lord Jesus and his birth?  Many experience the joy of giving gifts to others as Read more…


Listen to the recording of this fascinating broadcast by clicking here: ChristianLibertyDec10_2011

Jehovah’s Witnesses can be disfellowshipped for celebrating Christmas, reciting the pledge of allegiance, taking a blood transfusion to save their life, speaking to a disfellowshipped Witness or reading religious material not published by the governing body just to name Read more…

“The Harvest is the End of the Age” Matthew 13:39 – What is the Harvest?

Matt 13: (NKJV) 24 ¶ Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 “but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 “But when the grain had sprouted and produced Read more…

What Does it mean to be Baptized into Christ?

Click here to watch baptism service video


There is more than one type of baptism practiced in the Christian world. There is:

Sprinkling or Pouring on the Head Infant Baptism Submersion under water.

Sprinkling or pouring water on the head

There are no scriptures in the Read more…

The Gay Marriage Law – How Do We Respond?

The world is changing. It is changing at an ever quickening pace and it is changing in a more dramatic and fundamental way than ever, as well. Within the last few months, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of gay marriage, changing the definition of a 6,000-year old institution. Okay, so Read more…

Moral Relativism vs. God’s Standards

Prophecy indicates that moral behavior and attitudes in the last days will be much like that of Sodom and Gomorrah.“…in the last days… men will be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God…” 2 Timothy 3:1-7

Moral Relativism vs. God’s Standards

We live in an era when moral standards are Read more…

Homosexuality in Biblical Perspective


Are homosexual desires a choice? What should be our attitude toward those who are homosexuals? Does is make a difference if they are promiscuous, have one sexual partner for life or decide to have a platonic relationship (whether or not they desire sex). Is the Bible clear on this topic? Can non-practicing homosexuals be Read more…

ISLAM: Insights and Implicatiions

Islam is not only the major religion in Arab countries, but also the fastest growing world religion. This year, it is estimated to surpass the Christian population, as Christianity has been on a steady decline since the 1940s. With the Middle East dominating the news today, Islam has become one of the most sought after Read more…

Is the Great Crowd the same as the World of Mankind in the Earthly Kingdom?

Some argue that the Great Crowd are the same as the World of Mankind. They point out that promises to the Great Crowd are similar to promises that we find for mankind in the coming earthly kingdom. However, these are the same promises made to the anointed (spirit begotten) Bride of Christ (the heavenly 144,000). Read more…

No One Left Behind! — Hope Beyond Armageddon

The LEFT BEHIND series of religious novels by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, and the movie based upon these books promote an overly dramatic and sadistic view of end time prophecy. The authors tell of the horrors of a vindictive God destroying three billion people by fire and earthquakes. The LaHaye/Jenkin’s series places the majority Read more…

Was Jesus Crucified on a Cross or Torture Stake?

This question might strike the reader as one startling question for a Bible-founded Christian fellowship to pose; after all, did not the Apostle Paul plainly write to the congregation at Corinth that, “I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified”—I Corinthians 2. 2?

Still, in the Read more…

In 1933, How the Chicago Bible Students Escaped a Takeover By the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization

Here is the story of the origin of the Chicago Bible Students.

Read An Eye-Witness Account by Br. Irving Carl Foss (Elder and a founding member) by clicking here:

Watch a video interview of two eye witnesses and founding members of the JW Organization’s move to takeover the Chicago congregation by clicking here:

Watch the Read more…

After Armageddon… God’s Kingdom – a happier ending than you may have been taught

Wouldn’t it be nice to hand people a booklet about God’s kingdom and Armageddon, knowing that there is no hidden message of eternal destruction for those who do not embrace the message. This beautiful full color booklet is a pleasant and easy read that will assure the reader of a genuine hope for all mankind Read more…

Who are the True Faith Jehovah’s Witnesses? Why did they break away from Bethel?

The Watchtower Society claims that the Jehovah’s Witnesses has maintained a global brotherhood without any divisions, denying any denominational divisions or sects among them: The Watchtower, November 1 (2009) p.19 article “Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Protestant Religion?”

“…unlike the Protestant movement, which has splintered into hundreds of denominations, Jehovah’s Witnesses have maintained a united Read more…

How Long Have You Been Waiting on Jehovah to Fix HIs Organization?

“Good it is that one should wait, even silently, for the salvation of Jehovah” (Lamentations 3:26; Titus 2:13)

Translation – “Wait on the JW Organization Leadership to make the necessary changes. Don’t initiate any improvements yourself or you may find yourself in trouble.”

Have you been waiting on Jehovah for years to fix His Organization? Read more…

Bethel Sister Reveals Truth about Russell, Rutherford and Bible Students

Listen to a recording of Sister Cora Sumdbom telling her story of experiences at the Bethel in the days of Pastor Charles T Russell and the early days of the Watchtower Society.  She talks about the brethren’s meals, discussions, studies, work and interactions with each other and  with a kind, gentle, funny, engaging, warm and Read more…

Jehovah’s Witness missionary, for the first time in her life, she found she had the freedom to think.



Amber Scorah went to Shanghai as a Jehovah’s Witness missionary. But in one of the most restrictive, totalitarian countries in the world, for the first time in her life, she found she had the freedom to think.

Missionary work is illegal in China, and the government has recently Read more…

Did C.T. Russell Believe that the Watchtower was Jehovah’s Organization Governing its Members?

To the contrary, in the early days (1877-1916), the Watchtower was simply a publishing house and lecture service, making its resources available to the Bible Students worldwide.  The Watchtower did not govern or manage any congregations.  Each congregation had full liberty in Christ to make their own decisions and elect their own elders annually, by Read more…

Welcome to the 2015 New Year at the Fear Free Zone!

We Bible Students from this Friends of Jehovah’s Witnesses website would like to wish you and all of our friends around the world a happy and blessed new year.

How was 2014 for you? Are you spiritually growing, thriving, enjoying your Bible Study and liberty in Christ? We pray that you are.

As intended, if Read more…

Is the Great Pyramid the Bible in Stone or part of Satanic Worship?


On Saturday evening, February 9, former JW and Bethelite, and now a Bible Student Elder, David Stein will lead a round table discussion on this topic. Joining him will be Bible Student Elders Russ Shallieu and Todd Alexander. Todd was part of a research group that spent weeks working in the Great Pyramid.

Read more…

“Truth Be Told” Televison Documentary – An Inside View of Jehovah’s Witnesses

WE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF AN UPCOMING TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY AND HOPE TO GET YOUR COMMENTS PRO OR CON AFTER IT AIRS. Worldwide online screenings will be held on Christmas Day, accompanied by social media-facilitated discussions (#hereliesthetruth).

“TRUTH BE TOLD is a new feature-length documentary film about growing up in the Jehovah’s Read more…

New Friends of Jehovahs Witnesses APP available now for free download

Find app in Android Play Store or ITunes Store. Search for “Library for JW – Resources.” Subtext “Christian Resources – Bible Truth”

Share app with friends on facebook. Rate app and help increase our profile to JWs.


This app is a great resource for all Jehovah’s Witnesses, for those that love Jehovah, it answers Read more…

Story of Creation, Jesus’ Birth, His Life and God’s Plan.


Bible Student Kids Website



Your kids can enjoy Bible lesson books, puzzles, videos, music, coloring and more.




Read more…

1914 – 100 Year Anniversary – Listen to Bible Students as they discuss this topic at the 2014 Arkansas Convention

Listen to this 3 Part Study by clicking here: Select “David Doran – Convention Study on Times of the Gentiles” Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3.

Click here for handouts.

David Doran – Study-Gentile Times (Handout 1)

David Doran – Study-Gentile Times (Handout 2)


More notes to consider:

Luke 21:24 – “Jerusalem shall Read more…


In the late 1920s, The Watchtower Organization began to identify the Bible Students who had left the organization as the evil slaves (documentation below). Yet in 2013, the Governing Body eliminated the “evil slaves” as a class, instead applying it as a hypothetical danger to the composite Faithful Slave, which they say has never become Read more…



Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? In 1931, at a Columbus Ohio Convention, with great fanfare, J. F. Rutherford introduced a name change from “Bible Students” to “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” The real reason, we think was to differentiate themselves to the public and brethren from the Bible Students Read more…

1917 Letter to Bible Students from Brother Russell’s Board of Directors who were Ousted by J. F. Rutherford

Letter dated July 27, 1917 to the Bible Students from the majority of the Board of Directors appointed by Brother Russell – J. D. Wright, A. I. Ritchie, I. F. Hoskins and R. H. Hirsh

Dear Brethren,

A situation of such seriousness has arisen in the management of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Read more…

Is the JW Songbook Really Singing Praise to the Faithful Slave (Governing Body)?

Does the JW Organization believe it is good to extend our worship of praise beyond Jehovah and Jesus and also to the men known as the Faithful Slave (or Governing Body)?

You can find the JW Songbook here: Sing to Jehovah Book

What do you think of these songs? Do you agree with the Read more…



This year (2014) the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization published a new book, “God’s Kingdom Rules,” which will be studied by JWs around the world starting in early 2015. This new book attempts to harmonize the organizations teachings, mission and activities from the early days Read more…

Intelligent Design or Evolution – Is Jehovah the Creator?

Followers of Jehovah today are bombarded on every side with agnostic and atheistic philosophies that erode faith. In science, the theory of evolution is embraced by many as the best explanation of man’s existence on earth, of course without the necessity of a supposed mythical creator. However, in recent decades the scientific debate over the Read more…

Bible Student Baptism Service – How Different from a JW Baptism Service

What is a Bible Student Baptism service like? How is it different form a JW Baptism Service? What are we baptized into? What questions are asked of the candidate? What requirements are there?

In 1985 the JW baptism questions changed, with the candidate having to announce their desire to become associated with an Organization. The Read more…

Listen to a Bible Student Convention – Topic: 1914 and the Times of the Gentiles – August 9-10, 2014

You can now listen to the recordings of the Associated Bible Students of Central Ohio Topical Study Weekend August 9-10, 2014. The topic for the weekend Convention about “1914 – Its Lessons and Impact.”

The Speakers were Br. John Baker, Br. Ed Bushlus, Br. Wes Cramer, Br. Ric Cunningham, and Br. Steve Palmgren.

Read more…

Bible Resources – Audio, Video, eBooks, Trivia Game and more!

Amazing Bible Resources! Contains, eBooks, audio, video, Bible trivia game, Studies in the Scriptures, Expanded Biblical Commentary and much more. All Available on the interment or mobile APPS for Android, Itunes, Ipads, etc. Over 15,000 talks/discourses to listen to – just type a topic or speaker and find. Listen to the Studies in the Scriptures Read more…

How a Bible Student Family Copes with the Rape of 15 Year Old Daughter

How would you cope with the rape of your 15 year old daughter? Or how would you cope if you were the victim? Are you a member of a JW family that was struck with the tragedy of sexual assault on yourself or a family member? How did you deal with it? How did your Read more…

Join Us Live – International Bible Students Convention – August 5 thru 10, 2014

The 17th International Convention of Bible Students will be held from Tuesday evening August 5 through Sunday August 10, 2014 in Szczyrk, Poland.

The convention will be broadcast live on the Internet.

There is a new website (in English) with the Program, Adobe Connect Broadcast links and General Information for the International Convention Read more…

Jesus Returns Invisibly – Day of the Lord Comes as a Thief


“. . . the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night . . . But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” 1 Thess. 5:2-4.

To many Christians, the second coming of Christ Read more…

What Facebook and Twitter Have In Common with the JW Governing Body

If you thought that by escaping control of the JW Organization, you could finally enjoy free speech without censorship, think again. America, once the land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE, has morphed into the land of Political Correctness and the home of the afraid.

Did you know that Facebook will delete your Read more…

Revelation 20:5 (NASV) “The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed”

A common view by many Christians, based on Rev. 20:5, is that the resurrection and a quick judgment of mankind will occur at the end of the 1,000 years. The judgment is considered a formality since it is believed that the trembling sinner is judged hell based on his behavior before he died and he Read more…


Psalms 16:11 (NASV) “11 You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.”

While Psalms 16 primarily applies to Jesus; as His body members, we share in these promises.

Our Lord has Read more…


Let’s see what the JW Organization itself says about this question.

“The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.” Watchtower 2010 Sep 15 p.23

“A mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow Read more…

Bible Prophecies being Fulfilled Today through Armageddon and the Kingdom

Dozens of Bible Prophecies are yet to be fulfilled between now – Armageddon and the setting up of the earthly Kingdom. What are these prophecies? What will happen. Listen by clicking here:

Click here to look at the Prophetic Timeline Chart

Listen – The Christian Church in the Early Centuries to the Dark Ages – Rev 12

Listen to this two part talk covering the development of the Church through the early centuries and into the Dark Ages, as the pure Church turns into the Apostate Church. While Christianity converted the world, the world converted Christianity. See how Revelation 12 relates to this topic.

Click here to listen: In The Wilderness part Read more…

How To Clear Up Misunderstandings, Work Out Differences and Recover Our Brother Out of Sin – Matthew 18:15-17

Especially as we enter the Memorial season, our hearts and minds reflect on our relationship with Jehovah, Jesus and our brethren.  Have we been faithful?  Have we grown in the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Have we been able to work out our differences with our brethren or do we harbor bitterness or anger.  Have Read more…

A Great Shaking — Then a New Heavens and a New Earth

“For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.’” Haggai 2:6 NAS

Our world certainly seems to be shaking these days. On every level—whether economic, political, social or religious—conditions are very shaky. Since Read more…

The Egyptian Abydos Tablet contains the Genealogy from Adam to Noah to Ham

Listen to Ric Cunningham talk about The Abydos Tablet by clicking here

The Egyptian Abydos Tablet contains the genealogy from Adam to Noah to Ham.

You can find an electronic image of the Abydos Tablet with the genealogy by clicking here:

In ancient Egypt, the Read more…

Order Free Book – Charles Taze Russell is not the Founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Quoting form author Kenneth Rawson, in his book, Pastor Russell the Founder of the Bible Students, not the Jehovah’s Witnesses (2nd Edition), we read the following:

With all the Internet exchange of information, Jehovah’s Witnesses are beginning to realize that the image of Judge Rutherford is a liability and they are out to minimize Read more…

Was Charles Taze Russell a Fraud and False Prophet?

The following article is taken from the book, “Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope.” Chapter 8, page 227.

The Pastor a Fraud and False Prophet?

Many of the allegations made against Pastor Russell under this category are sweeping and Read more…

How Does the Holy Spirit Work?

For the Christian, the Holy Spirit is a sacred part of our faith. It was promised to us in the absence of Jesus as a comforter, a guide, a teacher and even an intercessor. It is a true evidence of one who has been called, chosen and working towards being faithful. So, how does the Read more…

Why God Hides Himself – Climbing out of Depression

We can be depressed for various reasons.  Perhaps we feel that:

1)   Jehovah has withdrawn his favor from me

2)  My life is no different than those in the world around me.

3)  There is no specific purpose to my individual experiences

4)  I no longer respond emotionally to spiritual stimulation

Or maybe there are Read more…

100 Years Ago… The Photo Drama of Creation


A world war unprecedented in history broke out. Another unprecedented event occurred. The film, THE PHOTO DRAMA OF CREATION premiered; making 1914 a year that will never be forgotten!

As the twentieth century dawned many new social and religious changes were being proclaimed. Modernism and humanism were gaining control of theological thinking. The Read more…

J. F. Rutherford Believed that the Idea of Christian Character Development was a Delusion from Satan

A coluporter in the days of Bro. Russell, Bible Student Elder, G. Russell Pollock told of how JFR ridiculed character development from the platform, pronouncing it ‘char-AK’-teer’ and saying, “You don’t have a character, you are a character.” The stress Bible Students were putting on character development, JFR evidently felt a need to counter it. Read more…

War in Heaven – Michael The Archangel verses the Dragon

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels” (Revelation 12:7).

Those who have studied the Book of Revelation will recognize this familiar phrase, “War in Heaven,” from the 12th chapter. It is a fascinating Read more…

Would Jesus and Muhammad Have Agreed?

John 14:13: (NASB) “Whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

We live in very touchy times. Whether it is debating political positions or arguing for more of what we believe are our rights or standing against those who want to do us Read more…

JW Aunt Accuses Nephew of Apostasy for Asking Questions

Here is the true story of a JW aunt that disowned her niece and nephew over a charge of Apostasy. The names have been changed to protect the privacy of the hurt and injured. We have permission to publish the email correspondence. This exchange of emails occurred in September of 2013.

First is the Read more…

Why The Trinity Doctrine Disrespects God

The human psyche, unfortunately, lends itself to all sorts of unreasoned loyalties. Loyalty to groups and loyalty to ideas are two examples. Consider the extreme emotional bonds people can have for their football team, basketball team, etc. Would any of them ever ask what the point of it was?

Read more…

Should the Governing Body be Questioned and Put to the Test?

Keefa contributed and interesting comment that we present below slightly modifed. We do not mean to cause offense to those highly respect and regard the Jehovah’s Witness Governing Body. However, what we do want to do is raise the question, how can any religious group know Read more…

The Battle of Armageddon

For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. . . . And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.—Revelation 16:14-16

Read more…

How Do We Manage Guilt?

Proverbs 24:16: (NASB) For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, but the wicked stumble in time of calamity.

We have all made mistakes in our lives and we have all had the experience of carrying those mistakes with us often unnecessarily in the form of guilt. Left unattended, guilt like this can Read more…

How Jesus Comforts

“I will not leave you comfortless [or orphans]: I will come to you.” – John 14:18.

IN THESE words of the Savior we have an “I will not” and an “I will” in close and significant conjunction. One seems to show us the negative, and the other the positive side of Christ’s love. The Read more…

What Should We Pray For?

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7 NASB).

In prayer, we can praise, thank, and make requests of God. Is it proper to ask God to improve our health or to provide us a car so Read more…

Are Prophetic Date Predicters False Prophets?

Fundamentalist Christians take a hard line on setting dates for the second advent of Christ. Failed date-setters are labeled as “false prophets.” What are the Read more…

Archaeology Proves Our Bible is True

In our era of scientific and technological advancement, many question how our Bible written 2000-4000 years ago could possibly be true. However, Biblical Archaeology confirms that the Bible is true. How? The people, locations and events of history in the Bible have, metaphorically speaking, left footprints in the sands of history. Archaeology is the process Read more…

Revelation : Breaking the Symbolic Code

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.” —Revelation 1:1

The Book of Revelation is a prophetic picture of the experiences and purpose of the Christian Age. Read more…

All the Nations Shall Be Blessed (Even natural Israel?)

All the Nations Shall Be Blessed

Indeed I will greatly … multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore.—Genesis 22:17, NASB

The Abrahamic promise is one of the most comprehensive covenants in the Bible: “By myself I have sworn, declares the Read more…


The July 15 2013 “Study Edition” reveals “new light” unveiled at the October 5th 2012 Annual Meeting, at which it was announced that the Governing Body is now considered the “faithful and discreet slave” – the spiritual overlords of the nearly 8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide.

You can find the July15, 2013 Watchtower Study Read more…

June 29 – JW Elder’s Policies for Discipline & Disfellowship Compared to the Bible – Conference Call


On Saturday evening, June 29, Bible Student Elder, David Stein will lead a round table discussion on this topic. Joining him will be other Bible Student Elders Ric Read more…


Didn’t Jehovah/Yahweh appear to Moses in the burning bush? What kind of crazy talk is this to ask if maybe Jesus appeared to Moses in the burning bush? Fasten your seat belts guys! Brace yourself for turbulence and excitement! This is an amazing study!

Hebrews 1: (NKJV) 10 And: “You, LORD, in the beginning laid Read more…


Michael the Archangel and Satan disputed about the body of Moses. Perhaps Satan was interested in preserving Moses body by like the Egyptian mummies of the Pharaoh’s. Satan could have used Moses body as an object of worship and a stumbling block for natural Israel to bring God’s wrath against them. With such a danger, Read more…

When will Babylon the Great Collapse?

Listen to “When will Babylon Collapse?” by clicking below:

When Will Babylon Collapse

Rev 16(NKJV)

12  Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of Read more…


Listen to Recordings of the 2013 General Convention Here:

Find more General Conventions here. Scroll to bottom:



Do you and I have a covenant relationship with Jehovah?

Does Jesus make a New Covenant with His followers?

What other covenants did Jehovah make with people?

How do they all interrelate?

The answers to these questions may surprise you. The early Watchtower had this all figured out in the days Read more…

Who is Michael the Archangel?

Click here for the new and updated article: Who is Michael the Archangel 2014_08_27

Below is the older version of the article which is less complete.

Is Michael the Archangel Jesus or is Michael just a Read more…

1967 Watchtower

How J. F. Rutherford Consolidated Dictitorial Power

Click here for this amazing historical book from 1930 – Desolations of the Sanctuary 1929

This book chronicles the doctrinal and prophetic changes Rutherford made and explains how these changes were all for the purpose of transferring influence from Russell to Rutherford and for consolidating dictatorial power around the new movement, later Read more…

Can you help us to find a copy of the Will of Charles Taze Russell?

In 1907, Pastor Russell had executed his Last Will and Testament, which was amended slightly the following year, again in 1910 and once more in 1911. Copies of these Will’s have ever been made available to the public or the brethren. Yes, the 1907 Will was published in a 1916 Watchtower, however, we don’t have Read more…

Everything about Prayer

Click here to read the Herald Magazine issue, dedicated to the topic, PRAYER.

Prayer has been defined as the soul’s sincerest desire, either uttered or unexpressed. It is one of the most important blessings and privileges enjoyed by the Christian. It is one of the most powerful tools available to the follower Read more…


Shame is such a weird emotion. If I’m alone and make a mistake, I might feel aggravated with myself. If the mistake is a sin, I will feel guilty. But if I make the same mistake when I am with others, I will feel embarrassment and shame. The feeling of shame results as a response Read more…

Mobile Apps – Text & Audio – Bible, Talks, Studies in the Scriptues and more

Many mobile apps are available in different formats. Find them in the Right Panel of this website under the heading “Mobile Aps.”

For example, click here for a Mobile App called “Christian Resources.“


Bible Student Elder, Ric Cunningham talks about Angels and Demons in the World today. What are the Demons doing today? Who are they, fallen angels or the ghosts of dead people? Where do Demons come from? Do the demons have anything to do with influences in our culture, like UFOs, Wicca (white witches), music, movies, Read more…

What Happens on Judgment Day?

Judgment Day! The very sound of the phrase previews an ominous picture in the minds of most. Judgment day: a day of great regret, great wrath, great sorrow and great reward, both for the righteous and the unrighteous. All will receive what is coming to them on Judgment Day – the question is – Read more…


Mark Twain once said, “The report of my death was an exaggeration.” The same can be said of the association of International Bible Students. It has often been reported that we died off back in the days of J.F. Rutherford. Actually, we have existed continuously since the days of Brother Charles Taze Russell to the Read more…

Audio – Early Watchtower Brothers Speak. These Elders Knew Charles Taze Russell

Talks of Elders who were friends of and knew Charles Taze Russell are available to listen to. CLICK HERE TO SELECT. We want to encourage the friends, by sharing these discourses from faithful brethren of the past who were filled with the Lord’s spirit.

A number of the older recordings have some technical issues which Read more…

Topical Scripture Study Aid

Click here for this topical Bible Study Aid

Also click here for another aid.

Thy Word is Truth A Reference for Bible Students A classified collection of Scriptures and references on various subjects and helpful charts for handy reference.

Read more…

Jesus is Risen! (listen now)

Listen to JESUS IS RISEN by clicking here:

There have been many world changing events in human history. The printing press made knowledge accessible to the masses. The light bulb literally illuminated man’s course and fed an industrial revolution which brought previously unthinkable invention and convenience to many. Penicillin protected life in a new way. Read more…

Listen to: What is so Special about Palm Sunday?

Matthew 21:5: (NASB) “Say to the daughter of Zion, Behold your King is coming to you, gentle, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.“ The events of the Sunday before Jesus’ crucifixion were monumental. They not only began the culminating process for the greatest human Read more…

Jesus Last Days and His Foremost Concerns

“Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, Read more…

JW Elders Book – “Shepherd the Flock of God” explains Judicial Committee and Disfellowship Procedures

In 2010, a new Elder’s book – “Shepherd the Flock of God” – was released. You can find a copy by clicking here. A large portion of the book is devoted to the procedure for judicial committees and disfellowshipping. This book is for elders only, as made clear in Letter to Elders, August 23, 2010, Read more…

Does the Greek Word “Theos” and the Hebrew Word “Elohim” Prove the Trinity? Is Jesus the Great “I AM?”

There is no scripture in the Bible that says that God is composed of three persons. We know that Jehovah/Yahweh is the one true God and this was clearly taught in the Old Testament to distinguish the True God from false gods. This does not mean that Yahweh is the only “elohim” or “theos” (Hebrew Read more…

How Do We Manage Guilt?

We have all made mistakes in our lives and we have all had the experience of carrying those mistakes with us often unnecessarily in the form of guilt. Left unattended, guilt like this can turn to shame which can bring darkness. How does a Christian overcome deep and debilitating guilt and shame over past mistakes? Read more…

Crossing the Bridge From Daniel’s Time to the Time of the End (Daniel 11 verse by verse)

Read an explanation of Daniel 11 (World History) by clicking here:Daniel_11_JUNE_2005

The prophecy of Daniel 11 is a bridge between ancient Israel and End Times. End time prophecy has three principal sources: the Book of Daniel, our Lord Jesus’ Great Prophecy in Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation. There are also many Read more…

Why I am a Bible Student

Click here to check out this link for a very interesting article written by Daniel Torluemke, a Bible Student, in response to Robert C. Hill, ThB’S article “Why I Am Not A Bible Student”

Bible Students are not a sectarian organization. We are organized like the Early Church and the Bible Students at the Read more…

The Future Battle for Jerusalem

Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the LORD: for I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee: but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure; yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished.–Jeremiah 46:28

Read more…

Did Jesus Die on A Cross or A Stake?

Though the Bible does not specifically describe the instrument that Jesus died upon, tradition has it that he was put to death on a cross consisting of a stake and a crossbeam. The Greek stauros is sometimes used to describe a simple stake, and other times a more complex form such as the cross. To Read more…

Does God Forgive Suicide?

Listen to “Does God Forgive Suicide?” by clicking here:

Psalms 38:4: (NASB) For my iniquities are gone over my head; As a heavy burden they weigh too much for me. Life is difficult – it is full of trials, tragedies and trauma. Sometimes it overflows with grief and pain. For most of us, there is Read more…

What Rights and Privacy should Children Have?

Proverbs 13:24: (NASB) He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently.


Children are people too! Yes they are, but what does that really mean in terms of raising them? After all, they are children, and the object is for them to become adults – real, Read more…

Depressed but Not Forsaken

You’re exhausted. The day has just started, and already you’re tired. Everything feels like a burden. Nothing really interests you or makes you happy. Sometimes you eat too much, sometimes too little. Prayer is hard. You really can’t focus on studying. Talking to the brethren is tough because you have nothing much to say. Nobody Read more…

Without fanfare, Jehovah’s Witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusions

Tom Blackwell, National Post Staff | Dec 20, 2012 9:59 PM ET

For years, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ fiercely held belief that blood transfusions are contrary to God’s will led to emotional and very public disputes, hospitals clashing with parents over whether to infuse sick children.

That long history of messy legal confrontations appears to be Read more…

Sunday December 23 – Live Talk about “Jesus’ Birth and Why He Died”


On Sunday morning, December 23, the Chicago Bible Students would like to invite you to a live Internet PowerPoint Talk entitled “The Story and Purpose of Jesus Birth.” This heartwarming story has touched all of our hearts like no other story. On different occasions, angels had Read more…

Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre – Why does God Permit Human Suffering?

Thus says the LORD: “A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.” Jeremiah 31:15

The grief of parents in the Newtown area is beyond words. There is no real comfort at the moment, just Read more…

If Mary and Joseph used Facebook

Click this link and enjoy

January 30 Wednesday night Study – THE DAY OF JEHOVAH

Call Phone # 213-226-0400. After connecting dial pin#: 991337

Prepare for the lesson by reading chapter 14 by clicking here or by hearing the audio chapter 14 by clicking here:

The study begins promptly at 7:00 pm Central time (8:00 pm Eastern & 5:00 pm West Coast). It is best to call in 5 Read more…

Is Israel Fulfilling Bible Prophecy Today???

Consider this question: If Jehovah has rejected the Jews (natural Israel) and has cast them out of their land forever, how then, in these end times, have they defied Jehovah and returned to their land establishing a nation, against His will? Is that a reasonable conclusion? No. Had Jehovah been against the Jews, Read more…

Did the Apostle Paul believe that the Jews (natural Israel) were Rejected by Jehovah Forever?

Romans 11:1 (New World Translation)

“I ask, then, God did not reject his people, did he? Never may that happen!”

Let us see how Paul continues to answer this questions in Romans 11.

* In Rom 11:7, 8 shows that the nation of Israel did not obtain what it sought. Paul goes on in Read more…

Liberty & Justice for All

“… the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings… to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound…” — Isaiah 61:1

No matter what noble struggles the nations have made toward freedom, as long as there is sin and death, we have no real and lasting Read more…