You can find out by locating the Bible Students Convention nearest you at a convenient time by clicking here.
Nothing is like the experience of actually being there, to have the freedom to share your personal experiences, discuss your scriptural thoughts and ask questions about the Bible. The spirit of liberty, spirituality and love is beyond words.
If you can’t wait, the next best think is to view the recording of a convention. Below are links many of the presentations at the Chicago Bible Students 2011 New Years Conventions. Why not attend vicariously today. It is just not the same as being there, but it is the next best thing.
Here are the links to the recordings (audio, video and PowerPoint via Acrobat streaming) made of the Chicago Convention. Just click on any you would like to see and listen to…
Chicago 2011 New Year Convention
Friday—–Dec 31
11:30-12:30 Discourse …………Br. Brent Hislop
3:30- 4:15 Discourse ………….Br. David Stein
A Few Lessons from Solomon’s Temple
4:45- 5:30 Discourse …………..Br. Ken Rawson
The Holy of the Tabernacle
Saturday—— Jan 1
11:30-12:30 Discourse ……….Br. Michael Nekora
The Blind Spot
4:00- 4:45 Discourse …………Br. Brent Hislop
A Few Days in the Life of Jesus
6:30- 7:30 Vesper ……………Br. Ric Cunningham
The Bible
Sunday——Jan 2
10:00-11:00 Discourse ………….Br. David Stein
More Lessons from Solomon’s Temple
11:30-12:30 Discourse …………..Br. Ken Rawson
Making Your Calling and Election Sure
2:00- 2:45 Discourse ………Br. Harry Wildblood
Martin Luther, the Sixth Angel
3:00- 3:45 Discourse ……….Br. Michael Nekora
He Knows The Way I Take
will you be broadcastis on the internet the lord supper if you do how can I watch it or listen to it
Ken on thing I think we got away from was that the meetings was for our benefit and association. To get free parking (which sometimes they made us pay although free) and to get the facility at a discount you have to bring something to the city such as money spent. If you are self contained at your convention, which is the way it benefits Christians most to fellowship, the city will charge for all services. Huntsville Al. director made a mistake in asking the society to pay for parking. They dropped that city and went to Birmingham, Al. A huge inconvience for the friends but it forced the hand of Huntsville. The articles in the paper were angry over losing the huge 5 weekend convention. Merchants were furious. Needless to say a new director was appointed and the society was back the next year. However it revealed that parking is free but often we paid before hand. Chgo. was the same. We paid enormously but most everything was free or at a minimum charge because we cleaned and fixed the racetrack.9Strictly speaking according to the society policies,we shouldn’t have been at a gambling institution nor Notre Dame owned and operated by the Catholic Church and board was totally priestly.) Just a side bar.
I find at the BS conventions they give to time to discuss and think about a discourse just heard. You get intermission often. You don’t have to hurry, hurry. Then go to your car, get food, sleep and hurry,hurry again. You get to fellowship and incit one another in love.
Take note of their testimonial (equilvalent to our experiences section). It is uplifting to hear the true stories of the Christian walk. The triumphants and the distresses. You sign cards to send to those in hospitals or sick. Our experiences are rehearsed and staged. Practically a whole convention was incensed at one convention where the huges lie was told about a pioneer turning down help from Oprah. It was in my family, we cringed when we heard the lie. It was devastating to the whole family that the CO prevailed on a relative to embellish and lie about a simple business transaction.
Heartfelt real life is told at the BS convention. They are not rehearsed and embellished. I like that part. All Christians have faults and no religious walk is perfect as we all try together to encourage one another as we see the day drawing near.
2Tim 2:5 “Moreover, if anyone contends even in the games, he is not crowned unless he has contended according to the rules.” I am learning not how to get over on people at the door now, but to be like Christ and show love. To share the Ransom sacrifice as the only hope for mankind in a positive way now, not condematory.
I have 61yrs of unteaching and untraining to do. Then maybe Jesus will decide we played by the rules of God so we are fit to help in Millenium.
Wow!61 years you’ve been a Jw, you sure don’t look it!
Ken you are so kind, thanks. 2yrs and I am still healing but feeling stronger now. I say amen to your statement of more finding the BS. I tell every witness that I am with the BS. I tell all my clients,neighbors and a lot of political people that I know that I am now a BS. They are shocked! Because I am known as Jacqueline the JW. They come to my house to hear more. In fact a client right before study last night came with some questions from her husbands to ask me. He works in the mill and is talking to elders that work there. A fellow worker died and was a witness and DF wrongfully,but refused to come back after cleared. They would not do funeral, so he tells all his work mates about me leaving after 61yrs and why. Family that are not witnesses, heard in Ga. that I was not a witness (not DF, just walked away) The house filled up with nieces, husbands and people I didn’t know were relatives. My cousin neighbors seeing my RV and cars lining the stree thought somebody had died. My cousin told them no, she was a witness for 61 yrs and left. We all just want to know Why? Our family heads died JW. At one time there was 232 of us as witnesses. We are dying out and some of the younger ones left because one of the biggest sex scansals in the org. involved me revealing it in the 1980’s. I saw on the internet lastr week where jwn was talking about it and said 200 elders were DF’d. I know a lot went down but I think the number included the pioneers and wife swapping wives also. Also, the sex against the children was known by the society 14 yrs before and they hide it and failed to follow-up and kept appointed these men as elders. I comment on this because of Sharon’s conversation about DF. And also because I know the facts are true my family members were the children! In my area one elder was pulled down 2 times after molesting his daughter. An old 97 year old brother was silenced he said, because he disagreed with the society. So they DF but if it is an elder for some reason they put them back in a position of authority if they have not committed the molestation in 6 months. That is the strangest thing, I just can’t figure it out, why they disregard children so much and sacrifice them on an altar of a sort. Ken if you knew my connection with the belly of the beast, I have seen to much. I have been as close to an anointed as a person can get and the org is supported by many anointed, although they see the problem. It is a strange thing happening on this earth indeed and now I feel it is being revealed.
I think witnesses were blinded to the BS until the right time. Would you believe I had a beauty salon right inside a BS nursing type facility and saw the owner everyday? He and family were to me decent god fearing people. That why I formed a business alliance with him. He was a BS! I let a dear man put his tracts on a rack in my business in a huge truck stop. He was so kind when he asked. The pioneer objected that worked there. I told her fair play! Let people see two views. I remember now that they are some of the same tracts I see on the table at the conventions. I worked the house in Hobart, In of now what I know to be a BS years ago. I listened but my partner walked away to tell the brothers. I told them to go while I talked to this man in his yard. They were hiding in plain sight and Jehovah kept putting them before me, but it was not the right time for me to see. I enjoy worship now. For me it is a restoration to worship. I was a BS until 12 yrs old. It is a long story of my life of BS and witness at the same time. My mother would sneak to both. That’s why my family won’t totally condemn me, because our mother was a BS/Witness. I need to write a book, for Jehovah let me get close to the belly of the watchtower. I know their main spokesperson very well from childhood even. One thing I can say about him he has not changed in his zeal for JW since 16yrs old. I know this need to be on the ask J page but I felt like talking. I was sick most of the night, feeling better now, had asthma attack.
Glad to hear you’re back with the BS! I know how it feels to have an asthma attack;I’ve had it all my life but it’s less severe now that I’m older.I laughed when you said your mom was a JW/undercover BS!As you know I’ve been df’d for over a year and go to the JW meetings(to appease my wife) and the BS meeting here in Madison,since I’m d’fd the elders can’t say anything about it..I’m even reading “Crisis of Conscious” by Ray Franze! Have you read it yet?
Yes, I have read Crisis of conscience and in search of christian freedom, twice each. I am from the same circuit than Br.Raymond Franz was in and knew some of the players down there. A relative of mine sat on his 2nd trial but walked out.
I put the pdf link for those that wanted to read it. (In comment on Ask Jacqueline to Max).
He confirmed things for me. All the flip flop to disfellowship him by making a law if you eat with one that have left, then they changed the law after he was DF’d. Things he confirmed is why I don’t trust the organization. It works for it’s perpetuation. 2 buildings sold this month for about 8 million dollars. It seems the GB is liquidating so they have better control of money. I think wew will see soon how the love of money will be their downfall. Many KH have mortgages and the brothers have to pay off, but the KH still belongs to the society. Some brothers are losing their homes and there is no relief funds for them. I am glad to be out and help any to flee from such uncaring (7) men. Some elders are trying to shepherd the flock, but they are company men a part of a huge corporation and if they want to keep their jobs they have to obey the bosses. But some are good deceived men, some know something is wrong but sticks with the flock.
Sorry to hear about the asthma attack Jacqueline,
I’ve ended up going a few days without either of the medications I take for asthma because of prescriptions running out and having to be re-prescribed. Fortunately no attack.
Thanks Dupin. I have chemical induced asthma and just got it in 2010 after a fire at my office complex, smoke inhalation. I am learning to live with and deal with it. Getting it in your 60’s the lungs are not as resilient and it can be tough. Let me tell you something funny. I attended a BS convention and didn’t know that asthma comes back so I didn’t carry meds in my purse. I coughed so much, I had to keep telling everyone it wasn’t a cold or TB. Imagine my embarassment as I literally coughed for hours. I was able to take my laptop to a private place in building and get online. Everyone knew me from the fact I cough all the time or clear my throat. Now I know when it is coming on and have an arsenal of meds. The steroids is what messes with you tho. But I have another problem also. I keep waking up every morning, one morning right after the other. Imagine the pain for those that don’t wake up every morning. Counting my blessings!
Hi Jacqueline, thanks for clearing that up.I won’t be able to make it this year,however, I will listen to some of it.I just got through listening to the brother giving a talk on “mercy”…very good!Yeah I remember my days of being a Jw,at first the assemblies did have hot meals but later they changed it to everyone bring their own. I didn’t realize the WTBTS had an agreement with the city tourism board but, I guess it makes sense,that’s probably why the Jw’s get discounts on hotel rooms.
Hi Ken, Those are New Year 2011 convention that has passed.
Sat, Sun. Mon. coming up is the convention for this year 12/31/2011 to 1/02/2012. I will be there and I will say hello if you come on. I have this habit of standing in front of the camera waving to everyone. I stay overnite as I live in Indiana about 1 1/2 hours away or less.
Also the winter youth camp is coming to an end. Last year I met young Bible Students from different countries. I hate to keep saying this, but we get hot meals. They are catered and there is plenty to eat. Only a witness can appreciate the no brown bag thing. My whole family would be sick after eating brown bag and in expensive restaurants in evening. The society has an agreement with the tourism boards of a city, that their people will infuse the economy. Instead of having time to associate we are out looking for food. Some cities come out of the red when we have our conventions as JW. That is not why we meet. You can not hold hands with God and the commercial giants. But many are dubed and don’t catch what is going on.
I noticed the dates for the assembly are from Dec. 31st 2011-Jan.2nd 2012(which hasn’t come yet)so are these recordings from last years assembly or are the assemblies the same for a certain group of years?
Yeah and you get to express your own opinion without fear of being dragged to the “back room” by a group of “elders”!!
Funny thing.
Bible Students are living in the past and Jehovah’s Witnesses think they are already living the future.
May Jehovah have mercy on them all.
Bible students aren’t living any more in the past than many millions in the nominal churches of Christendom Dieter, or even the Witnesses who are stuck in the past with the Judge for that matter. We look forward to the future, where the past comes in is in understanding what is coming in the future.
What you may not realize is that the Pastor is simply the standard, he provides the framework for doctrine and interpretation and nothing more. Whenever as diverse a grouping as the Bible Students gets together, and believe me there is quite a diversity of belief among us, there has to be some sort of a standard as an agreed to frame of reference or things degenerate in a chaotic scene. Hence he is the agreed upon standard for general discourse when we get together in large groups.
Dieter, I know what you are saying in a way. The Bible is old and the words are from the past and many today feel that such an ancient book could not have relevance today. But it is funny that truth is the truth and does not really change. It is fascinating to me also that the Studies in the Scriptures has all that knowledge in it from the 19th century! I am fascinated when I ask a Bible Student a question and they answer with clarity from the scriptures. I recognized them at the first convention, because they had not changed. At the first convention, I went from joy to tears all in one day! They were still holding to the truth (with a clearer image now) just as they did when I was a young girl. If it is a lie, change it! If it is the truth stick with it! Moses words are as good today as they were in the 18th century.
Thank you so much for commenting and maybe Br. Peter can show you how to adobe connect to a convention. You’ll get the feel of it. No it is not slick, sleek or superfine, it is just inviting and the speakers talk to you like a brother or sister. No they won’t scold you either and give you a guilt complex. You will feel like we are all in this together. In Christ’ love and sincerely, Jacqueline