Let us know by responding to the Poll to the right. The Bible has for centuries been a source of confusion to men everywhere. Many people have concluded that it cannot be a reliable source of information because so many contradictory theories claim to be based upon its contents. The purpose of this booklet is Read more… THE OBJECTIVE of the first three verses of Hebrews is to impress upon the Jewish Christians that a new epoch has begun which, while it centers in Jesus, is based upon the prophetic accumulations of the past. Because the entire book of Hebrews will contrast Jesus to features and prominent ones of the past, showing Read more… Listen to parts 1 & 2 of the fascinating radio program by clicking here: (See programs 658 & 659) John 14:3: (NASB) If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am, there you may be also. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, Read more… We have a new page called “Anointed Talk” and we are encouraging Anointed JWs to share their stories. We always thought that the Anointed were among the most respected JWs and that they were looked to for spiritual leadership and guidance. We are surprised to be hearing a very different story from the Anointed who Read more… Our next Bible Study will begin on May 18, Wednesday evening. Find more information about our studies by clicking here: We prefer that everyone participating call in under our Skype Name: BibleStudentFriends . Those who do not have Internet access, or are not comfortable with Skype, can call with this phone # 630-687-1117 . If Read more… Is this picture right? The purpose of the Battle of Armageddon is gather the nations to destroy this old order in the symbolic “fire” of anarchy—in preparation for the blessings of a “new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17). Armageddon will be unprecedented and unique in two ways: magnitude and target. It will be Read more… LESSONS FROM MOTHERS OF THE BIBLE What lesson’s can we learn from the lives of mothers of the Bible? How did they inspire their children to follow Jehovah? For insightful comments, click here Reference: and check box called “Expanded Biblical Comments,” then click on the “Refresh” button. Do this each time you look up a Read more… Salvation – it is at the very core of Christian faith. Salvation is something we all want and something that we as Christians all claim. That’s good…for us. Now the harder part. What about unbelievers? Where do they fit? Do all unbelievers have the same opportunity as we do? What about those who never heard Read more… The Photo-Drama of Creation was produced at the time of the Early Watchtower under the direction of it’s president, Charles Taze Russell. It was in 4 parts, altogether for 8 hours. The completed production premiered in January 1914 in New York and was presented worldwide, being viewed by over 9 million people. It has the Read more… The Herald Magazine covers Controversial Doctrines The Trinity, Immortality of the Soul, Everlasting Punishment, Baptism, Let Us Not Come Short, Prosperity Theology, Every Eye Shall See Him and Our Heritage of Knowledge. The magazine cover has a likeness of Arius, a fourth century Christian leader from Alexandria, Egypt, who taught that Jesus was the son Read more… A mistake is in presuming that the Little Flock of 144,000 are the only ones who will receive a heavenly reward. The Anointed can be broken down into two classes after death: 1) the 144,000 and 2) those who fall short of the 144,000, but who are not going into second death. We believe Read more… |
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