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How 7 Times get you to 1914 – The End of the Gentile Times

“Hew down the tree. . . leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass . . . let a beast’s heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him” – Daniel 4:14-16

This text comes from a dream of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. Many things occur in dreams which are impossible in reality. That was true in this dream. Nebuchadnezzar saw a great tree which sheltered and nourished all the beasts of earth and fowl of heaven. “The height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth.” Suddenly this majestic tree was ordered of the angels to be hewn down, but to leave the “stump of his roots in the earth, . . .  with a band of iron and brass.” (Dan. 4:10-15) The scene changed, and the tree became a man given over to the life of a beast. “Wet with the dew of heaven . . . let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth: let his heart be changed from man’s and let a beast’s heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him.” (Vs. 15, 16)

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45 comments to How 7 Times get you to 1914 – The End of the Gentile Times

  • Miroslav

    No, I think it is irresponsible to put a gap in 70th week, especially such long one: “The biggest problem, though, is the last week for which is said to be still to come. If this is true, then sacrifice and gift offering have not been ceased (Daniel 9:27), although for more than 19 centuries, nobody has offered up any animal on the altar of Jehovah! Even more important is the fact that most important events for Christianity – Christ’s atoning death, resurrection and the founding of the Christian congregation are located outside the weeks determined for making atonement for error and victory over sin! These magnificent events are in the space in between, or in the gap which is now almost two millennia long, four times longer than the seventy weeks!!!” No, I was referring to Daniel 12:1-7 in connection with the first intensive trample of Jerusalem inside the seven times. Second one, outside of great seven times, is depicted in Daniel 7:25 and Re 11:1-3. Explanation is in my book, so there is no need for me to copy and paste answers, but we both know I am too insignificant for you. You would not bother to spend even 30 minutes to learn something from me. I do not blame you. This is what leaders do. Anyway, if anyone is willing to learn something, maybe only how to refute my arguments, I will leave the link again:


    • Peter K. (admin)

      Miroslav – I downloaded your file but it would not open for me in Adobe reader. Without getting complicated please answer some questions.

      Do you believe the seven times are the same as 7 x 360 = 2520? Years or literal days?

      Start date in the future or past? If past, what is the start date.

      • Miroslav

        Hello Peter! Unfortunately, I did not write the book in pdf format, but in html. So, you need to unzip it and use your web browser to open it. Internet explorer is the best, but you can use opera, edge, mozilla… There are some minor issues with them, but text is readable. Seven times are 2520 days and years also. Neb was mad and humiliated for 2520 days. Jerusalem was humilated for 2520 years, from 607 BC to 1914 CE. However, there are 2 additional tramplings of the holy city which last 2520 days. (1260×2) First occurred from 66 to 70 CE. Last one is coming and will mark the end of humilation of Jehovahs people and the time came when they will possess the kingdom…

        • Peter K. (admin)

          Thanks Miroslav – So what do you see as the significance of 1914 CE? The end of the humiliation of literal Jerusalem? of Israel? Something else?

          You say that “(1260×2) First occurred from 66 to 70 CE.” You must mean 1260 literal days or about 3 1/2 years. Which Bible passage do you think best applies to that specific period?

          • Miroslav

            1914 marks the end of Jerusalem’s trampling. I cannot see it could be earthly Jerusalem coz Ottomans ruled the city that year, as in the previous year and the next year. Jesus said, during his ministry that Jerusalem is “the city of the Great King”. Jerusalem still had that significance, in a sense, even after the end of first 1260 days. After destruction of the Temple things change. Jehovah was not present there in any way, and apostle John calls the city Sodom and Egypt! New Jerusalem become “the city of the Great King”. So, 7 times start with trampling of “the city of the Great King” and end with liberation of celestial “city of the Great King”! Will earthly Jerusalem regain his position, I do not know. Maybe descendance of new Jerusalem hints that, but this is another topic. It makes me sad to hear the question about Bible passage which applies to 1260 days. I answered that in previous post. I think that people who discuss should pay attention to what other says. If you force me to repeat myself over and over again, this could mean that discussion is pointless. I would encourage you again to unzip my folder, since you downloaded my book, and open it with the browser you use…

            • Peter K. (admin)

              Mirolav – I thought you were referring to Daniel 9 prophecy of 70 weeks (beginning in 454 BC) the last week, for the 1260 days your were applying to 66 to 70 CE. But I wanted to hear it from you because I don’t understand what justification people have for not having the last week to follow exactly after first 483 years (69 weeks) as the last week or seven years from 29 to 36 CE.

  • Dave

    Hi Tapio

    If you would like to discuss the Gentile times I would be happy to. For 28 years ctr said it was coming . Historian Arnold Tonnbe said the world has not been the same since. Sorry spelt his name wrong. Now the world is on lock down. But we will come out of it for more prophecy must be fulfilled. Amos 3:7

  • Dupin

    Molander, Hello there.

    And welcome aboard. First let me note that your desire to dig deeper than what the Watchtower publishes is commendable. We are encouraged by the Apostle Paul to dig deeper in our quest for the “meat” of the scriptures. That can make thing uncomfortable for us at times, but getting to the bottom of things brings us closer to God and his son. Let’s see about your questions:

    “While a witness I felt that 1914 proofs were water tight and rock solid. When I afterwards started digging deeper I encountered more and more problems. I totally lost logical connection in between the Gentile times and Nebu’s 7 times, my foremost obstacle being the future tempus used in Luke 21:24. This will place the start of this Gentile times somewhere after Jesus said those words.

    There are several other reasons why I fail to understand why these 7 years would carry any additional meaning besides biblically famous “complete”. The Bible and history do not allow Nebu to have that long period for “sick leave”. Nothing in Daniel’s account will indicate that this 7 year period carries any larger meaning besides what is written therein.”

    Actually, Molander, Jesus’ words are how we know the prophecy goes beyond their fulfillment on Nebuchadnezzar, without them there is no connection. But like so many things in the scriptures that connection doesn’t seem so obvious at first glance. Remember, we are dealing with types and antitypes here. Nebuchadnesser is the obvious type since the decree was fulfilled upon him. I realize that secular history doesn’t contain a specific record of Nebu’s fall and years of debilitation, but it is doubtful the ruling family would’ve allowed any record of that in the government archives, so we have to rely on Daniel for that record. Like many other prophecies something to understand is that often God did not grant people knowledge of their fulfillment until either after or close to the time of fulfillment.

    Jesus’ words tell us a few things of interest beyond the obvious which bear on our discussion. His use of the word “καιρoς” in reference to the “times” indicates the duration of those times was fixed, since that is the nuance of that particular Greek word as opposed to “χρονος,” which is much more flexible as to time. The Pastor recognized this aspect of the passage and made note of it in the second volume on page 78.

    A point which directly addresses your question as to “when” is Jesus’ use of the Greek verb πληροω, which has the idea of filling up, or completing, when speaking of the Gentile Times. It is in the Aorist, passive, subjunctive and emphasizes the completion of those times without direct reference to exactly when. The context tells us he is placing the end of those times into the future. But note, it is the ENDING of the gentile times (καιρος) he places in the future, not the entire duration (χρονος) of those times. So what we gather from that is that those times were ongoing in his time.

    You can find more on the subject in the second volume of the Studies In the Scriptures, titled “The Time Is At Hand,” where there is a study devoted to the subject of the Gentile Times from pages 73-102 which you may find quite helpful. If you don’t have that volume you can find it at http://www.mostholyfaith.com/ . Just go to the button “Scripture Studies and then select the volume I cited then a window will appear with the studies, or chapters in the book and simply select study IV.

    I hope you find this information helpful.

    • Tapio Molander

      Dupin, thanks for your response:

      >>Remember, we are dealing with types and antitypes here.

      My approach is more of the Sola Scriptura -kind of attitude and thus I feel unease when applying types and antitypes in instances where this is not specifically encouraged by the Scriptures. Anyhow I tried to center my question to the instance of future tense Jesus used in Luke 21:24. I do not know Greek language at all and therefore I have relied comments like these:

      “Unlike the other tenses in which the time element is not primary, the future tense always
      refers to event in the future.” (Basics of Biblical Greek – William D. Mounce p. 157)

      “Just like the English future tense, the Greek future tells about an anticipated action or a
      certain happening that will occur at some time in the future.”

      Also I have discussed this with an expert and author of the NT Greek grammar in local language, first of a kind.

      I see no reason not to respect the NT grammar. The future tense rules out the thought of an ongoing process that has had its start hundreds of years ago.

      >>Nebuchadnesser is the obvious type since the decree was fulfilled upon him.

      As I see it presently, this account does not contain any specific reference to future fulfillments. To the contrary, concluding words in Dan. 4:34 sum it all up.

      >>I realize that secular history doesn’t contain a specific record of Nebu’s fall and years of debilitation, but it is doubtful the ruling family would’ve allowed any record of that in the government archives, so we have to rely on Daniel for that record.

      There is no need to even think that ruling family would have had a problem in their hands. The Bible along with secular history has kept Nebu so busy that there is no 7 years gap. Longest time period of not known activities is some 6+ years leading to his death.

      Anyway all these numerous details are less significant to me as long I respect the NT grammar in Luke 21:24 regarding the Gentile times. For example Carl Olof Jonsson have in his “The Gentile Times Reconsidered, Choronology and Christ’s Return” a detailed table of Nebu’s activities, worth of checking (third print 1998 page 254).

      >>You can find more on the subject in the second volume of the Studies In the Scriptures, titled “The Time Is At Hand,” where there is a study devoted to the subject of the Gentile Times from pages 73-102 which you may find quite helpful.

      Starting soon 20 years ago I have already read all the six volumes. As to the pages referred I have several problems (we may have copies of different prints at hand), on page 79 there is a mention of year 606, which will lead to 1915 rather than 1914. Right or wrong, but I have read that this problem of “zero year” error was pointed out (by P.S.L Johnson?) to Russell with no avail.

      On page 80 Russell refers to B.C. 536, relies on secular historians and counts backwards 70 years. However relying historians and counting backwards Babylonian kings and their years in power, poses a problem. One will land nowhere near 606 with Nebu’s 18th or 19th year.

      With that in mind going back to page 73 tells the actual expectation what Russell had for this particular year: “During this interval, the dominion of earth was to be exercised by Gentile governments; and Israel, both fleshly and spiritual, have been and are to be subject to these powers until their time is expired.” Pages 76-77 continue: “In this chapter we present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i. e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A. D. 1914; and that that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men.”

      To best of my knowledge nothing has so far changed in regards to this dominion of Gentile governments Russell had in mind. Unfortunately, only considering these details it is obvious that the SS2 is not something I would turn to as a reliable source of information in this matter.

      • Peter K. (admin)

        Tapio – Thanks for your comments.  You said, “To best of my knowledge nothing has so far changed in regards to this dominion of Gentile governments Russell had in mind.”

        Keep in mind that at the time of Jesus second presence the conventional wisdom will be that nothing has changed when in fact the old world is falling apart and changes are occurinf in preoaration for the kingdom (Israel, technology, comminication, agriculture, travel, Internet, etc.)

        2 Peter 3:4, 10 (YLT98) “and saying, `Where is the promise of his presence? for since the fathers did fall asleep, all things so remain from the beginning of the creation;’ and it will come–the day of the Lord–as a thief in the night, in which the heavens with a rushing noise will pass away, and the elements with burning heat be dissolved, and earth and the works in it shall be burnt up.”

        Brother Russell stated he was not a prophet, however it is fair game to see how well he did on interpreting and applying prophecies which he publically promoted.

        I can underdtand if you want to say he was mistaken  for expecting too much to happen in 1914, yet keep in mind that students of the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel 9 in Jesus day should be considered considered mistaken as well.  They got the time for Messiah right, but believed He would defeat the Romans and set up the earhly kingdom.  Even the Apostle had these sorts of expectations. (Acts 1:6)

        Just as the 70 Weeks prophecy was correct, even if the disciples over expected the results, so 1914 was correct, even if Brother Russell over expected the results.

        To argue that the 1914 date is wrong, you must take the position that it was a lucky coincidence that:
        *  WW1 broke out
        *  The European kings lost their thrones.
        *  Church / State rule ended
        *  WW1 produced the Balfour Declaration setting aside Palestine as the homeland for the Jews.

        Are you prepared to say that Russell got lucky?

        I would have to say that the evidence points to him as a true prophetic student.

        What about all the other prophetic interpretations he got right like Israel becoming a nation?

        He taught that the Old Testament had a prophecy called the “double.”  With that prophecy we arrive at two key dates:

        1878: Berlin Congress of nations, for first time in nearly 2,000 years allows Jews to purchase land in Israel.  First Jewish Settlement established called Peta Tekvah.

        1948:  Israel becomes a nation.

        Are there any modern day prophets?  If there are, who are the candidates that predicted a future date from Bible Prophecy and got it right?  I don’t know of anyone other than Russell.  I don’t think of him as a prophet myself.  However, for  who call him a false prophet, the evidence points the other direction.

        I am just giving you my opinion Tapio.  However, if you disagree, I hope we can still be friends.


        • Tapio Molander

          With due respect Peter, but I feel an urge to return to what I already quoted: “…the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i. e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A. D. 1914; and that that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men”.

          English is not my first language, but I am convinced that both the FULL END and the FARTHEST LIMIT are most definite expressions. And plain cardinal number (1914) was not enough, but precisely any of few first days of October were to be the D-day of THE END of Russell’s Armageddon that was set off 1874. WW1 had already begun earlier that summer.

          Furthermore Russell wrote in the same book (p. 101): “Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A. D. 1878, and that the “battle of the great day of God Almighty ” (Rev. 16: 14.), which will end in A. D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth’s present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God’s Word.”

          >>2 Peter 3:4, 10 (YLT98)…

          2 Peter was written quite late and to inspire people (i.e. readers of the original letter) with fresh courage, as the return of Jesus was long overdue.

          >>Brother Russell stated he was not a prophet, however it is fair game to see how well he did on interpreting and applying prophecies which he publically promoted.

          As far as I know none of the dates or predictions came true, I consider him as a typical ambitious preacher.

          >>I can underdtand if you want to say he was mistaken for expecting too much to happen in 1914, yet keep in mind that students of the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel 9 in Jesus day should be considered considered mistaken as well.

          There is a problem here. This famous 70 weeks started to gain popularity more than a century after Jesus had been dead and buried. But mistaken, or misled, they were in any case as Jesus promised to return while some of the people that he had addressed this promise, were still alive and kicking.

          >>They got the time for Messiah right, but believed He would defeat the Romans and set up the earhly kingdom. Even the Apostle had these sorts of expectations. (Acts 1:6)

          They lived through their end times in eager expectation, as so many generations after that an presumably even after us. Be it earthly kingdom, but at least they were prepared to meet Jesus midway up somewhere while still alive.

          There is another aspect also. If one does admit that this people got parousia thing wrong, what would that mean as to the reliability of the NT regarding this same parousia?

          >>To argue that the 1914 date is wrong, you must take the position that it was a lucky coincidence that:
          * WW1 broke out

          To start with, originally Russell predicted that Armageddon is over by October 1914, then he changed that to 1915. As far as I understand none of the expectations Russell brought out came true.

          >>* The European kings lost their thrones.

          This is beating around the bush, according to Russell there should have not been a single earthly ruler: “…complete overthrow of earth’s present rulership, is already commenced.”

          >>Are you prepared to say that Russell got lucky?

          He was promising and predicting things that did not come true. WW1 was not set off in first days of October 1914.

          >>What about all the other prophetic interpretations he got right like Israel becoming a nation?

          That was a common expectation by that time.

          >>He taught that the Old Testament had a prophecy called the “double.” With that prophecy we arrive at two key dates:

          If I am not badly mistaken year 1874 (in the beginning also 1872 and 1873) was a biblical year representing 6000 years of human existence on earth. In order to achieve that Russell had to alter the Bible chronology by one century. That is one less reason to take for example SITS seriously.

          >>Are there any modern day prophets? If there are, who are the candidates that predicted a future date from Bible Prophecy and got it right? I don’t know of anyone other than Russell.

          My problem is that predicting or prophesy for me is something precise and explicit and argumentation is not circumstantial evidence or circular reasoning.

          >>I am just giving you my opinion Tapio. However, if you disagree, I hope we can still be friends.

          Peter, no problem there

          • Peter K. (admin)

            Tapio -We should note that, in 1904, ten years before 1914, Russell reveresed his earlier conclusion that 1914 was to see the end of the time of trouble, and adopted the conclusion that the end of the Gentile Times would see the beginning of the time of trouble. Thus, from 1904 onward, Russell was not expecting that 1914 would see the full end of the Gentile Kingdoms, and this can be seen in many statements that he made between 1904 and 1914

            • Tapio Molander

              Peter, this all started when I was offered SS2 as a source of information. I do not feel very confident if prophesy or prediction evolves as time goes by and original very exact expectations has to be modified. Foretelling future is not an easy task.

              But anyhow my question and main interest to start writing here lies in verse Luke 21:24 and in future tense. There is no end if we would start comparing our opinions about Russell and his teachings.

              • Peter K. (admin)

                Tapio – In answer to Dupin’s scholarly analysis of the Greek you simply said that Luke 21:24 is in the future tense. You are not clear. Which Greek word or words are you saying are in the Future Tense?

                For reference, here is the verse with some Strong’s #s inserted.

                Luke 12:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be <2071> (5704) trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times <2540> of the Gentiles <1484> be fulfilled <4137> (5686).

                I presume you are referring to the expression, “shall be <2071> (5704)” which in fact is in the future tense. However, you seemed to have missed Dupin’s point. Her was referring to “be fulfilled <4137> (5686)”

                Dupin said, “A point which directly addresses your question as to “when” is Jesus’ use of the Greek verb πληροω [<4137> (5686)], which has the idea of filling up, or completing, when speaking of the Gentile Times. It is in the Aorist, passive, subjunctive and emphasizes the completion of those times without direct reference to exactly when. The context tells us he is placing the end of those times into the future. But note, it is the ENDING of the gentile times <2540> (καιρος) he places in the future, not the entire duration (χρονος) of those times. So what we gather from that is that those times were ongoing in his time.”

                Now the word “times” Strong’s 2540 is the normal prophetic word for the 360 days times as below. (3 ½ x 360 = 1260 prophetic days or actual years)

                Re 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time <2540>.

                Re 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time <2540>, and times <2540>, and half a time <2540>, from the face of the serpent.

                So seven of these times (Strong’s 2540) would be 7 x 360 = 2520 prophetic days or actual years. Like you say, “Sola Scriptura.”

                • Tapio Molander

                  >> presume you are referring to the expression, “shall be (5704)” which in fact is in the future tense.

                  Yes, Textus Receptus G2071 or GNT Morph G1510: http://biblesuite.com/greek/estai_1510.htm

                  >> However, you seemed to have missed Dupin’s point. Her was referring to “be fulfilled (5686)”

                  >>Dupin said, “A point which directly addresses your question as to “when” is Jesus’ use of the Greek verb πληροω [ (5686)], which has the idea of filling up, or completing, when speaking of the Gentile Times. It is in the Aorist, passive, subjunctive and emphasizes the completion of those times without direct reference to exactly when. The context tells us he is placing the end of those times into the future. But note, it is the ENDING of the gentile times (καιρος) he places in the future, not the entire duration (χρονος) of those times. So what we gather from that is that those times were ongoing in his time.”

                  Here I have to rely to Wiki

                  In these languages the aorist is usually a form that expresses perfective aspect and often refers to past events. It is thus comparable in meaning to what is called the preterite in grammars of some languages.

                  The perfective aspect (abbreviated PFV), sometimes called the aoristic aspect,[1] is a grammatical aspect used to describe a situation viewed as a simple whole—a unit without internal structure.

                  The preterite (in American English also preterit) is a grammatical tense or verb form existing in various languages, serving to denote events that took place or were completed in the past.

                  In my mind the above does not justify placing a start and a finish about 2500 years apart. Anyhow I have asked a second opinion from a source whose field of expertise this is.

                  >>Now the word “times” Strong’s 2540 is the normal prophetic word for the 360 days times as below. (3 ½ x 360 = 1260 prophetic days or actual years)

                  Daniel uses word iddan:

                  If I would take this word for a literal calendar year, then my logic would call for a Babylonian calendar as the first candidate. And if the writer of this book meant a literal year, it did not come true.

                  >>Like you say, “Sola Scriptura.”

                  When I apply Sola Scriptura it is not picking and connecting freely from various parts of the Bible. For example this year for a day conversion is mentioned twice in the Bible, Num. 14:34 and Eze. 4:6 and as I see it, both have a specific command only for those instances.

          • Peter K. (admin)

            Tapio, [Subject: 70 Weeks prophecy]

            Here was one of my comments and your response:

            Peter K wrote – I can underdtand if you want to say he was mistaken for expecting too much to happen in 1914, yet keep in mind that students of the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel 9 in Jesus day should be considered considered mistaken as well. They got the time for Messiah right, but believed He would defeat the Romans and set up the earhly kingdom. Even the Apostle had these sorts of expectations. (Acts 1:6)

            Tapio wrote – There is a problem here. This famous 70 weeks started to gain popularity more than a century after Jesus had been dead and buried. But mistaken, or misled, they were in any case as Jesus promised to return while some of the people that he had addressed this promise, were still alive and kicking.


            My response:

            Daniel 9:24-25 (Amplified) “24 Seventy weeks of years, or 490 years are decreed upon your people and upon your holy city Jerusalem, … 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until the coming of the Anointed One, a Prince, shall be seven weeks of years and sixty-two weeks of years;”

            How do you know that “This famous 70 weeks started to gain popularity more than a century after Jesus had been dead and buried”?

            Luke 3:15 (Amplified) “15 ¶ As the people were in suspense {and } waiting expectantly, and everybody reasoned {and } questioned in their hearts concerning John, whether he perhaps might be the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).”

            We never read of another time in the Bible where “the people were… waiting expectantly” for the Messiah. Were the Jews so ignorant that they could not add the years from King Artaxerxes command to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2) to the time of Jesus?

            • Tapio Molander

              >>My response:
              >>Daniel 9:24-25 (Amplified) “24 Seventy weeks of years, or 490 years are decreed upon your people and upon your holy city Jerusalem, … 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until the coming of the Anointed One, a Prince, shall be seven weeks of years and sixty-two weeks of years;”

              If I remember right this word mashiyach is found about 40 times in OT and I do not know why I should think that Jesus is meant in those two verses. For me just plain an anointed is closer to the story itself as I am in favor of Daniel being written around 164-163 B.C.E.

              >>How do you know that “This famous 70 weeks started to gain popularity more than a century after Jesus had been dead and buried”?

              It is part of a lengthy sort of summary that starts with these words: “I would like to point out that the Society’s interpretation is an Adventist variant of the late Christian interpretation (and reworking of the text) that has been in vogue since the third century AD onward.”

              And ends with these words: “If you examine most major Bible commentaries (such as by Montgomery, Charles, Collins, Gowan, Goldingay, Hartman & DiLella, Porteous, Lacocque, etc.), you would find a similar explanation of the “70 weeks” as given here.”

              >>We never read of another time in the Bible where “the people were… waiting expectantly” for the Messiah.

              To me it looks like just choice of words for one single occasion.

              >>Were the Jews so ignorant that they could not add the years from King Artaxerxes command to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2) to the time of Jesus?

              Difficult to say of that old folk, anyhow the Bible contains also numerical errors. Previous major expectation was during previous end time around 164 B.C.E.

              >>Doesn’t the book of Daniel tell us that we would understand time prophecy at the time of the end?

              Yes, it says, and this time of the end was around 164 B.C.E. And talking about the end times in the Bible, next end time was soon after the death of Jesus, when people expected to be taken alive midway to meet returning Jesus.

              • Peter K. (admin)


                I have done tit for tat debates before. In our case, I am sure you will have your own answer for any argument I bring. So I will take a different approach.

                Let me summarize what I have concluded that relates to our discussion. Prophecy is best understood once fulfilled. Hence, although the 70 weeks prophecy pointed to Messiah, prophetic students, including the Apostles, over expected the results, including the defeat of the Romans and the setting up of the early kingdom. Brother Russell amazingly predicted some of the most significant dates in history:

                1878 – Return of Favor to Israel. First Jewish settlement (Petah Tikva) established.
                1914 – WWI began, which as a result, 1) church/state rule broken, 2) kings lost thrones, 3) break up of Europeon colonies – completed in WW2 and 4) the war led to Balfour Declaration promising Palestine as a homeland for the Jews.
                1948 – Israel becomes a nation (second fulfillment of “Israel’s Double” prophecy)

                Not only has the Lord provided Time Prophecies to pinpoint the Days we are in, however, He has also provided many signs, the most simple of which to understand are found in Daniel 12.

                According to Daniel 12, at the Time of the End when Michael stands up the following will be in process:
                * Knowledge increased (technology, science, etc)
                * Travel increased (cars, planes, etc.)
                * Great Time of Trouble (trouble intertwined globally for first time in history – i.e. WWI & WWII, economy, Terrorism, etc.)
                * Israel Delivered (now restored to land and a nation)
                * Book of Daniel unsealed (volume 3 of studies in the scriptures)

                Now Tapio, I realize that all this means nothing to you. I know you can answer each point to your satisfaction. These fulfilments satisfy me. Once a prophecy is fulfilled, what would it take to convince you of it?

                2 Pet 3:10 (Rotherham) “Howbeit the day of the Lord will be here, as a thief,––in which, the heavens, with a rushing noise, will pass away, while, elements, becoming intensely hot, will be dissolved, and, earth, and the works therein, will be discovered.”

                Jesus said, “nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light” (Luke 8:17). Satan is the prince of darkness. Can you see with the 24 hours news cycle, the Internet, WikiLeaks, etc. that truth is being “discovered” and Satan’s kingdom is crumbling under the increasing light?

                Initially, Jesus presence is in secret to the world, like a “theif in the night.” So let us not be like those who say, “Where is the promise of his presence? For, since the fathers fell asleep, all things, thus remain, from the beginning of creation” (2 Pet 3:4 Rotherham).

                Here is the bottom line. The whole world is changing around us (i.e. Daniel signs). What is causing these changes?

                1) God and or Jesus (destroying Satan’s kingdom and setting the infrastructure in place for the new kingdom).
                2) Satan (to what end?)
                3) Man’s ingenuity. Timing is a mere coincidence. God has nothing to do with it.
                4) Other. What?

          • Peter K. (admin)

            Tapio, [Israel prophecies]

            Peter wrote – What about all the other prophetic interpretations he got right like Israel becoming a nation? He taught that the Old Testament had a prophecy called the “double.” With that prophecy we arrive at two key dates:

            1878: Berlin Congress of nations, for first time in nearly 2,000 years allows Jews to purchase land in Israel. First Jewish Settlement established called Peta Tekvah.

            1948: Israel becomes a nation.

            Tapio wrote – If I am not badly mistaken year 1874 (in the beginning also 1872 and 1873) was a biblical year representing 6000 years of human existence on earth. In order to achieve that Russell had to alter the Bible chronology by one century. That is one less reason to take for example SITS seriously.


            My response: Okay so Russell got 1878, 1914 and 1948 correct. And your response is simply, “My problem is that predicting or prophesy for me is something precise and explicit and argumentation is not circumstantial evidence or circular reasoning.”

            Who else predicted future dates like this and got it right? Are you saying that the 70 weeks time prophecy is an anomaly (the only time prophecy) and that we cannot use other time prophecies to verify now historical events predicted by the Bible?

            Daniel 12:9-12 (RVIC) “9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed till the time of the end… 10 … none of the wicked shall understand; but they that are wise shall understand… 11 And from the time that the continual burnt-offering shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred thirty-five days.”

            Doesn’t the book of Daniel tell us that we would understand time prophecy at the time of the end?

            • Tapio Molander

              >>My response: Okay so Russell got 1878, 1914 and 1948 correct.

              Our difference is in the definition of a prediction, thus it is fruitless to start arguing over those dates.

              >>Who else predicted future dates like this and got it right?

              Number of people, depending what constitutes a prediction.

              >>Are you saying that the 70 weeks time prophecy is an anomaly (the only time prophecy)…

              To me 70 weeks is not prediction, but backdated and thus so called prophesy.

              >>…and that we cannot use other time prophecies to verify now historical events predicted by the Bible?

              I am asking questions and backing up my opinions, not telling anybody to take it as an error free and eternal truth.

              >>Doesn’t the book of Daniel tell us that we would understand time prophecy at the time of the end?

              My problem is to fail to understand the need for ongoing end time. Maccabeans had it, first century Christians had it again, then Montanists…Luther…Russell…F. Franz…and so on.

              • Peter K. (admin)

                Tapio – Thanks for the various responses. I want to hold off for a while and wait. Let’s let others weigh in on these discussions and see what scriptural reasoning they have to offer. Hopefully we will hear from others soon, otherwise I will respond in the next day or two.

              • Jacqueline

                Hi Tapio Molander, I have followed the conversation and have learned quite a bit. You know sometimes we have to look a little deeper and ask if my faith hinges on the dates or as Br. Peter branched out into some of the overall justifications from the scriptures that we are in an information age and it is different. That we do see prophecies being fulfilled today in Israel. I personally don’t believe inaccurate religious systems have completely fallen yet but when you see an organization selling off all of it’s assets worldwide and it carries the name and house of God on it, it makes you wonder if something has begun to happen in a seeable way for all to notice.
                When you mention that you have asked about this with some more brothers ,before coming here, it makes me wonder if there isn’t a little deeper question for it is useless to go tic for tat on exact dates. A person has to decide in this regard as to what they see as the answer. That is the freedom and liberty in Christ that Bible Students and the early Christians had as it is not a salvation issue.
                What is you religion, if I might ask? I am looking for a common ground. I think more might like to dialogue with you also as they are looking on. We don’t have all the answers but like you we are digging and willing to tackle the “DEEP THINGS of God.”. How did you arrive on this site? We’d love to hear your story as it might encourage another. Sincerely Jacqueline

    • Mykel

      The 360 day year discrepancy in calculating the “Appointed Time of the Nations”
      Daniel 4:23 – Seven Times
      Daniel 4:34 – Seven Days
      Numbers 14:34.  }
      Ezekiel 4:6.           }        – A day for a year
      Jerusalem destroyed – 607 B.C.E.
      Insight on the Scriptures by the Watchtower 1988, p. 135, vol. 1, vaguely claims that 1 year = 360 days, but does not graphically explain how 7 Times is 7 Years x 360 days for 2520 Days. But rather takes a convoluted detour into the book of Revelation 12:6, 14 to explain how
      3 1/2 Times = 1,260 Days
      3 1/2 Times + 3 1/2 Times = 7 Times
      1,260 Days + 1,260 Days = 2520 Days
      But, it does not change the fact that
      1,260 / 3.5 = 360
      However, C. T. Russell Photo Drama p. 50 clearly and graphically explain how 7 Times is 7 Years x 360 days for 2520 Days, but also claim that it is based on the Lunar calendar.
      7 x 360 days = 2520 Years – 607 B.C.E. ~ 1914 (World War I – as End of Gentile Times a.k.a. Appointed Time of the Nations)
      In both the book of Daniel and Revelation – 1 year = 360 days
      However, a year is really 365.25 days, according to the current calendar, even the ancient Egyptian calendar. In the Hebrew lunar calendar a year varies 353, 354 or 355 days with a 13th month during leap years. The Lunar calendar month is 29.531 days x 12 = 354.372 days.
      So, why is a Bible year 360 days?

      Since 360 days originates with 360 degrees, I thought it might be related to the Babylonian number system of 60 units. “They assumed a sexagesimal unit, the number of the seconds of the day: 60 x 60 x 24; 86,400 units”. – The Jewish Encyclopedia , Chronology p.66. However, there was no explanation of how that adds up to 360 days per year. Although, 24 hours x 360 days = 8,640 hours, interesting but meaningless. Except, a search on the Internet explains any assumption of 30 days per month x 12 months = 360 days, for which most of the ancient civilizations had initially made that mistake and later corrected by direct observation of the stars. But, they still wonder why most ancient civilizations kept making the same mistake. So, again, why is a Bible year 360 days? Unless maybe it is not important in regards to prophecy. In that respect, it might be possible that most civilization made that same mistake because they were influenced by the Bible record of Genesis. The information on the Internet points out the dates calculated from the Flood story of Genesis chapter 7 and 8, assumes 30 days per month. This seems to be a tell-tail sign that all these civilizations once had the Genesis record in common knowledge; confirming the Tower of Babel story, and implying that it predates the Babylonian, Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations. If that is true, I would have to conclude that, there was no mistake, but that the Flood had a drastic change in the earth’s orbit that changed the length of a year by 5.25 days more into a elliptical orbit.


      This is a perfect example of my disappointment with religions; instead of facing the truth of certain discrepancies in the Bible with an eye or disposition to earnestly find the reason for the discrepancies, religion only seek to ignore or hide the discrepancies.

      • Peter K. (admin)

        Mykel – Thanks for commenting. If you want to find confirmation of the Bible in prophecy, history, archeology and science, you will certainly find it. We have spent time responding to hundred of supposed contradictions in the Bible. The real issues are disappointment in man made religions and not wanting to give up the right to do whatever feels good and rather to obey a God of moral rules.

        On what page does the PhotoDrama of Creation say the Bible year is a lunar year? I think you may be mistaken.

        You said, “dates calculated from the Flood story of Genesis chapter 7 and 8, assumes 30 days per month.” How can you demonstrate this from the Bible?

        You are confusing a prophetic year with a year. Clearly the prophetic Biblical year is 360 days long. 3 1/2 times = 42 months = 1260 days. These three (3 1/2 times, 42 months, & 1260 days) are mentioned about seven times combined in the books of Daniel and Revelation and establish the length of the prophetic year. This has nothing to do with the actual solar year / Bible year.

        • Mykel

          But the Bible also implies a 360 day year – before and during the Global Flood. Genesis 7:11 says the Flood began

          in the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month

          Genesis 7:24 says the Flood waters covered the earth for 150 days. Genesis 8:3 repeats that. Then Genesis 8:4 says Noah’s Ark ran aground on the seventeenth day of the seventh month.

          That implies Noah and his sons (who kept the log of the Ark during its “cruise”) were used to a 360 day year of 12 months, with 30 days for a month.


          • Peter K. (admin)

            Mykel -The Hebrew calendar is a lunisolar calendar, meaning that months are based on lunar months, but years are based on solar years. The calendar year features twelve lunar months of twenty-nine or thirty days, with an intercalary lunar month added periodically to synchronize the twelve lunar cycles with the longer solar year. These extra months are added seven times every nineteen years.

            We don’t really have much information on pre-flood calender calculations. Perhaps Noah worked with a 30 day cycle and made an annual adjustment to tie back to the solar year. I am not really sure. Why does it matter?

        • Mykel

          I’m not “confusing a prophetic year with a year”, I’m just questioning why should a prophetic year be different from a calendar year. Unless we should be satisfied that “creationists posit a 360 day year only because the arithmetic is easier”. In which case we be satisfied with a 24 hour day creation also. However, I believe that digging deeper produces more satisfying results.

          • Peter K. (admin)

            Mykel – A prophetic year is simply different than a calendar year. It would not be practical for a prophetic year to be 365.242 days long as this would make prophetic calculations unecessarily complex. For example 42 months x 30 days = 1260 days isv simple to understand.

            The real issue hear is that you do not believe Jehovah to be a true God. If you want to put God to the test with science, I am all for it. Do you believe there is NO Creator and NO Intelligent Design? Do you believe life evolved? By what mechanism? Mutations?

            By the way, the Hebrew word for “day” in Genesis is not describing a 24 hour day.

            Are you a former JW?

            • Mykel

              This is incredible! I thought Jehovah’s Witnesses would be so narrow minded to consider me an apostate for my research. But from a Bible Student and an Admin? I am an active member of Jehovah’s Witnesses. And my research has just confirmed the Genesis record as older than the Egyptian, Sumerian an Babylonian civilization. And confirm the Tower of Babel event. But you think I don’t Believe in Jehovah God because I pointed out the Pastor Russell mistakenly refereed 360 as from the lunar calendar. OK, just please bar me from this site for now on.

              • Peter K. (admin)

                Mykel – I am sorry for a mis-communication. You are of course entitled to your honest opinion. I was asking for the specific citation where Br. Russell tied 360 to the lunar calendar so I could read it for myself. Actually now I am not really sure what your point was. Obviously he did not believe there were only 360 days in a year (except in a prophetic year).

                I apologize for the misunderstanding. I thought you were attempting to disprove the Bible by showing that it cannot even correctly indicate the number of days in a year, but upon reading your comments again I can see how I misunderstood. This was NOT in regard to your reference to Br. Russell.

                Do you have a research paper summarizing your findings to show that the Genesis account is older and confirming the Tower of Babel? This sounds interesting.

                Perhaps you can summarize the point you are making. Thanks.

                • Mykel

                  “That lease of power to rule the world as best as they could was to last for ‘seven times’-seven symbolic years, each day of which (lunar time) would represent a year.”

                  C. T. Russell Photo Drama – PAGE 50

                  Does mean he believes in a propetic year

                  • Peter K. (admin)


                    Thanks for your interesting question and your studies on days, months and years. I confess that I had some questions myself, so I went to other Bible Student elders to see what they had to say.

                    What amazes me is the contrast, how I can go to other Bible Students for help and get comments from Elders who can honestly discuss a challenging topic with each other with Christian Liberty and honest investigation and without a governing organization ready to punish us if we step out of line.

                    Here is the discussion so far.


                    FROM PETER K TO ELDERS

                    Does anyone understand why Br. Russell connects lunar time to the seven times?

                    “That lease of power to rule the world as best as they could was to last for ‘seven times’-seven symbolic years, each day of which (lunar time) would represent a year.”

                    C. T. Russell Photo Drama – PAGE 50

                    Since the solar year is 365 days long but a moon year is only 354 days (29.5 x 12), an extra month is added to the Hebrew calendar every two or three years. The formula is a bit esoteric, but every 19 years there are seven leap years (the third, sixth, eighth, eleventh, fourteenth, seventeenth and nineteenth years).

                    Not sure why Br. Russell references lunar tume?

                    Br. Peter


                    FROM RIC CUNNINGHAM

                    To my humble understanding, CTR uses Lunar time (360 days in a year – in the scriptures concerning the Flood as recorded in Genesis, we can compute that there were 12, 30 day months in the year, regardless of what adjustments would need to be made), in all of the prophetic or symbolic calculations.

                    Hence, 7 x 360 = 2,520 actual years.

                    In other words, we use a symbolic numbering formula to arrive at the proper (God intended), number of literal (Solar reckoned), years.

                    As an interesting side note: 7 x 365 = 2,555. Hence, 607 B.C. + 2,555 years = 1948 A.D.



                    FROM JERRY LESLIE

                    Brother Peter and all, I am in accord with Ric’s notes below.
                    I will only add that using that parenthesis “(lunar time)”, that Brother Russell was not attempting to micro analyze or designate the technical aspects of the lunar cycles designated either as: anomalistic, sidereal, tropical, draconic or synodic. The cycle is generally designated as 29.530589 days. There is no even cycle relation with the solar year with also is not exactly 365 days. It is this relationship that makes the Hebrew calendar rather complex.

                    Well as the lunar month may be “rounded” to an even 30 days of 12 months = 360 days, I think Brother Russell was just alluding to an “ideal” month and year as we might also see the a perfect circle of 360 degrees. This also agrees with the Genesis 7:11 and 8:4 that there were just 150 days between month 2 day 17 and month 7 day 17, indicating 30 day months X 5 = 150 days. The deduction being that before the deluge there was a 30 day calendar/month. See the chart at:

                    Now as an aside, there is a rather interesting web site at:
                    with some useful historical notations. Lengthy, but some sections worth noting.

                    Br Jerry


                    FROM JIM PARKINSON

                    In time past I looked into the possibility that before the Flood the number of days in a year might have been exactly 360 days, and that lunations might have been exactly 30 days. The two possibilities for the former would be that the earth was 1.0% closer to the Sun, or that the earth had rotated 1.45% slower before the Flood, or some combination of the two. It would take a collision with a large comet or asteroid to cause either change.

                    A calculation of the energy to increase the rotation rate of the Earth from a 360-day year to a 365.24219-day year is equivalent to a bit more than a million million (a trillion) “garden variety” H-bombs. And if something connected to the flood changed the Earth orbit around the Sun from a 360-day year to a 365.24219-day year (that is, increased the distance from the Sun by about 1%), the energy would be that of around a million billion H-bombs (each of which would be around 300 times each A-bomb dropped on Japan: Hiroshima or Nagasaki). [Divide these numbers by about a factor of ten to get the number of largest-ever (58 MT, Soviet) H-bombs.]

                    The possibility that an asteroid colliding with the Moon to speed up the lunation time seems to be dispelled by pictures of the far side of the Moon, which show no such enormous recent crater. Also, I think there is no evidence yet found of such a crater in the Pacific Ocean. (I don’t know if the Gulf of Mexico or the Hudson Bay would be large enough to do the trick.)

                    I therefore think before the Flood also they must have observed “epagomenal” [“following”] days (those following 360 days to make up the full year, according to the Sun’s return to the same location in the celestial sphere), usually five, sometimes six, days.

                    Epagomenal days or not, we should still reckon prophetic years according to 360 days. And it is better not to refer to them as “lunar years,” as that usually is taken to mean 354-day “years.”


                    FROM JERRY LESLIE

                    Dear Brother Jim and all:

                    While highly unqualified to evaluate the geometry and mathematics of these things, yet the subject is rather interesting for me.
                    On the one hand I could just defer to those better informed. On the other hand I would like to just ask or propose some thoughts from my neophyte perspective.

                    First I would not try to justify an “impact theory” for a 5 day increase in annular rotation of the earth as proposed at:

                    Yet I found the Herodotus evidence for a 360 day year cited in that article about 1/3 down as: “360 day calendar mentioned in the Histories by Herodotus” rather interesting and would confirm the Genesis 7-8 counting. Then I noted these 2 articles:



                    While I was mostly lost in all the numbers, this I do understand this: A ball of one mass of a particular equatorial circumference (or diameter) will spin somewhat faster than the same ball and same mass with a larger circumference.

                    We know that before the deluge there were dense “waters above the firmament.” In other words some of the materials that compose this earth were extended outward.

                    Would the phenomena of the deluge of descending waters inward toward the center and surface of the earth so compress the diameter or equatorial circumference of the same mass sufficiently to increase the rotation speed by 5 days in a yearly solar circuit??

                    A simple question for my simple mind! But maybe the answer is too complex.

                    Br Jerry


                    FROM ALLEN SPRINGER

                    A simple answer from a simple mind: The descent of water in Noah’s Flood would be like an ice-skater drawing in his/her arms during a spin. It would increase the rate of spin (angular momentum / kinetic energy). I believe that the solar year was 360 days exactly prior to the Flood.


                    FROM JIM PARKINSON

                    Bro. Allen has the qualitative physics right. Angular momentum must be conserved (in the absence of a foreign body). The scale height of the atmosphere (the thickness of the air if it all were at the density near the surface) is 8 km today. That compares to an equatorial Earth radius of 6378.137 km. If all the water in the oceans were to uniformly cover the Earth’s surface, I have read that it would be over a mile thick; let us assume 2 km. If all that water were heaved to 8 km altitude, it would represent only about a 0.1% change in angular rotation rate (ignoring the solid earth beneath it). [Atmospheric pressure at the surface, due to the water, would be increased by about 25%, which might be hard on animal life.]

                    For an Earth surface area of 510 million square kilometers, the water mass would be 1E18 cubic meters, or 1E21 kg. But the Earth is 5.976E24 kg, or about 6,000 times the mass of water. So the collapsing of all the water from an 8 km altitude would increase the rotation rate of Earth by less than 0.2 part per million.

                    Try as I may over the past several decades, I have failed to find a credible mechanism for projecting back to a 360-day year without extra “epigomenal” days. Perhaps someone else is wiser than I. Bro. Jim


                    FROM ALLEN SPRINGER

                    Thanks Brother Jim…

                    According to the Bible, the water was not IN the atmosphere, but OUTSIDE the atmosphere, and would have been in the form of ice. This is what formed the polar ice caps. The approximate quantity would have been at least 12 million cubic miles of water, or more than 50 million cubic kilometers of water, based on a rise in ocean levels of roughly 450 feet, or about 140 meters. As for high atmospheric pressure, experiments in Japan and elsewhere have proven this to be a boon to life, and not a bane. Some medical treatments use a hyperbaric chamber with pressure at 3 times normal. I am not skilled enough to figure out what distance the ice “canopy” had to be from earth to increase angular momentum by 1.44% or thereabout. Could you tell me if this scenario is more of a scientific possibility?

                    In hope,
                    br. allen


                    FROM JIM PARKINGSON

                    Dear Bro. Allen,

                    The surface area of the Earth is 510 million square kilometers. But let us optimistically take 140 meters as the effective thickness of solid ice equivalent. The “waters above” cannot be held up by a vacuum; so the effective air thickness of 8 km would be the maximum realistic distance above Earth’s surface. I had (non-credibly) assumed 2 km of water at an altitude of 8 km. So 140 meter = 7% of the effect I previously calculated. (Excel spreadsheet to anyone on request.) Angular momentum is conserved, but angular velocity (rotational velocity here) is not.

                    A linear calculation would suggest that the 140 meters of water/ice would need to be a million times higher, or 8 million km, which is roughly 2.5 times farther away than the Moon is. So I am still looking for a mechanism to have increased the Earth’s rotational velocity by about 1.44%. (Incidentally, if the pre-Flood Earth had rotated slower, it would have shortened the number of days in a year, but also the number of days in the average lunation; and the latter is in the unwanted direction. A linear calculation is not valid, but gives some idea of what would be needed. Lengthening the number of days in a year, while shortening the lunation time, is a hard combination.)

                    As an aside, I have even considered a couple of ridiculous postulates. If all the solar irradiance could have been concentrated on the sunset edge of the Earth, and always stopped/absorbed by a black surface there, it would take 327 years to increase the rotational speed of the Earth from 360 days/year to 365.24219 days/year. Not a credible mechanism.

                    Have even considered the possibility of volcanoes erupting to escape velocity – acting like a rocket – in a way that would increase the Earth orbit by 1%. But expelling roughly 1% of the Earth’s mass from the mantle would likely have created catastrophic earthquakes for centuries. (I haven’t tried putting numbers on this one, at least not yet. As you can deduce, I am getting pretty desperate for credible mechanisms, short of total miracle.)


                    FROM RIC CUNNINGHAM

                    A comment was made about the propriety of using the term “lunar year”.

                    We think that this phrase is appropriate for Bible study and biblical explanations of time prophecy and related.

                    It was the LORD that instructed Israel to count the beginning of their months with the appearance of each new moon (Nums. 28:11 and Ezra 3:5 as examples). This is further emphasized by the Hebrews starting their days with the evening. The addition of either a thirteenth month or days would bring the necessary adjustment, from time to time, of the year back into sync with the Barley Harvest and First Fruits offering at the beginning of their year as outlined in Lev. 23:1-16.



                    If there are additional comments, I will post a follow-up in a few days.

                    • Cazenovi (Bible Student)

                      Peter – Was this resolved or any additional thoughts? I am curious.

                    • Peter K. (admin)

                      Cazenovi – Christian liberty permits us to dialoguelyn love even when we disagree. I am very satisfied in my own mind of the significance of 1914, however others differ and these matters can never be fully proven and resolved until the kingdom is fully established. For now, we can only be fully convince in our own mind, when guided by the Holy Spirit, honesty, deep personal study of the scriptures and a clear conscience.

    • Though I feel the problem lay in Jerusalem being timed for a GENTILE time, it would not mean Babylon could not actually mark 607 in Neb’s crown-prince-to-king period and thus be a GENTILE TIME, and still retain the 607-1914 connect.

      Thus the JW problem is not chronological it is situational, it is a problem of the event that marks 607 BCE, a time/event error.

      But putting all that distraction aside 1914 also ignited another “seven times” whose first 1260 days transpired in 1914-1918. But because there are TWO “witnesses” of divine warning a final 1260 days of the future will then complete 2520 days of the Revelation 11 “little scroll” sovereign warning and ultimatum of God’s Kingdom.

      Revelation 11’s “time, times and half a time” is not a hanging incomplete 3.5 times, because there are two witnesings it has to complete as seven times of final sovereign warning in the future final warning of also 1260 days.

      That it began those final “seven times” in 1914 is no accident.

      Just something to consider well before that final warning emerges from the Daniel 8:13-14 JW organizational desolation and temple judgment of the near future, which is preparatory towards the final 1260 days it will eventually lead to in JW recovery for final warning purposes.

      That is why it says this at Revelation 10:11, where the “again” is the final warnign command of God:

      (Revelation 10:11) And they say to me: “You must prophesy AGAIN with regard to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings.”

  • Tapio Molander

    While a witness I felt that 1914 proofs were water tight and rock solid. When I afterwards started digging deeper I encountered more and more problems. I totally lost logical connection in between the Gentile times and Nebu’s 7 times, my foremost obstacle being the future tempus used in Luke 21:24. This will place the start of this Gentile times somewhere after Jesus said those words.

    There are several other reasons why I fail to understand why these 7 years would carry any additional meaning besides biblically famous “complete”. The Bible and history do not allow Nebu to have that long period for “sick leave”. Nothing in Daniel’s account will indicate that this 7 year period carries any larger meaning besides what is written therein.

    Witnesses do not discuss this with me, one elder (a friend from childhood) promised to discuss this with me after I return to organization. Another elder (I spent years in prison with for national service refusal) did not reply my letter at all. One rank and file witness told me that it is so tough food that it is not possible to discuss about it. During all these years only one witness took my questions seriously, returned and said that there is no biblical answer for the questions I posed.

    That is where I am with the year 1914 and The Bible.

    • Jacqueline

      Hello Tapio Molander and welcome. One of the Brothers will get to you on this. We need to let them know what the witnesses believe on this subject of what 1914 meant for them.
      But, you mentioned you spent time in prison for conscientious objection, I would like to acknowledge that was difficult and glad that experience is over. I think you present some interesting points and many witnesses have grappled with them, so the conversation should be enlightening. Jacqueline

    • hank

      Num. 34:14—–Eze. 4:6———-Dan. 4:16,23,25, 32.——–Luke 21:24—————Rev. 11:2,3; 12:6,14

      Does it look like it began in 1914 when historians say, the world has not been the same since. And the news show bad whether in every state and getting worse.

      When will Jehovah bring it to an end? Soon, very soon! Don’t be caught naked Rev. 16:15.

      Wear your robe. Rev. 7:9-17

      Proverbs says something about a righteous one falling 7 times, but keeps getting up.

      Ironic you fall over the seven times.

    • Dear Tapio
      If you would like to discuss this subject please write me an email at info@biblestudents.se


    • Miroslav

      Hello Tapio! I understand very well when you do not have anyone to talk with. Like you, I was and still interested in seven times. Here are some excerpts from my book: “The proof is simple and leaves a deep impression. “All of this befell King Neb·u·chad·nez′zar.” (Daniel 4:28) When someone drew my attention to it, I was speechless. If Holy Scripture says that all that needed to be fulfilled was fulfilled on Nebuchadnezzar, who am I to seek for foreshadows and other fulfillments? However, I knew that all can often mean almost all[1], but to make the foreshadow from nothing or almost nothing is impossible. A clue can be found in the book of Joshua. Before his death, the great military leader and servant of Jehovah wanted to encourage his compatriots to cling to the true God with the following words: ” Now look! I am about to die, and you well know with all your heart and with all your soul that not one word out of all the good promises that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. Not one word of them has failed. ” (Joshua 23:14) Joshua refers to common experience. His comrades and their families with their own eyes saw Jehovah fulfills his promises in the powerful way. God has proven to be trustworthy. Israel could have complete confidence in Him. But did Jehovah really fulfill all good promises at that time? NO !!! From Joshua 13: 1-6 and Deut. 11:24 it is clear that Israel still had to conquer more cities, regions and kingdoms. It was not until some 400 years later, when King David took Philistia and the Kingdom of Zo′bah, the conquest of the country which Jehovah promised was complete! (1 Chron. 18: 1-6; Gen 15:18) So, did I just call Joshua shameless liar because he refers to common experience that none of his listeners have experienced? NO AGAIN !!! Israel itself has confirmed the veracity of the words of Jesus. (Joshua 24: 16-18) However, the most important thing is that the God who can not lie showed to believe these words, preserving them in His collections of inspired books. The prophet Moses wrote something that reveals the true meaning of a statement of his successor: ” Jehovah your God will certainly drive these nations away from before you little by little. You will not be allowed to put an end to them quickly, so that the wild animals of the field will not multiply against you. ” (Deut 7:22) The conquest of the promised land will happen gradually, that land should not be desolated which would affect the increase of wild beasts. So, before Joshua’s death, the Israelites have captured all they were supposed to capture, and Jehovah has fulfilled all the good promises that were supposed to happen at that time! Many promises have been waiting for their God-determined time, and had to wait much longer than they supposed to wait if God’s people listened to the advice of their military leader. So, I think Daniel 4:28 says that all that was supposed to happen then happened to King Nebuchadnezzar, and there are still many things that happened after. I have divided the evidence into three groups. The first group of evidence is located in the fourth chapter of Daniel… ” This is by the decree of watchers, and the request is by the word of the holy ones, so that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whomever he wants, and he sets up over it even the lowliest of men. ” Nebuchadnezzar had to realize that all human governments rule by Jehovah’s permission. It is interesting that God says here that he will set one person (the lowliest one) over the kingdom of mankind. For many theologians, that man was Nebuchadnezzar, and no one else. We know that the ancient world was much smaller because of the ignorance, but these ignorants knew for kings of Media and Persia, so Chaldean leader was not the sole ruler even in such a small world. (Daniel 5:28-31; 8: 1-3,20) In addition, on the soil of India, China and Central America goverments existed that were part of the kingdom of mankind, which existed because Jehovah allowed them. It is not important at all whether or not residents of the Middle East knew about these countries. God’s power over mankind need not, should not and can not be limited by human ignorance or prejudice! Who is the lowliest one of mankind? Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar’s father wrote in official documents that he came from lower social classes. He presented himself as “the son of nobody.” But this can not be completely applied to Nebuchadnezzar, because his father made a glorious name, he became the king of Babylon. During seven years of insanity, the king’s reputation has certainly been seriously compromised[2]. Although there are no statistics on the number of mentally ill persons in the sixth century B.C.E, I think Nebuchadnezzar was not the only lunatic. I assume that in those times some imagined to be frogs or cockroaches, which means that on the evolutionary ladder they occupy a lower position comparing to the four-legged mammals. Then, it seems that even when the Chaldean Empire was at its peak, the kingdom of men was ruled by (several?) kings. And though there are two reasons why Nebuchadnezzar can be ranked among the lower (he was (officially) from an obscure family and lost his mind), there is no clear reason why he should deserve the name the lowliest of men. Daniel and Paul spoke in their books about the Son of Man… He who believes that seven times meant only seven years, should ask himself why the holy spirit did not encourage Daniel to write it? Why nowhere in the Bible we can find a single ocasion where it says that Nebuchadnezzar was mad for or spent seven years in the company of wild animals? When indicates that period, Jehovah’s word mentions times and days, and nothing more! I am convinced that behind this is message acknowledging that seven times and seven years do not have exactly the same meaning. We should not forget Paul’s warning: “Do not go beyond the things that are written”. (1 Cor 4: 6) If all wise God did not put an equal sign, why should I put it?… Another group of evidence is located outside of the fourth chapter, but within the book of Daniel. ” Let the name of God be praised for all eternity, For wisdom and mightiness are his alone. He changes times and seasons, removes kings and sets up kings, gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment. ” (Daniel 2: 20,21) The association of “time” with overthrowing and establishing the king is beyond doubt. King Nebuchadnezzar was at the beginning of the seven times deposed from the throne, but Jehovah restored his kingship at the end of that period. However, (one) king is not mentioned here, but kings. Interestingly, unlike Daniel 4:17, the use of the plural does not benefit adversaries of foreshadow. In the case that there is no foreshadow, should not the following words be more appropriate: ” the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind… and he sets up over it even the lower ones of men ” and ” He changes times and seasons, removes king and sets up king ” ??? … Another, in my opinion, an important reason why Nebuchadnezzar humiliation should be understood as foreshadow is this: “You, O king—the king of kings to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, the strength, and the glory”. (Daniel 2:37) The Holy Scriptures mention many kings. Who does not believe me, let him read the twelfth chapter of Joshua. Some of them – Tilgath-Pilneser, Shalmaneser, Sargon, Sennacherib, Esar-haddon, Asenappar, Cyrus, Darius, Ahasuerus and Artaxerxes were known as the “king of kings”. God’s word rather sparingly, even grudgingly uses these desirable and valuable words. The title “king of kings” appears in five places, and refers to the three men. Jehovah through their representatives called in that way Nebuchadnezzar, Jesus Christ, and no one else [7] ! (Ezekiel 26: 7; Daniel 2:37; Revelation 17:14; 19:16) Is it not strange that even the most powerful and famous rulers of Israel, the biblical writers of books, David and Solomon, are unworthy of such a name?… Furthermore, he took one of the royal offspring and made a covenant with him and put him under an oath. Then he took away the prominent men of the land, so that the kingdom would be brought low, unable to rise up, so that only by keeping his covenant might it continue to exist. But the king finally rebelled against him by sending his messengers to Egypt to obtain horses and a large army from them. Will he succeed? Will the one doing these things escape punishment? Can he break the covenant and still escape?’ “‘“As surely as I am alive,” declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, “he will die in Babylon, in the place where the king who made him king lives, the one whose oath he despised and whose covenant he broke… “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “I will take a shoot from the top of the lofty cedar and plant it, from the top of its twigs I will pluck a tender shoot, and I myself will plant it on a high and lofty mountain. On a high mountain of Israel I will plant it; and its branches will grow, and it will produce fruit and become a majestic cedar. And every kind of bird will live beneath it and reside in the shadow of its foliage. And all the trees of the field will have to know that I myself, Jehovah, have brought down the high tree and exalted the low tree; I have dried up the green tree and made the dry tree blossom. I myself, Jehovah, have spoken and have done it.”’” (Ezekiel 17: 3, 4, 9, 12-16, 22-24)… Almighty Jehovah humiliates the proud and reward humble, and nothing can prevent him from fulfilling his intentions. We see that Nebuchadnezzar and David’s family tree have a lot in common. Is there something that unites them? However, the careful reader will rightly note that there are significant differences between symbolic trees. Daniel’s tree is in the midst of the earth, and Ezekiel’s was located on a high mountain of Israel. The idea that the Chaldean ruler is planted on Jewish soil seems a bit ridiculous (Nebuchadnezzar would probably be insulted), and that is why Daniel is deliberately vague, but Ezekiel clearly testifies that the mountains of Israel are in the center of the earth! (38: 8,12) Ezekiel’s wood is cedar, Daniel’s – world tree. This difference too is quite expected. As Babylonian, Nebuchadnezzar was well acquainted with the concept and importance of the world tree, and because God uses things known to him, it was much easier for him to better understand the lesson. On the other hand, Jehovah used what was obvious to all Israel, namely longevity and resistance of cedar, to depict the strength and uncorruptness of David’s dynasty, especially his promised seed. (Psalm 92:12) Babylonian prophet speaks about chopped-down, Chebar’s about uprooted tree. Since felled tree represents Nebuchadnezzar, ruler, who has returned to the throne, and uprooted Zedekiah, ruler who died in prison, everything fits. God’s prophets reveal that the life story of the last of Judah and the famous Babylonian king are quite different. However, the connection between the Nebuchadnezzar and David’s dynasty does not become weaker, due to this fact, quite the opposite! Zedekiah’s penalty was a blow for David’s kingdom, but not the end. Just like in the case of Nebuchadnezzar, restoration is prophesied (verse 22). Jehovah promised that he would take a shoot from the cedar, from the same cedar from which the Babylonian king pluck off a twig (verses 3,4), that the sprout will take root and become a majestic cedar. Thus, the God of Israel will make dry tree to flourish again. So, the difference between Nebuchadnezzar and Zedekiah emphasizes well similarities between Nebuchadnezzar and David’s dynasty.” https://archive.org/details/tree-generations-and-appointed-times-clear.-7z

      This is the link. I would recommend you read it and learn more about 7 times, 70 weeks and our God. Best regards!

      • Peter K. (admin)

        Thanks Miroslav for sharing your thoughts.

        • Miroslav

          Thank you, Peter, for being polite, I appreciate this! However, I was hoping for some real interaction. Do you agree with what I have wrote? Do you think the content is redundant and irrelevant? I think I have offered some good and new arguments why we should believe in, let us call it greater seven times. Maybe I am wrong, I did not read much bible students literature. Would you show me who wrote something like this before me? I am willful to learn, but people in general are not willful to learn from me coz I am not respectable person. Anyway, I am interested in your movement, and I will spend some time on your website. Hopefully, maybe I will find what I am looking for…

      • Peter K. (admin)

        Hi Miroslav,
        Thanks for sharing so many interesting points from your deep study. I would like to focus on one of your points. You said, “seven times and seven years do not have exactly the same meaning.”

        I will share my perspective on seven times. Just my opinion.

        Luke 21:24 – Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
        We arrive at the date 1914 AD as the End of the Gentile Times by performing a time prophecy calculation. The word “times” from Luke 21:24 is the same Greek word for “times” used in Rev 12:14.
        Rev 12:14 – she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
        In this prophecy each of the 3 ½ times is composed of 360 years for a total of 3 ½ x 360 or 1,260 years (The reign of the Papacy from 539 AD to 1799 AD). So each time in the times of the Gentiles is 360 years. But how many times are there? The answer is found in Lev 26, which speaks of blessings and penalties to Israel for their obedience or disobedience,
        Lev 26:18 says -if you will not hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.
        Four times in this chapter the seven times of punishment are mentioned (see also verses 21, 24 and 28). We think the mentioning of these seven times four times alludes to the four Gentile empires that would rule over the Jews, namely, Babylon, Media Persia, Greece and Rome. Verses 31-33 refer to the land being desolate & the Jews being scattered. Since Lev 26 reveals that the number of times is 7 we can arrive at a period of the Time of the Gentiles being 2,520 years. [7 x 360 = 2,520 years]. Starting with 606 BC as the date Jerusalem was overthrown and adding 2,520 years brings us to AD 1914.

        • Miroslav

          If you agree, and I pretty sure you do, that 7 times refers also to 2520 days of Neb madness, we are on the same page. Only difference could be, that I also believe that time of gentiles encompass another seven times, in fact 2×3 and a half times. First lasted from 66-70 CE, and second is in future, and will mark the end of seventh and eighth king!

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