The rebirth of Israel as a nation is the great phenomenon of our day to those who see this event as a fulfillment of God’s word. The rebirth of Israel could never have occurred without the astonishing fact that the people of Israel, who had been scattered throughout the entire earth for nearly 2,000 years, remained a distinct and homogeneous people in the lands of their sojourn. Neither persecution, nor famine, nor fame or fortune was able to cause them to assimilate with the peoples of other lands. Could blood ties alone prevent assimilation? No. It was the Law and the Prophets of Israel which marked them and preserved them with a common hope and faith while in Diaspora.
You wont’ believe what you will learn in 13 minutes. Can ancient prophecies about Israel be true? Click here to watch this video and put those questions to rest!
Read Israel, A Nation of Miracles by clicking here:
I just invited a Jewish Rabbi to come over and give his thoughts on these articles. He is posting on a facebook site that had Muslims trying to blitz it with posts. Hope he comes on.
Yes,Ma’am,I’ll tune in.