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Will Only Jehovah’s Witnesses Survive Armageddon?

Chicago Bible Students Elder and Friends of Jehovah’s Witnesses Administrator, Peter Karavas spoke to the congregation on Sunday Dec. 18, on the topic:  Will Only Jehovah’s Witnesses Survive Armageddon?  Is this lifetime the only chance for repentance and life?  Is there any future hope?  Will family members who have not jointed the JW Organization perish forever in eternal death?  What does the Bible say?

Audio Discourse – Who Will Survive Armageddon

You can also read the text of the talk (pdf format) here:   WHO_WILL_SURVIVE_ARMAGEDDON_Published

62 comments to Will Only Jehovah’s Witnesses Survive Armageddon?

  • humbleman

    so those who are written in the book of life. would be those who receive the heavenly reward. are you saying the rest of mankind will be killed. and tormented forever? or should we harmonise these texts with other text to understand there full meaning?

  • humbleman

    John who do you believe receives the mark of the beast?

  • John S.


  • humbleman

    Hi Max i will just say something briefly. but hopefully go more n depth later on. the narrow road leading of into life i believe is those who find real life and receive the crown of life the 144000. it could be a little broader than that and in clued those who didn’t make the 144000. i think the key to understanding all of this is understanding what judgement day is. the jws believe Armageddon will see the destruction of 7 billion people because there not jws. the bible students see a broader view. we see the judgement day as the 1000 years Armageddon is not a separate day but its part of the 1000 years Armageddon is a time when Christ will come and destroy the kingdoms of this world and any who fight against Jehovah. but not everyone dies many nations survive this is why satan is abyssed so he cant mislead the nations anymore REV 20 v3 ZEC 14v16. during that 1000 years there will be a highway to holiness ISAIAH 35. for those who choose to walk along it. but for those who don’t destruction. so the 1000 years is both a day of restoring mankind. but it is also a day of Gods wrath for those who don’t obey his word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. its a very deep subject max and takes time to study this in depth and get a full grasp of it. but i want you to know whatever the case we are your friends and your brother and sisters. we see no distinction although most of out jw brothers do. all i ask is check all things by scripture then work out with the help of Gos holy spirit whats truth and what isn’t. please read the full chapter of ZEC 14 its starts of with the day of Jehovah. and you will notice even on into the new system we are still in the same day. Take care bro humbleman

  • max

    To all;

    A few things gathered.
    1.Door to door preaching.
    5.What religion has truth
    6.God is not interested in who has the most.

    Starting with number one which I believe was from Ken’s wife. Mormons and seventh dat adventists. I have never been called on by them. The only couple that ever identified them as being adventist, had nothing to share with us about the kingdom and said after a few vivits we are not interested. If you ever get the chance to talk to a Mormon, say what do you think of this? Show them the name Jehovah in their book. They did not even know it was in there. On t v I saw their leader say Jesus is Jehovah. Also these young guys go out preaching for two years and thats it. And ask them about Da 2:44,45. They have no clue. So your wifes answer stands, your rebuttle lame. But I appreciate it, so don’t be offended.
    2. GROWTH. Lets use some common sense. Remember Abraham? If you find this many? Jehovah says, I will spare the city. And it kept going till Abraham learned Jehovah will not lose a true worshipper. And he rained fire and sulfur. But there is a even more important story still there. What?

    When you get out of false worship, don’t go back to it. Just because Jehovah did not tell you personally is not an excuse. Ge 19:1″Two angels arrived.” Angels asked do you have anyone else here? 14 Lot warns son-in-laws, they thought he was telling a joke. So here you are fleeing and you get to a safe place, you have been told, do not look back, 4 people, one looks back, and now we sprinkle her on our scrambled eggs. “Your adversary, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” 1 Pe 5:8 Will you be one of the Devil’s last meals? The cities and all in dead,destoyed. Two who thought he was joking at the message dead. Only 4 getting away, and one disobeys,dead. I did not see any crying over her either.
    Whats this got to do with growth? One soul is worth trying to save! But take last nights book study. Printed I believe 2009 when we had 7 million publishers. By the time we are studing it, 2011, we have 7.5 million publishers.

    I can look at this two ways. Most of the seven bibllion living right now are on the roads leading to destruction. Mt 7:13,14. So Jw,s haven’t saved that many people. On the other hand, I can realize the road to life is narrow and cramped with few finding it. Be cramped like that with immperfect people presents a problem. They are told hang on to the rope at all times. Ep 4:5 One faith=====one road to life. But some stop to pick up something and take their hands off the rope and nudge hits them and they fall off the road to life. 75 percent stayed on coarse with Lot, 25 percent let go of the rope.

    Having said that we can say that numbers can be encouraging or discouraging. It depends if you see the half empty glass, or the half full glass. But that sister sees each sheep,soul as very immortant and wonderful so shes sees the blessing from Jehovah realizing that he will get everybody safe before he pulls the plug and what a thril to have this loving family all around the globe as the world is falling apart.

    The other 4 points I will save. Thank you all and remember Jehovah instructs sinners. Ps 25:8

  • Ken

    Well said humbleman, after being a Jw for over 40 yrs. that’s my conclusion also. I’m no longer one now but am currently reading the volumes of studies in the scriptures and the Auto Biog. of CTR

  • humbleman

    Hi Ken. i agree. and i think the point most people miss is they shouldn’t be looking what religion has the truth because they are all wrong on certain things and when we put faith in religion we have to put faith in the men who run it Jesus is the only one we should belong to he is the way the truth & the life john 14 v 6. Jehovah God is not impressed about what religion has the most members or how much money they have how many buildings they own. he is interested in the individual the heart condition that’s what really counts with God. the true Body of Christ will be lowly humble and more than likely meet in homes or rented buildings. i really appreciate how we can all discuss these things. we are all seekers of truth we are brothers we work together to find out what the truth is. much christian love bro humbleman 🙂

    • Jacqueline

      humbleman. I have agreed and enjoyed your comments. Especialy about our getting a personal relationship with God. And having fellowship with brothers of like mind. Every body part has a purpose and something to contribute so the body stays upright and healthy. You can’t just eat one thing and have a healthy mind or body. I love your scriptural proof text.
      My family of JW left today. They know I will be at the convention this weekend. It was a blessed 2 weeks and our family is learning to respect each other’s belief. One of my brothers said as long as you believe in Jesus his bride, Jehovah and paradise, we can all get along in peace. I thank the Father and Jesus for their help. I also have one more family member that uses Adobe connect for our Sunday meetings. She is out of Texas, so little steps. In Him who saved us, Jacqueline

  • humbleman

    Hi Max your very welcome bro 🙂

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