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Articles & Posts

1967 Watchtower

How J. F. Rutherford Consolidated Dictitorial Power

Click here for this amazing historical book from 1930 – Desolations of the Sanctuary 1929

This book chronicles the doctrinal and prophetic changes Rutherford made and explains how these changes were all for the purpose of transferring influence from Russell to Rutherford and for consolidating dictatorial power around the new movement, later Read more…

Can you help us to find a copy of the Will of Charles Taze Russell?

In 1907, Pastor Russell had executed his Last Will and Testament, which was amended slightly the following year, again in 1910 and once more in 1911. Copies of these Will’s have ever been made available to the public or the brethren. Yes, the 1907 Will was published in a 1916 Watchtower, however, we don’t have Read more…

Everything about Prayer

Click here to read the Herald Magazine issue, dedicated to the topic, PRAYER.

Prayer has been defined as the soul’s sincerest desire, either uttered or unexpressed. It is one of the most important blessings and privileges enjoyed by the Christian. It is one of the most powerful tools available to the follower Read more…


Shame is such a weird emotion. If I’m alone and make a mistake, I might feel aggravated with myself. If the mistake is a sin, I will feel guilty. But if I make the same mistake when I am with others, I will feel embarrassment and shame. The feeling of shame results as a response Read more…