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How Jesus Comforts

“I will not leave you comfortless [or orphans]: I will come to you.” – John 14:18.

IN THESE words of the Savior we have an “I will not” and an “I will” in close and significant conjunction. One seems to show us the negative, and the other the positive side of Christ’s love. The first suggests His knowledge, feeling, responsibility, etc., with regard to His disciples, and the second the activity of His love. He will not leave them orphans, He will come unto them. We who have become disciples of Christ know that these words apply to ourselves, as well as to those to whom they were originally spoken; and we who know the needs of the spiritual life will lay hold of such a promise as this and appropriate it in all its fulness.

“I will not leave You Comfortless [Orphans]”

Let us look at the prospect that lay before the disciples. Whichever way we turn, it was a comfortless one. The loss of Christ was the loss of all, the loss of the head, the loss of the great object of life, the bereavement of themselves so that they must be left in a condition of orphanage, with all the evils consequent to that helpless state. Jesus made provision for all this gloomy prospect when He promised that He would riot leave them orphaned. What a terrible loss it would have been, to His disciples had Christ gone away never to return, lever to have sent His Holy Spirit. He was the Head of this little family. To Him they had been accustomed to look up as Teacher, Lord, and all in all; in all their ignorance He was their adviser. In all their difficulties He was their helper; and although they were no doubt much to each other in holy brotherhood, still their relation to one another was founded upon their common relationship to Him. Just as it is today, and has always been. Lei: Jesus be severed from them, let their bond with Him be broken, and there remained nothing to hold them to each other.

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