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Articles & Posts

Would Jesus and Muhammad Have Agreed?

John 14:13: (NASB) “Whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

We live in very touchy times. Whether it is debating political positions or arguing for more of what we believe are our rights or standing against those who want to do us Read more…

JW Aunt Accuses Nephew of Apostasy for Asking Questions

Here is the true story of a JW aunt that disowned her niece and nephew over a charge of Apostasy. The names have been changed to protect the privacy of the hurt and injured. We have permission to publish the email correspondence. This exchange of emails occurred in September of 2013.

First is the Read more…

Why The Trinity Doctrine Disrespects God

The human psyche, unfortunately, lends itself to all sorts of unreasoned loyalties. Loyalty to groups and loyalty to ideas are two examples. Consider the extreme emotional bonds people can have for their football team, basketball team, etc. Would any of them ever ask what the point of it was?

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