I appreciate your concern for me. I promise to share any issue that gives me trouble with you. Thank you also, Bro. Peter for the contact you gave me. Meanwhile, I am just 19. I love you all!
Innocent 19, wow! welcome. Can you tell us your experience please. So young, to recognize the call of Christ to him. We will wait to hear if you will share why you left. Sincerely Jacqueline.
Nice to have you on Innocent and welcome.
I also love the way the Bible is presented and it makes sense the way the Bible Students explain it.
I love Jehovah and understand his plan now instead of fearing him, afraid to cross him or I die at armageddon and small children for being sinners now.
This site is written so a former or still JW can understand it.
In Christ, Jacqueline
Hi, My name is Innocent Okoye from Anambra State in Nigeria. I am a former JW, my last meeting with them being about 4 months ago. I got interest with Bible Students owing to the way they represent the truth. I like the way BS presents matters with regards to salvation, Jesus Christ etc. Although since then i had not met any BS personally or eye-ball to eye-ball. But i have been visiting many Bible Students websites. I am so much longing to meet some as there is no BS or their ecclesia around my place.I am happy to meet you all!
Peter K. (admin) { Hi Let - Sorry for the difficult experiences your are going through. As you well know, Christian liberty and freedom of expression are not valued... }
Let { I stopped attending JW meetings over a year ago now. I hesitate to use my name here, I DO NOT want to get disfellowshipped and... }
Peter K. (admin) { Nice to hear from you Duka. Wishing your God's blessings, guidance and encouragement every day. }
Duka { Hello everyone. I have written here several times over the past few years, under the nickname “Duka.” I am happy to say that I am... }
Peter K. (admin) { Mirolav - I thought you were referring to Daniel 9 prophecy of 70 weeks (beginning in 454 BC) the last week, for the 1260 days... }
Miroslav { 1914 marks the end of Jerusalem's trampling. I cannot see it could be earthly Jerusalem coz Ottomans ruled the city that year, as in the... }
I appreciate your concern for me. I promise to share any issue that gives me trouble with you. Thank you also, Bro. Peter for the contact you gave me. Meanwhile, I am just 19. I love you all!
Innocent 19, wow! welcome. Can you tell us your experience please. So young, to recognize the call of Christ to him. We will wait to hear if you will share why you left. Sincerely Jacqueline.
Nice to have you on Innocent and welcome.
I also love the way the Bible is presented and it makes sense the way the Bible Students explain it.
I love Jehovah and understand his plan now instead of fearing him, afraid to cross him or I die at armageddon and small children for being sinners now.
This site is written so a former or still JW can understand it.
In Christ, Jacqueline
Hi, My name is Innocent Okoye from Anambra State in Nigeria. I am a former JW, my last meeting with them being about 4 months ago. I got interest with Bible Students owing to the way they represent the truth. I like the way BS presents matters with regards to salvation, Jesus Christ etc. Although since then i had not met any BS personally or eye-ball to eye-ball. But i have been visiting many Bible Students websites. I am so much longing to meet some as there is no BS or their ecclesia around my place.I am happy to meet you all!
Innocent Okoye – You can find Bible Student contacts in Nigeria here: http://africanbiblestudents.com/
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