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Articles & Posts

Is the Great Pyramid the Bible in Stone or part of Satanic Worship?


On Saturday evening, February 9, former JW and Bethelite, and now a Bible Student Elder, David Stein will lead a round table discussion on this topic. Joining him will be Bible Student Elders Russ Shallieu and Todd Alexander. Todd was part of a research group that spent weeks working in the Great Pyramid.

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“Truth Be Told” Televison Documentary – An Inside View of Jehovah’s Witnesses

WE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF AN UPCOMING TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY AND HOPE TO GET YOUR COMMENTS PRO OR CON AFTER IT AIRS. Worldwide online screenings will be held on Christmas Day, accompanied by social media-facilitated discussions (#hereliesthetruth).

“TRUTH BE TOLD is a new feature-length documentary film about growing up in the Jehovah’s Read more…