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Articles & Posts

Was Jesus Crucified on a Cross or Torture Stake?

This question might strike the reader as one startling question for a Bible-founded Christian fellowship to pose; after all, did not the Apostle Paul plainly write to the congregation at Corinth that, “I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified”—I Corinthians 2. 2?

Still, in the Read more…

In 1933, How the Chicago Bible Students Escaped a Takeover By the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization

Here is the story of the origin of the Chicago Bible Students.

Read An Eye-Witness Account by Br. Irving Carl Foss (Elder and a founding member) by clicking here:

Watch a video interview of two eye witnesses and founding members of the JW Organization’s move to takeover the Chicago congregation by clicking here:

Watch the Read more…

After Armageddon… God’s Kingdom – a happier ending than you may have been taught

Wouldn’t it be nice to hand people a booklet about God’s kingdom and Armageddon, knowing that there is no hidden message of eternal destruction for those who do not embrace the message. This beautiful full color booklet is a pleasant and easy read that will assure the reader of a genuine hope for all mankind Read more…