The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” “Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword.”—MATT. 10:34.
Above is the title and theme text of an article beginning on page 12 of the Read more…
The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword” “Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword.”—MATT. 10:34. Above is the title and theme text of an article beginning on page 12 of the Read more… [Watchtower – R5892 : page 137] THE COUNCIL AT JERUSALEM —MAY 28.—ACTS 15:22-33.— THE FIRST ECUMENICAL COUNCIL OF THE CHURCH—”THE SPIRIT OF A SOUND MIND” IN SETTLING DOCTRINAL DIFFERENCES —THE YOKE OF THE LAW COVENANT VS. CHRISTIAN LIBERTY—THE DECISION OF THE APOSTLES ON THE QUESTIONS AT ISSUE—LESSONS FOR OUR DAY—LIBERTY IS NOT LICENSE.
Amber Scorah went to Shanghai as a Jehovah’s Witness missionary. But in one of the most restrictive, totalitarian countries in the world, for the first time in her life, she found she had the freedom to think. Missionary work is illegal in China, and the government has recently Read more… To the contrary, in the early days (1877-1916), the Watchtower was simply a publishing house and lecture service, making its resources available to the Bible Students worldwide. The Watchtower did not govern or manage any congregations. Each congregation had full liberty in Christ to make their own decisions and elect their own elders annually, by Read more… WE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF AN UPCOMING TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY AND HOPE TO GET YOUR COMMENTS PRO OR CON AFTER IT AIRS. Worldwide online screenings will be held on Christmas Day, accompanied by social media-facilitated discussions (#hereliesthetruth). “TRUTH BE TOLD is a new feature-length documentary film about growing up in the Jehovah’s Read more… If you thought that by escaping control of the JW Organization, you could finally enjoy free speech without censorship, think again. America, once the land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE, has morphed into the land of Political Correctness and the home of the afraid. Did you know that Facebook will delete your Read more… Meet and get to know other Former Bible Students, JWs and others who are seeking an outlet for freedom of expression Facebook – Friends of Jehovah’s Witnesses Facebook – Christian Questions Radio Facebook – Chicago Bible Students Facebook – Charles Taze Russell for Truth – administered by Ronald Day For over forty years, the early Watchtower taught freedom of thought and liberty in Christ. After the death of C.T. Russell in 1916, everything changed. Here is what the Watchtower used to publish. The following quotes are taken from “The New Creation” book, Volume 6 of C.T. Russell’s Studies in the Scriptures series, starting on Read more… Former JW and Bethelite, David Stein shares his personal journey, from his youth as a Catholic, to his conversion to the Jehovah’s Witnesses at age 17, his time at Bethel and finally his discovery of the original Watchtower teachings and the Bible Students. Many ask questions and share comments with David. Here is the link Read more… (Editorial note added 8/22/10: If you are happy as a JW, we are not advocating that you leave, nor are we advocating division among the Lord’s people. What we are expressing here is that Christians in any Church should have the freedom and liberty to express their views of scriptures, based on personal and honest Read more… |
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