Bible Students offer weekly topical Bible Studies for those you you wishing to join us. The studies are Wednesday night at 7:00 pm CDT (central time). [8:00 pm EDT and and 5:00 pm PDT] Find information on the next upcoming study here:
Call Phone # 1-(302) 202-1110. After connecting dial pin#: 991337
The study begins promptly at 7:00 pm Central time (8:00 pm Eastern & 5:00 pm West Coast). It is best to call in 5 or 10 minutes early to avoid technical delays. If you have any questions, you can contact me at
Our study topic will be a topical study of the Bible from Brother Russell’s famous book called “THE ATONEMENT BETWEEN GOD AND MAN” It is Volume 5 of Studies in the Scriptures.
Night: Wednesday
Time: 8:00 pm Eastern, 7:00 pm Central, 5:00 pm West Coast
See the main website page and find the most recent study announcement for the chapter we are on. These announcement are brought forward to the front of the home page on Wednesday morning so it is easy to find for those looking for the study questions.
The study will in some ways be similar to a college class room in that we plan on covering the material in the chapter. So you will benefit by reading in advance and preparing. You will find our teachings just like what they were in the early days of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, before the year 1917. Bible Students do not believe and forcing our views on others and you are welcome to have a difference of opinion. However, the study is not intended to be a free for all. We intend on keeping on the topic for the first hour. Off topic questions and thoughts (or differences of opinion that will take time to discuss) will be reserved for after the first hour. Our goal will be to cover a chapter a week, however realistically if more time is needed we allow more time the following week.
In order to keep order in the study, if you have a question or comment you can type “Q” for Question or “C” for Comment. If you are on the phone, say the words “Question” or “Comment.” The study leader will use his discretion in calling on each of you in an orderly fashion, but only as time permits. In an hour it may not be possible for everyone to say all that they wanted to say. However, we will do our best to encourage participation from as many who desire it.
- Bible Resources – Audio, Video, eBooks, Trivia Game and more!
- January 30 Wednesday night Study – THE DAY OF JEHOVAH
- Expanded Biblical Comments – C. T. Russell’s Verse by Verse Commentary on the Bible
- Join Discussion Group – Great spiritual benefits gained in less than 20 minutes a day
- May 23 – Wednesday Night – Call in to Our Bible Study – THE THREE WAYS – Narrow Way to Life, Highway of Holiness & Broad Road to Destruction
- April 25 Wednesday Night – Call in to Our Bible Study – Heavenly and Earthly Natures are Distinct
- Do it yourself Memorial Script – How to celebrate with a group or by yourself
- How To Choose a Bible Translation
- Install Free Bible Program on your computer or smart phone
- September 21 Study – Object of our Lord’s Return is to Restore – Join us!
- Wed 6/29 Study – A Long Hidden Mystery now Revealed! – Join us.
- May 18 – Join our study on God’s Revelation – The Bible
Just found your website. Looking forward to learn more from it.
Good morning. Are you associated with the JEHOVAH’S witnesses?
Welcome Jackie – Feel free to share your thoughts or ask questions. This is an open forum.
People are having a hard time seeing the “Meet the Bible Students”. that is offered in this web site. Would you be so kind and put it in a more accessible form ? I will then be able to direct more people to this valuable information in the future.
Thanks Rena. We will get that fixed this week. Thanks for letting me know.
Are the call in study sessions only available on Wednesday nights?
Quietly thinking,
They should be. There are so many studies during the week. I know many have studied every day.
Quietly Thinking – If you would like to let me know what nights work for you, I can send you call in information for a study on one or more of those nights.
Thank you!! I can do any evening except Wednesday, so whatever other nights are available I would be interested in.
Quietly Thinking – I will send you an email today with information on call in studies.
Jacqueline my apologies I made a liar out of myself I was planning on being home and able to participate in my first Bible students study I got called to work which by the way I desperately need but it still prevented me from doing my Bible study I’m really looking forward to being able to sign in on the next one and listen to the old style kind of Bible study that I remember as a child I’ll see you next round and again my apologies I said that I’d be here and I didn’t make it
This is Ari Matthew Davies tonight Wednesday at 8 p.m. eastern time I’m going to call in and listen to the study I’m probably not going to say anything the first time cuz I have no idea how you guys do your studies but I’m going to be using the studies from the scripture book off of the Bible students site on my cell phone to follow along if anybody has any pointers I’ll be there listening and I’ll learn how to make comments as we go thank you for inviting me
Ari Davies, we are on now and I will look for your phone. Welcome