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Articles & Posts

Meet the Early Bible Students – J.F. Rutherford called them Evil Slaves

This 45 minute video takes you through testimonials and music from the Early Bible Students of Pastor Russell’s day.  Video Clips from the Photodrama of Creation are included.  The people you see testifying are among the 75% of Bible Students who left the Watchtower because they would not follow J.F. Rutherford in his takeover of Read more…

How are Bible Students connected to the Early Watchtower?

Who are the Bible Students? Where do they come from? These are questions frequently asked by those who seek to identify this movement and its origins. This special issue of The Herald is an expansion of an earlier edition and is meant to answer these queries.

Seeking to place the Bible Student movement in a Read more…

Brother Russell Founded the Bible Students, not Jehovah’s Witnesses

This early Bible Student history book is written by Bro. Ken Rawson, a Bible Student elder who knew more Bible Students from Pastor Russell’s and JF Rutherford’s time than any other Bible Student elder alive today.

After the death of Pastor Russell in 1916, the purpose of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society changed Read more…


This passage is taken from page 274 of the book, “Pastor C.T. Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope” which you can find by clicking this link.

Already in 1907, Pastor Russell had executed his Last Will and Testament, which was amended slightly the following year and once more in 1910. Even earlier he had donated his Read more…


Pastor Russell explains the history that led up to the starting of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (R5909 : page 170)


MANY are the inquiries relative to the truths presented in the STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES and THE WATCH TOWER, as to whence they came and how they developed Read more…

How did J.F. Rutherford Succeed in Seizing Control of the Society against the Instructions of Pastor Russell?

The passage below is quoted from the book, “Pastor Russell, Messenger of Millennial Hope,” pages 275-277. Supporting references can be found in this book.

Rumblings of Conspiracy and Intrigue

At the headquarters office, an alleged plot began to unfold that one historian dubbed a “bitter palace intrigue.” It has also been likened more to Read more…

Richard Rawe of Six Screens of WT interviews Bible Student Jim Parkinson

On August 21, 2010, Ex-JW Richard Rawe interviewed Bible Student Elder, Historian and Scholar, Jim Parkinson, on the Six Screens of the Watchtower. Richard Rawe asks Jim Parkinson questions about his family history with the Watchtower and his wife’s experiences as a JW. Richard also asks questions about Bible Manuscripts and the accurate translation of Read more…

Can I get some practical advice on Christian Living?

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.—2 Peter 1:3

Nothing is as important to the true Christian than copying the character of his Lord and Master. The very purpose of Christianity is Read more…

Book: Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope

You can order the book:

Book: Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope

Pastor Russell Founded the Bible Students, Not the Jehovah’s Witnesses

The picture is clear. The historical data reveals beyond a doubt that the Bible Students founded by Pastor Russell and Jehovah’s Witnesses founded by Judge Rutherford are two separate movements.

Pastor Russell founded the Bible Students. The movement had its beginning in 1872 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, where a newly formed Bible Class selected Charles Taze Read more…