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Articles & Posts

Will Only “Jehovah’s Witnesses” Survive Armageddon?

Is this picture right? The purpose of the Battle of Armageddon is gather the nations to destroy this old order in the symbolic “fire” of anarchy—in preparation for the blessings of a “new heavens and a new earth” (Isaiah 65:17).

Armageddon will be unprecedented and unique in two ways: magnitude and target. It will be Read more…

What happens to Anointed who do not make the 144,000?

A mistake is in presuming that the Little Flock of 144,000 are the only ones who will receive a heavenly reward. The Anointed can be broken down into two classes after death: 1) the 144,000 and 2) those who fall short of the 144,000, but who are not going into second death.

We believe Read more…

Is the Day of Judgment something to look forward to? …or to dread!?


When we read the prophets in the Old Testament we notice that their prophecies were primarily for the nation of Israel, whether to the Northern kingdom of Israel, to the Southern kingdom of Judah, or to both. Occasionally, the prophets and their messages were for other nations, (Jonah and his prophecy of the Read more…

What is the role of the Great Crowd on Paradise Earth?

As noted in the answer to the prior question, “…they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple;” (Rev 7:15 NWT).

Just as in the Old Testament the Levites provided service for the tabernacle (then later the temple) and supported the greater work Read more…