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232 comments to Latest Comments Digest

  • Lee Anthony

    I am wondering why crisis of conscience is such an expensive book? I have both crisis and search for christian freedom downloaded free but am trying to find a hardcopy in order to send to an individual who is incarcerated and therfore cannot get an electronic copy. Anybody know where i can get one that isn’t so expensive?

    • greg (Bible Student)

      Hi Lee Anthony.

      I haven’t seen a paper copy cheap anywhere online. (Well, I did see one for $17 but the ancient link was dead.) For the prices I’ve seen, it’s almost cheaper to buy an e-reader.

      I did see some listings on bookfinder.com for around $23, though they are listed as “Out of Stock; Our special ordering service will try to obtain this.” Whether or not they actually can would remain to be seen.

      Just an idea: Have you asked at your local library, or a local used book store? I’ve had good success using those avenues in the past.


    • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

      I think someone is printing them for persons wanting it. I have the very first one from my uncle who is 97. Raymond gave him a copy when he bound them one by one. I have that one and 2 each of both books but different editions. He might be able to get it in his library also. I will check for a cheap copy for you.

    • Anonymous CJ

      Lee. I have a hard copy that’s a reprint if you want it. I bought it when they were in production and it’s in perfect condition. And I have in search if Christian freedom if you want it.

    • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

      Lee do you want me to pass your email address on to anon? He is a bible student brother. You can send it to biblestudents1@gmail.com


    Hello Sist Jackie & Bro Peter.I have made contact with the JW Bro(Barry)who left a message on the site asking about the bible students in Australia.We are sending him some material in the post,& also arranging for him to join our SKYE Studies.Will keep you informed.Looking forward to meeting you at the general convention.Christian Love,Bro Richard,From the land down under.

    • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

      Thanks for the update Br. Richard. We are having xjw over here go to the meetings for the first time and expect to have some at the General Convention. Can’t wait to met you and your dear wife. In God’s Love, Jacqueline

      PS: Richard I wanted to add to your previous comment. If the governing body was not aware that the Bible students were alive it would be one thing but they knew they were vibrant and discouraged us from taking literature from anyone so we wouldn’t find out about them.
      The internet however has forced them to take the “Evil Slave” label off of us. If not for the internet we would not have known the society has printed the purple interlinear Greek bible and shipped to the Dawn in the past, proving they knew about them.
      Also Br. David Stein’s father left to associate with Bible students and Br. David was disfellowshipped for attempting to help his father come back many years ago.
      So they lied and to perpetuate it until the internet showed them up is unacceptable.
      I would never believe anything they say after keeping up a lie for 60 years, it makes them unfit close association. (The organization propaganda not the individuals).


    Hello to all my EX JW family,After spending nearly fifty years as a witness I know what you are feeling as you stumble in darkness.You(we) were all told that there is nothing out there,that only the WTB&T Society have the truth!Rubbish.Since finding 6 years ago that the bible students were still active & still in many Countries off the earth was a blessing to me.If you are really searching for the truth contact me via e/mail & I WOULD LOVE TO HELP YOU find the TRUTH that sets you free.May Jehovah & his risen Son the Christ help you all in your search.I would love to share my Life & experiences with you all.Christian Love,From Bro Richard,Victoria,Australia.

  • Francis

    At one time, a record of him giving a discourse was played. I think he was the best at putting Christendom down and opening truth seekers eyes to false religion.

    I have read all the bad about him and have read all the bad about Brother C.T. Russell. And I am totally convinced both of them are up in heaven right now. Are they surprised at to what they see? I doubt it.

    Look at all the bad things People say about their God Jehovah and His Son Jesus Christ.

    • Anon

      The leaders of the watchtower today are Christendom. Claiming it is God’s channel on earth that we must be associated with for salvation or die the second death. That’s what Christendom teaches and Russell warned against. And that’s your right to do so. But he has convinced many that we must belong to a earthly organization or we will die in Armageddon. This though is in no way in accordance with the scriptures. He changed all of the truths Russell gave. Rutherford was openly an immoral man. He said we were enemies of God if we didn’t accept his truths. He said God lives in the pleadies constellations and that organ transplants are cannibalism. Seriously I highly doubt he was used by God other than to set up an organization that is like the Catholic Church. Claiming it is God’s channel on earth that we must be associated with for salvation or die the second death. Rutherford drug russells followers into Christendom like organization. Russell took us out Rutherford brought us back in. Just like with the death of the apostles and Jesus. After Russell died apostasy set in.

      • Jacqueline (Bible student)

        Anon, hello. There are some who feels they have to stay connected to this organization although they are learning the divine truths. So it is a very strong delusion.
        An example is a woman leaving an abusive husband and has her family in a safe place. But she feels she has to listen daily to his filth and visit with him because he is her husband. Many witness women and children have lOST their lives not protected it.
        The same when some feel they can wallow in the mud and impart some cleanness to it because they are clean. Or even believe hearing the propaganda reinforced every week will not somehow stick to them. It is a delusion. The witnesses target a certain type of person at the door. They will drop one that is not pliable or weak or ask a lot of questions. Rutherford knew the art of persuasion from being a lawyer and he used it to take minds away from Jesus and on his earthly expression of God kingdom in the Jehovah witness organization. Those are their words not mine. Talk and listen carefully to persons that have that thought pattern, it sounds just like the abused wife. She has been conditioned daily and weekly by the controller. Others can see but she can’t.
        Gratefully their staying in this system will not result in their everlasting death. The Ransom has cover ALL in every system. The offer however to run for the upward call that Jesus extended to his followers however is a beautiful free gift denied them within that system. They don’t discern it at all. But that okay for the rank anD file God has it covered.

        I believe there are some people that have something good to say about Hitler and believe he is in heaven.

        • Jacqueline (Bible student)

          Anon I wanted to add I am not attacking the individuals but the system. Jesus didn’t give us the name of the sanhedrin members but was speaking of its governing body system. So that is the vein I present my direct comments in.
          I may have to be disciplined but I will not give that governing body a break. Based on lots of new things I get in letters every day.

      • Francis

        Hi Anon;

        Page 291 in the WT 2075 Vol. 3 page 291 has some interesting beliefs of Brother Russell, showing Brother Rutherford a good student of the Pastor. Check both of those out on Pleadies please and let us know what you find.

  • Liz


    • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

      Hi Liz, did you know Br. Rutherford? I did not. I grew up under Nathan Knorr and Fred Franz. Is there something specific that you are referring to? The Watchtower Society told us not to read any of the publications prior to 1950 and this would cover most of Rutherford’s history and they deny future witnesses from knowing much about him. My father and grandfather knew him however and my father defied the organization on the no blood issue instituted by Rutherford. My grandfather was just plain against the organization.He’ was born in the 1800’s and knew both Russell and Rutherford. All I ever heard was he was as the present day governing body says on their DVD, that he was a gruff man and not many got along well with him.
      Perhaps you knew him or of him and can give us more info. His wife,son would not attend the funeral, because allegations of mistresses at Beth Sarim. These are just things I heard and have read on internet. Hope this helps. Take Care

      • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

        Liz here is what Wiki says concerning Rutherfordcontent://media/external/file/8944

      • Liz

        I’ll take your comment as a no.

        • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

          Liz, I really did like you, research. But the present day Jehovah witnesses distNce themselves. But still I should have found something good. We have audio of some that knew him. It seems he just didn’t care how people felt. He had his thoughts on an issue or scripture and it was his way or the highway. Makes me think about how I treat people. Something good I have learned from your question is to make sure I live so something good is said about me when I pass on. Thank you for the reflection.

      • Chris

        I love how they say that Rutherford “took the lead”. No he took over. Illegally. I don’t have anything kind to say about him. He is the reason that they disfellowship and shun family. Totally unbiblical.

      • Liz

        You know, After I have looked at some of these negative comments, I began to realize something. Of course the Slave would not tell the “dirty laundry” of Brother Rutherford. I began to really think about your reply to me. I did a little more research of the Watchtower publications. One being “Jehovah Witnesses” written in 1993. It is conspicuous that nothing was said about his wife and son coming to his funeral. Very Interesting. What it did say was in a foot note…that he had a wife and son.

        Regarding Brother Russell’s death, it mentioned that when he died his ex-wife put Lilly of the Valley flowers on his casket. That was his favorite flower. With a note: “To My Beloved Husband”

        Something else I don’t appreciate about Br. Rutherford is that he, unlike Russell no longer let the brothers and sisters have their own view on what scriptures said. He really was a controlling man. Not Good. That kind of attitude is why I have left the JW’s in the first place.

    • ANON

      Ask one of his women!!

  • Josana

    Hi Chris, first of all, that you so much for the book you sent me. I am reading it very slowly to absorb every single word.

    I have a question for you, where can i find info on the number 666?

    thank you

  • JoAnn Sanchez

    I don’t understand how everyone will be given a chance to live on paradise earth? I thought that the life we are currently living was the journey we take to decide which side we chose. Whether we choose to go with God or the devil.

    How can it be that we have people starving all of their lives, people with more money than they know what to do with and not to mention the sick, the blind. Those that were given talent to sing, write, artists and those that can only push a broom. How in the world is it right that everyone get a chance when they had their chance here: The rich to help the poor and and the strong to help the weak, not exploit them. They had their chance.

    • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

      JoAnn hello and thanks for your comment. I really understand what you are saying. One thing you might be forgetting is our father put us in a bad place and Jehovah God has a way of correcting matters. He decided to do it by Ransom of Adam and forgiving all sins freely, it is a free gift. But in this plan he decided to let man indeed have some say so in the righting of things. That is where even in the conditions you mention some will be chosen to help Jesus during the time his Ransom really starts to work for mankind.
      You, I nor anyone can say why he let it go on so long. (This part is just ME reasoning). Let’s just say all humans will be resurrected and all that lived gets the chance to live forever because they were born. Maybe those born will populate other planets or something and if you weren’t born and learned that disobedience to God is awful, you lost out. I hope you understand that I know it is unequal now but I travel with some of the richest people you can meet, singers, entertainers and I keep them sane. They have money but us the help might have more freedom of movement and really true friends and can enjoy some simple pleasures. Which by the way is good for the soul. Over abundance of Money is not quite you you think it is in terms of happiness and enjoyment. You and I can eat but most entertainers are so deprived of that because of weigh control. LOL.
      But seriously looking at the outcome requires FAITH THAT GOD AND JESUS are doing it the absolute best way for the eternal future of man. Never will we have to live with a society of rebellers making our real life miserable because it has been proven, IT WILL NOT WORK! It is about having FAITH. Is this is not a good and sure thing we are most to be pitied, I agree with you.
      But so far all his stuff has come true. Maybe not on our little timetable but it takes time to work out things.
      Governments and the internet, flight etc has allowed man the opportunity to do it himself as Adam and Eve wanted. In Millennium people will decide for themselves not under the decision of a stupid mother and father. They got us in a mess but God recognizes that they really didn’t have an idea that all this would happen so he ransomed Adam. Eve came out of Adam so she is ransomed also with us. She was deceived badly says the Bible.
      JoAnn I know it just gets so hard sometimes but to be able to look baCK ON ALL OF THIS AND SAY WOW, I am glad God brought me and my family and the whole human race back to have a chance. Not a second chance but a first as no matter how we try now we can’t live pain and poverty free forever.
      Sometimes we just have to hang our heads down and weather the storm. JoAnn we have to TRUST HIM, HE HAS ALWAYS TOLD THE TRUTH! He just is so patient and views time differently than us. But at least he gave us life, He must have cared. But an enemy a destroyer, a jealous hater of the master worker along side his father, caused this. I know you know all of this JoAnn, but hang in there! Trust him, have FAITH.
      WE CAN TALK IF YOU LIKE. Just dial. I am not with witness family but on vacation, chilling and I am free to just talk to you. How is your Mom doing. Love and blessings, Jacqueline

  • Shannon

    Hello my dear brethren and sisters some people have a idea the Jehovah will not restore all to life scripture is clear that just as in Adam all die in Christ all will live is God a man so that he would judge as men do never will that occur the bible says that he is a loving father earthly fathers judge I’m perfectly but are loving God first the bible says that he is love Jesus said that just as a loving father would not give his child a snake that our loving father is much greater than a earthly father I’m am so thankful for the almighty for his love kindness goodness patience he is our true father may we all stay in hiS love never mistreating it always showing love to all even the jws let us love as a people who are going to show love to all

    • JoAnn Sanchez

      God has allowed more than enough punishment to some of us here on earth. Why! live an entire life in pain and never even know what it is to be really happy. While others have everything. Why is that.

      • Peter K. (admin)


        Thanks for some good questions.

        The Bible nowhere teaches that the world of mankind in general is on trial for eternal life and judgment.

        God made a promise to Abraham:

        Gen.22:18 – “In your seed ALL the nations of the earth shall be blessed ” NKJV

        Have all the nations on the earth been blessed? No, not yet.

        Consider also:
        Luke 2:10 – “the angel said…I bring you good tidings of great joy… to ALL people.” NKJV

        Have all people received good tidings of great joy? No, not yet.

        1 John 2:2 – “He is an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. – Weymouth

        How is Jesus the atoning sacrifice not only for believers, but for the whole world? It is because the unbelieving world is not presently on trial for eternal life or destruction. They will have their trial for life on the future Paradise Earth.

        Isa 11:9-10 – “the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.”

        Isa 26:9 – “when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.”

        Mic 4:1-2 – “Many nations shall say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.”

        So will the wicked get away scot-free? No. They will be punished for their wickedness, but with the purpose of learning righteousness. This is not “eternal destruction.”

        Romans 1:18, 28: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,”

        In this life, the unbelieving world experience God’s wrath from the standpoint that he turns his back on them for now, allowing them to experience the horrible consequences of their bad choices without His protection or intervention.

        For those not receiving the just consequences of their wickedness in this life, God will supply appropriate punishment in the kingdom so they can learn the lesson.

        Romans 2:5-9 (NASB) But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to each person according to his deeds : to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation. There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek,”

        Yes, the wicked will be punished, however nothing is mentioned about eternal destruction. Their trial for life and the possibility of eternal destruction will be in the kingdom age. Even Paul says that “there will be a resurrection of… the unjust.” Acts 24:15

        I hope this helps.

  • jacqueline

    Joann welcome, we also use the BIble to interpret itself and I like that also. You may ask a question and if The answer is in one of the articles we can post the link. Or we answer directly.
    If you look to the left you Will see a column of subjects and sub subjects underneath.
    I was actually a witness for 62 years and had many precious memories studying the bible with people I met.
    Feel free to ask a question to get the discussion started so everyone will answer on what concerns you. Take care, Jacqueline

    • Josana

      Thank you Jacqueline. Where can I read information about the people heading this Bible study. Where does everyone live. Do you have a building to study in? Do people get together to study?

      I truly hope this is the last time I have to unlearn and relearn the Bible. I just want the truth and I pray you guys have it. From what I read on your site, it sounds exciting. I love the Bible. I love this site because you said I can post a question and get answers. Wonderful.

      Thank you and you all have a wonderful day. Christian love from me.to you

      Oh, I changed my name on this reply. Where else do I have to change it?.

      With Christian love

      • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

        Josana I changed all your names to josana is that okay with you? BTW this is an audio link to a radio program where you can hear the answer to almost any question by clicking archives.
        On the surface it may seem we are Jehovah witnesses but as Chris mentioned we are not and our beliefs in what the bible says is quite different. I agree you have to unlearn then relearn. We have a Wednesday night call in study for persons coming to this site. It is just what you say we go slow as we unlearn. It is not for everybody because it might go slow as we want proof this time from the bible and Br. Brad will supply it from the Bible and we can ask questions until we get it. It has ex jw that were elders but you wouldn’t know it as they are learning at the same rate as you and I. LOL We use the studies in the scriptures as a guildline because it is history on the development of the religious systems that we see today. Your background is interesting, Catholicism was once the Universal Church for centuries but plunged the world into darkness as it told us what to believe instead of letting us search from the Bible. But your affiliation is knowledge gained that hardly any of us know about. Now to give you the links for the questions you proposed. I find it best if you read it yourself first then ask questions. One of us will see your question. (School has started and I am a basbysitting grandma living at my witness son’s home, but I check often).

        The Cross it is true was used as the mystical TAU, but there is evidence that the short beam Jesus carried and was attached to the upright tree. Hands straight over the head would have him die in at least 20 minutes but prophecies had to be fulfilled and the out stretch cross position with even a foot piece would keep him alive to be tortured on the stake. That is what the Romans did and satan wanted him to suffer not die quickly. Read more here: https://www.friendsofjehovahswitnesses.com/category/jehovahs-witnesses-answers/torture-stake-jehovahs-witnesses-answers/ The next post will have the other links and more info.

  • Josana

    I was born in Catholicism, and t thank God that when I was in my 30’s I learned the truth. I then when to other Christian religions and was not satisfied. I moved to another State and met the Witnesses. They are wonderful, indeed, I never read hardly any of the literature, I wanted the Bible to interpret itself and they did a very good job of it, still confused about a few things. I made it clear that I did not ever plan to be a witness. They never pressured me or anything.
    All I wish to do is learn the Bible. I have been ill for a long time and do my best to post on Facebook or Twitter my feelings about God and whatever I can to help others.
    I don’t understand what this group does or how or where. Please explain or let me know where I can read about it or can someone confirm what I have learned?
    Thank you

    • Chris

      Hi Joann,
      It’s great that you like the Bible to interpret the Bible. I agree. “All scripture is inspired of God.” I thought when I was a witness that we were learning so much about the bible. But I’ve come to learn that we have to rightly divide the word of truth. For example, when a JW comes to your door and shows you all of the scriptures about living on a paradise earth, they typical will take you to the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures). This was before Jesus opened up the high calling. We classify those promises to the Jewish Age which are for the Jews and restored mankind. Jesus only offered the hope of heaven to those who would follow him. Jesus never promised earth to his followers. There is “one faith ONE HOPE one baptism.” To show this claim biblically they have tried to say (with no biblical support) that Christ’s “Other sheep” are the “Great Crowd” who will live on the earth. In the Gospel Age (Christian times) we are running the race be be of the bride of Christ. Those do don’t make it will still be in heaven serving “before the throne” (Rev 7:15,Psalms 45:14,15) So everything I learned from the witnesses needed to be put in its place properly. I can’t take a scripture from Psalms 37:29 and show this to a Christian. That’ is not what Jesus promised those who follow him. . That was a promise to the Jews. And ultimately mankind.
      Christian Love.

    • Chris

      Joann. I don’t think I’ve answered your question. :). Oops. This group is for many active JWs and former JWs or just questioning JWs. We allow them to come and discuss anything that they wish that is on their minds about JWs. Many of us are Bible Students who have been or may not have been witnesses. We follow the Bible and still hold many beliefs that the early Watchtower Society (1879-1916) did. We are a group of non judgemental Christians and would love to hear from you.
      Christian Love

      • Josana

        Thank you for your prompt attention. I am so glad that you did, because I thought that I could just continue my Bible study with you. Wrong. I have studied for two years with the JW’s and have to unlearn before I relearn. I wish to ask some questions Mostly yes or no questions Next I need suggestions as to what to do.. I love the idea that you have conventions. . I hope this is ok with you.
        . I already read that there is no trinity
        Was Jesus hung on a tree? Why do other religions say cross?
        Is there a hell?
        Will there be Paradise on Earth?
        Are the dead asleep and their soul in God’s memory?
        (Enough for now,sorry) Please send email. Thank you. Christian Love to you too.

        • Jacqueline (Bible Student)

          Josana as Chris mentioned we feel that there is no need to change what the scriptures say on a subject every 10-20 years. That is why we see things clearer but still accept the scriptural understanding from the early days of the watchtower. If it was an error in understanding yes Bible students will adjust but not change every 10 years. If the scripture is not clearly saying what is presented please don’t feel you have to be timid. ASK THE QUESTION, EXPECT AN HONEST ANSWER.
          Br. Peter is the elder and admin of this site and will step in to clarify an issue or outright answer your question. Most of us answering today have been a Jehovah witess but Br. Peter and other Bible studets have never been witnesses. Witnesses broke away from the understanding of scripture as presented by the Bible students and formed a new religioned and by 1931 called it Jehovah Witnesses.
          JF Rutherford died in 1942 and having not seen Israel become a nation (they did in 1948) he felt Replacement theology had to apply and he took up the place of the Jews with his new group and took the name belonging only to the Jews (Isa 43:10-12). Had he lived until 1948 and until the six day war of 1967, maybe he would have changed the name, after realizing bible prophecies take place over a period of time not quickly. God lets things develop even as the 6 hours of suffering on the cross allowed for the situations to present so Jesus could respond and fulfill the last scriptures.
          I will tell Br. Peter the region of the country you are in and he wil see if there are Bible students in your area. But in the meantime we are willing to nswer your questions.

          Is there hell? Let’s approach that differently as you probably have a good knowledge from studying with the witnesses on Hell being the grave. But we are different in who comes out of hell. So learning about Jesus Ransom will help you understand how hell is the resting temporary place for all of mankind born of Adam. Jehovah witnesses do not believe this, they have certain people in the grave of Adamic death as condemned already. To us the scriptures clearly teach that JESUS RANSOMED ADAM, THEREFORE EVERYTHING COMING OUT OF ADAM WAS RANSOMED, INCLUDING EVE AS SHE CAME OUT OF ADAM. Noah’s day, the people died in Adamic sin and Christ ransom covered the ones with Adam as their father not the ones with the angels as their fathers however.
          https://www.friendsofjehovahswitnesses.com/category/ransom-answers/ Maybe these two questions are enough for now until you can read them and write down your questions. Others however may add or even comment on other questions. You take us where you want to go.
          We are not so much re teaching what the witnesses teach but what says the BIBLE. I would like to mention however this is a free and open website and some with the views of the witnesses will answer and we will answer back to them or carry on two or three conversations at once.
          We do this by each person addressing the people they are speaking to. I and others might just stick with you while others may address the Jehovah witness apologists that might come on to answer you. It will be stimulating to say the least. So for now I will wait for your response and others will probably answer as well. Take Care Jacqueline


        • Chris

          Hi Josana,
          It was good to hear from you. Yes we believe in a paradise on earth. However, we differ from JWs in who will live on the paradise. We believe that the Ancient Worthies (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and many other) will be princes in all the earth. (Psalm 45:16). And those who never entered the race for the high calling. We also believe all of mankind will be resurrected to live on a paradise earth. We also believe that the great crowd will be in heaven as well. (Rev 19:1). We believe that EVERYONE who has ever lived will be resurrected. Everyone will have a chance. Is this not a loving provision? Please feel free to contact me at anytime. Johnsc11@aol.com. I would love to talk to you about the wonderful plan our creator Jehovah has for us.

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