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Articles & Posts

Was Charles Taze Russell a Fraud and False Prophet?

The following article is taken from the book, “Pastor Russell: Messenger of Millennial Hope.” Chapter 8, page 227.

The Pastor a Fraud and False Prophet?

Many of the allegations made against Pastor Russell under this category are sweeping and Read more…

Was Charles Taze Russell associated with the Occult and Pyramidology?












An Occultic Pyramidologist?

This is an accusation that is not infrequently heard: Pastor Russell, by incorporating the measurements and lay out of the Great Pyramid in his teachings, was thereby guilty of occultic practices. Randall Watters asserts:

“Among the most obvious of Read more…

Was Charles Taze Russell a Mason / Freemason?

Bedfellows with Freemasons?

The charge has been advanced that Pastor Russell and the Bible Students are connected With the Free masons and that both groups are to be condemned because they are occult in nature. The occult reference is used to describe both the secrecy aspect of their respective beliefs as well as the Read more…