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Expanded Biblical Comments – C. T. Russell’s Verse by Verse Commentary on the Bible

Click here to open the book:  EXPANDED COMMENTS 1879-1916 New Cover  This book is a compilation and summary  of C.T. Russell’s comments on the whole Bible, verse by verse.  You can purchase a hard copy by clicking here:

In his ministry of some 37 years, from 1879 to 1916, the written material produced by Charles Taze Russell has been calculated at some 39,000 pages, an output of over 4 pages per day. His voluminous works contain comments on a wide variety of Scripture topics, giving specific insight into literally tens of thousands of Bible texts. However, since he wrote from a topical perspective, it has not always been easy to locate his teachings on particular verses.

To create a this book, the first phase was to recruit a team of some 50 Bible Student brothers and sisters throughout the United States to carefully and systematically read through the Reprints from 1909 to 1916, digesting the material onto filing cards under Scripture headings.  The miscellaneous writings of Pastor Russell were also included in these reading assignments. As a result, after one full year, some 20,000 to 25,000 specific comments were gleaned and filed in Scripture order. All texts referenced in the various indexes were then researched for additional comments.

In the second phase of the project, a team of four manuscript compilers was commissioned to work from this input of new material and combine it with the older editions, verifying the accuracy of each comment selected. A set of guidelines were drawn up to insure objectivity in the selection of material for the new book.

The third phase, that of editing the manuscript, proved to be the most time- consuming, and the one that has delayed the project far beyond its original projected publication.  An exhaustive editing procedure was devised. One master editor was appointed to review all of the material, checking for accuracy, objectivity and exhaustiveness. He was furnished with all of the original research material to assist him in this work.  Then one of a team of 13 secondary editors were also sent copies of the manuscript to check independently of the primary editor. The work of both of these editors was submitted to the project coordinators who digested their findings for the final editing.  Two elders of the Chicago Bible Students were commissioned to carry out the final editing procedure. The first of these was to review the combined work of the compiler, the master and secondary editors; and then to re- read all of the articles referenced in the various Scripture indices to the Reprints and the other writings of Pastor Russell, increasing the total number of comments. Then, the second of these final editors, was to review the entire work, including the additions of the first final editor.

The final phase was production which again involved many brethren in the tasks of actual typesetting, and also repetitive proof- reading and grammatical editing for conformity to punctuation and capitalization styles.  It is the result of this cumbersome process which you now hold in your hands, some 1127 pages of typewritten manuscript, representing 20,200 individual comments on the Old Testament alone, with a total of 27,659 references. This compares with 7,007 comments and 7,860 references in the current manual.

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