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Beyond the Watchtower

Looking to our Past for lessons to help inform our Future

Our new logo of the original Watchtower cross and crown supports our subtitle “Looking to our Past – For lessons about our Future.  Find more out the Watchtower history of the cross and crown by clicking here:

WHY THE NAME CHANGE FROM “FRIENDS OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES” TO “BEYOND THE WATCHTOWER?” New redirected website address is  —  BeyondWatchtower.com.

First an introduction: We are Bible Students who since the early Watchtower days have continued to meet together in congregations around the world.  We retain, continue to study, and offer to others, the original Watchtower writings and literature, which we enjoy as wonderful resources to help understand and harmonize the Bible’s teachings.  Some of us created the “Friends of Jehovah’s Witnesses” website in an attempt to reach out in the spirit of Christian love and friendship, both to struggling Jehovah’s Witnesses and to Ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Why are we reaching out?

A. We hope to provide a safe haven website of help, support, encouragement, open conversation and as well an information center.

B.  We hope to provide for your consideration, the enduring, valued, spiritual light of truth that shone forth so brightly in the early days of the Watchtower ministry.  In the spirit of Christian love and liberty, we extend to you this invitation to study, not with an autocratic ORGANIZATION controlled by a “Governing Body,” but rather with fellow Christian students of the Bible in the spirit of the Berean’s (Acts 17:11).

C. We hope to share with you areas of our common roots and the true history and the original mission of the early Watchtower Society. In its early days, it operated as a publishing house.  It had absolutely NO authority over any of the hundreds of independent congregations which were controlled solely by the congregation members themselves; not by domineering elders, overbearing overseers or a dictatorial Governing Body.  In those days each elder could only remain in office if at the annual elections they received 75% of the vote from the Holy Spirit anointed congregation members voting based on the Biblical qualifications for elder (1 Tim 3 and Titus 1).

So why the name change to “Beyond the Watchtower.”

Some visitors to our site have had the mistaken impression that by calling ourselves “Friends of Jehovah’s Witnesses” that this meant we were in agreement with the new doctrines and the oppressive and controlling spirit of the organization itself and its governing structure as well as its historical practice of shunning questioning members, and the resultant dividing of families. Dear brothers and sisters, nothing could be further from our true heart’s desire. These types of practices were never to be found among the original Watchtower friends prior to 1917.

Our new name “Beyond the Watchtower” contains a dual meaning which helps clarify our mission:

1: To help, support and encourage present JWs looking BEYOND todays Watchtower or else former JWs AFTER leaving the JW Organization. We would like to provide the type of support as shared in A & B above, to help those presently questioning or struggling with their relationship in the J.W. Organization and who may even have endured and suffered from spiritual and emotional wounds.

2: As described in C above, to provide an accurate historical account of events that took place BEYOND or AFTER the early Watchtower” days when a new organization emerged under new leadership, dramatically changing its beliefs and practices.

In these early Watchtower days, many of the original Bible Students refused to accept the new and changed teachings.  Nor would they be controlled by and surrender their Christian liberty to this new and very tough leader, Joseph Rutherford.  These Bible Students broke away from the new and emerging JW organization and either maintained or reestablished Bible Student congregation’s worldwide.  By 1931, 75% of the Original Bible Students had left this new organization which in that year adopted the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” in order to draw a clear line of distinction from those who had left the Society and those who remained.

The Bible Students as a Christian fellowship still meet together to the present day as free and independent congregations retaining their original beliefs and practicing the same spirit of Christian liberty as was adhered to during the early Watchtower days up through October of 1916 when Brother Russell died.

With these true, loving and encouraging wishes for you, we hope that this website aids you, our visiting brothers and sisters, to find satisfying answers to questions you may have. We hope this site can be an educational, healing center, a safe harbor for achieving a healthy emotional state, a place for spiritual growth in a manner that faithfully follows the scriptures and a place where all of our combined efforts will be found pleasing and honoring to the name of Jehovah, our loving and merciful Heavenly Father.

We hope that a journey with you to the not so distant past will bring you fresh hopes of Jehovah’s kindness and mercy to us today as well as for the bright and wonderful tomorrow that He has promised for all mankind through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

We continue now with our original WELCOME message below.

1Jo 4:18  There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint.  Indeed, he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love. – NWT


Acts 17:10, 11: Immediately by night the brothers sent both Paul and Silas out to Be-roe’a, and these, upon arriving, went into the synagogue of the Jews.  Now the latter  were more noble-minded than those in Thes-sa-lo-ni’ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. – NWT

You are anonymous here.  You can speak to other Jehovah’s Witnesses, former Jehovah’s Witnesses, Bible Students and other Christians. When posting your comments, you will be able to use a Pen Name.  Your e-mail address and website info are completely optional. No one can identify you.  No one can report you.  You have a home and quiet place to pray and honestly investigate scriptures.  It is not our purpose to indoctrinate you, but merely to provide you with resources for further study of Jehovah’s word.  You are not alone.  You have friends.

Romans 14:4  Who are you to judge the house servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for Jehovah can make him stand. – NWT

2 Tim 1:7  (Amplified Bible) –  For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but He has given us a spirit of power and of love and of calm {and} well–balanced mind {and} discipline {and} self–control.

Gal 5:1 – Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.   NKJV

Gal 5:13 – For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.  NKJV

2Co 3:17 –  …where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.   NWT

John 8:31, 32 – And so Jesus went on to say to the Jews that had believed him: “If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples, and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.  NWT

If 1 John 4:8 says “God is love,” then shouldn’t love, not fear, be our motivation to serve Jehovah?  Are you serving Jehovah in a certain way because you are afraid/fearful of being destroyed in Armageddon?

Hebrews 13:6 (Amplified Bible) – So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?

515 comments to Welcome

  • Kevin

    Hello all. I was wondering what Bible Students believe, in general, about gambling and games of chance such as scratch-off tickets. Thanks.

    • Peter K. (admin)

      Kevin – Bible Students don’t promote and enforce rules not layed out in the Bible. However, the Bible is full of lessons and moral principles that help direct our lives. Jesus told his followers to “deny yourself take up your cross and follow me” Matt 16:24. Jesus told the story of the prodigal son who waisted his inheritence Luke 15:11-32. Based on these and other principles, Bible Students don’t paractice in gambling. Nor do Bible Students smoke or drink excessive alchohol. However, we really don’t need to officially state these as rules or put anyone on a guilt trip. As we study the Bible together, the principles of righteiousness, denying our human cravings and obediently following Jesus are so clear, that these matters need not be stated as rules by the elders, as they are understood by those directed by God’s word and spirit.

  • Brian

    I know this Jeff. The tuesday and thursday meetings have been condensed into one . Now one night a week is for family worship. It kinda bothered me because the home bookstudy( which is the one that was cancelled) was the only one that I enjoyed. It was more relaxed and informal. But mostly you could ask questions and get open discussion on side thoughts. And since it was in a private home that could not be stopped….guess that is why it was done away with. Thanks again for the site and the info…i’ll be here again in the morning!

  • Brian

    Volumes in the scriptures?…Sorry I guess I don’t know what that is.

    • Dupin

      The answer is the Studies In The Scriptures by Charles Taze Russell, also known as the SITS. There are six of them starting with Volume I, The Divine Plan of the Ages.

  • Jeff

    Welcome Brian!

    We are all on the same quest here, to seek truth, understanding, and wisdom. What led you to determine that you couldn’t receive that from the WB&TS?

    I visited the Kingdom Hall last week Tuesday to pick up print copies of some of the recent magazines and a couple of the new books I didn’t have. It ended up that I attended the meeting for a couple of hours. Its been years since I visited a KH and my impression was that everything seemed much more abbreviated, and simplified than it was a few years ago. I remember there being two different evenings, Tuesdays and Thursdays, but this congregation had abbreviated this to one evening for all of those meetings.

    When it was asked why I was there I told them that I had questions about Armageddon and thats why I was there. They told me that they liked lots of questions and suggested we meet on Saturday some time to go over those questions. I even gave them some of the questions I had and Scriptures ahead of time. (See some of the discussions I had with Max here on the forum on the topic).

    Our discussion on Saturday lasted about two hours. I was told from the start that we wouldn’t be looking at any of the Scriptures that I had questions on, that they wanted to go through a book. I managed to keep them in the Scriptures and took them through several of the contexts that I had questions on. These are the same questions that they were given earlier in the week and had time to prepare for. None of the questions I had asked were in regards to some of the sequencing of the end times events. For example. When looking at Zechariah 12 and 14, Joel 2 and 3, Ezekiel 36-39, etc… the order of events is Israel’s regathering, Armageddon, and then the Spirit poured out on Israel and the rest fo the world. The witnesses have it rather as Israel’s regathering, the Spirit poured out on Israel, and then Armageddon. There was no response to this question. I told them that this left an impression in my mind that the regathered Israel is unbelieving and without the holy spirit until After Armageddon.

    When I pointed out that there were several passages that spoke of the conversion of the nations that go against Israel to battle after Armageddon (
    Isaiah 60:3-14; Isaiah 14:16; Zephaniah 3:9; Isaiah 61:9; Jeremiah 52:18; Isaiah 62:2; Isaiah 66:10-14; Ezekiel 36:35; Ezekiel 38:22-23) I was told that these Scriptures were anomalies because of all of the other passages that stated contrary.

    I pointed them specifically to Zechariah 14:15-16 where states specifically that there would be survivors of nations that went against Israel to battle who would go year to year to worship Jehovah. I was told that this could not possibly be the nations that went against Israel to battle, even though the verse stated this specifically.

    The more questions I asked, the more heated the elder was getting, enough so that his wife had to calm him down and bit and ask that he try to listen to the questions and then respond.

    They asked what purpose God would have for giving these nations an opportunity at salvation. My response, why not. After all, this was the reason Jesus came and died as a ransom for all, so that they could have an opportunity. They said, that perhaps there were some in the darkest regions of Africa who never heard, and perhaps they could be who was spoken of there. My response was, then isn’t it better that we not witness then? If not hearing the message gives them an opportunity at salvation? It sounded to me like those who claim that if you do not accept what they teach now that you will burn in hell forever…unless you never heard the name of Jesus. They thought the question was absurd.

    When they were preparring to leave it was asked if I was disfellowshipped, as they could not understand how I knew so much. I told them that I had studied with the witnesses for a couple of years but was never a baptized Witness and never attended meetings at the Kingdom Hall.

    They simply were not willing to entertain any further questions . . . even though they had told me that they liked to get questions.

    This was short, and I could go on, but I wanted to share this with some of the other friends on the site as well.

    The moral of the story is, don’t be afraid to ask questions. We love questions and welcome them.

    • Ken

      Good for you Jeff!Yes the Jw meetings have been condensed,i.e.the “theocratic ministry school” and the “book study” are no longer separate but are done together also,the sunday talks are only 1/2 hour long instead of 1 hour.Speaking of asking questions, I had my wife ask one of the elders a question concerning a watchtower aticle but I warned her to watch for their attitude when she did,I was suprised the elder told her they “like questions” and they wished more of the friends would ask them instead of just leaving the org.because they’re afraid to ask them. Another change I’ve noticed is that they seldom mention dates anymore in the watchtower studies(which I think is very wise!),btw, which books did you get?

    • Dupin

      Yours was certainly an interesting experience Jeff.

      It is mind boggling that they didn’t try to ascertain your status somewhere at the beginning of the discussion. I’m sure they would’ve been less likely to give into anger had they taken that simple step. You did run up against the fat Elders don’t like to have their explanations of things questioned. I guess for some reason they felt comfortable enough with you at the beginning to let the mask drop a bit.

      Now, lest folks think I’m being completely down on the Witnesses I will note that I have known a few elders through the years who were of a different sort, fairly humble and really caring. But they were pretty rare in my area of the country. Still they are there in the organization, just as there are many sincere people who do care about people.

      But I think the bottom line was you didn’t get satisfying answers to your questions Jeff. You presented questions which couldn’t quite follow the script they are taught. Since thinking outside the box is discouraged they just didn’t know how to deal with them, though that one about scriptures being “anomalies” is certainly a new one for me. All in all it sounds like you had quite a time.

  • Brian

    I would not say that I am an ex-JW,but rather one who has not attended for a year or so. I am here because I seek truth , understanding and wisdom. I no longer feel that myself and my family can get that from the wbts. Thanks for the site, I will spend much time here learning!

  • adriana eugenia

    estoy contenta por haber encontrado esta direccion de amigos testigos de Jehova. es primera vez que entro y lo encuentro de mucho provecho espiritual y aprendizaje, soy estudiante de la biblia.

    • Jacqueline

      Possible translation:
      I am happy for having found this address of friends of Jehovah’s witnesses. this is the first time that entered and find it much spiritual benefit and learning, I am a student of the bible.

      Bienvenido, estamos muy contentos de tener que escuchar. Disponer de tiempos en que se transmiten en directo por adobe connect. (welcome, we are glad to have you. Please check the times when we have adobe connect.) In Christ Jacqueline

  • Ken

    Welcome Joy, I too am an ex Jw and have found joy in the “freedom of the sons of God”!

  • I am an ex-Jehovah’s Witness but I am still a loving and devoted Child of God Our Heavenly Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to be a member of this group and hear what other’s have to share as well as to lovingly share myself about my Christian path in this life. Thank You.

    • Jacqueline

      Hi Joy, welcome!!! Sorry taking so long to answer you but we were on the wednesday night skype and phone study. Everyone there is an ex-witness including 4 x elders tonight. I wish you had come on we could have verbally welcomed you. Could you please tell us you experience and how you got to this point. Our convention from the past weekend is up and I was on the testimony part saturday giving facts about this unique site for those finding their way out. I’ll wait for your reply and anyone can join in. Bye Your sister in Christ, Jacqueline

    • Tulsigirl

      My dear Sister Joy, Since I’ve found the Bible Students Philipians 4:4
      “Rejoice in the Lord always;I shall say again: rejoice!” has become my mantra! I’ve learned the freedom that GOD (Jehovah, Yahweh)meant for us to know as his servants. This has brought me a Joy beyond any I’ve even known. I’m not dictated as to what I am to believe or how I am suppose to act. By studying GOD’s word I am personally capable of knowing what to believe and how to act. In fact, just as the song say “MAKE THE TRUTH YOUR OWN.” But that’s NOT what the Watchtower wants. I’m so thrilled to have another sister here. I’m a former Witness of a little over 20 years. Please share your story with us.

    • Peter K. (admin)

      Joy – we could love to hear about your experiences. You can comment on the Testimonials page or anywhere. If you want to joint our Wednesday night Bible Study you can find information here: https://www.friendsofjehovahswitnesses.com/2011/12/03/dec-14-study-ransom-and-restitution-you-are-invited-to-join-us/

      Also, on most Sunday mornings the Chicago Bible Students will have a live broadcast of one of the services. We will usually post an anouncment on this site each weak if the service will be broadcast.

  • Deep thinking – adds a new dmiensoin to it all.

  • david

    Thanks need more information

    • Jacqueline

      Hi David, which subject interest you more. We can dialogue or point you to the subject on this site or send out booklet or book on your subject. Thank you for commenting and welcome.

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