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Would you like to experience a convention where hundreds of Bible Students from all around the USA and even the world meet together?  These Bible Students believe what was taught by the early Watchtower in 1916 and prior, in the days of Brother Russell.  Envision the feeling of freedom to be able to fellowship openly with other students of the Bible.
Video Replays: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLViz7kRuY-_yoc9PcEysPk_5S2NeL41u or go to the “2018 General Convention” playlist in the “Bible Students Channel”

53 comments to LISTEN TO THE 2018 BIBLE STUDENTS GENERAL CONVENTION 2018 JULY 14-19 (Saturday to Thursday)

  • Sherry

    Great to hear. Was hoping all could share a up building part with some verses.

    Also three verses to my last post. Joel 3:31 Acts 2:20 Revelation 6:12 As to blood moons on this rare happening?

  • Cazenovi (Bible Student)

    I just wanted to say that I had the best time of my life. It was above and beyond my expectations! Truly the this spiritual food was a feast of fat things ans astounding. As the Apostle wrote in Ephesians, (my favorite scripture) It was exceedingly abundantly (superabundantly) beyond what I could ask or expect, the dimension of the love of God and brothren was of the same.

    Thank you Jacqueline and Peter for ALL that you have done in my behalf.

    Agape in Christ,

    • Peter K. (admin)

      Cazenovi – It was a joy to meet you and fellowship with you. Your love for scripture, Jesus, Jehovah and the brethren is wonderful to experience.

  • Edwine Olith Ochola

    I wish i attend such conventions one time in my life.

    • Jacqueline

      My dear sister, I know how you feel. Do you have internet all the time in your home and is it free to stay on for long times? If so we have conventions that are happenning as you watch and Br. Peter will post them from time to time. You will feel like you are right there and can type and say hello. Your time and ours are switched but I attended an African convention on line at 3am. It was so nice. So we will see if here is one coming up close to your time zone, okay.
      In the meantime seeing the adobe connect makes it seems as if you are there. Take Care

      BTW: We will have a grand convention in the Millenium.(:)

      • Ken

        Nice to hear from you Jacqueline, are you feeling better?

        • jacqueline

          Yes, Br. Peter gave me some comfort and helped me to talk it thru. I really appreciated it. Also I got rest, I wasn’t sleeping. There is nothing I can do. I guess it was the thought he might have been there 4 days. Coroner said he was gone before he hit the floor. They had to bury next day after found so I couldn’t get there. Family will get together when I come down. But thanks. Friends dropped by and Henry brought me caramel apples. Took me out to dinner. I love caramel apples. I couldn’t eat but I am out and about now with one daughter in law.

          • Ken

            I’m glad to hear that Jacqueline! That was nice of Henry to take you out…I didn’t realize he lived so close to you.

            • Jacqueline

              Yes Henry lives about 4mins. and the other Jeff lives maybe 10 mins. he is from my old congregation. Roger is a Bible Student that left the witnesses before me and lives maybe 8 mins. A sister that listens in on Sunday lives about 2 mins. I told everybody I have found the Bible Students.

  • Ken

    Oops! I meant for this to be under the 2012 convention!

    • jacqueline

      Hi ken, Sharon and i both got baptized today

      • Ken

        That’s great Jacqueline, I’m so happy for you! How many were baptized all together?

        • Jacqueline

          4 of us. ! male 2 females. I have been hugged and kissed and handshaked and taken out to lunch. The BS take care of their own first and then the world. That is what the Bible says expecially those related to you in the faith.

          • Ken

            That’s great Jacqueline! Were the other two exJw’s?

            • Jacqueline

              No, they were reared in BS. 16 yrs and 28 or above. I don’t know their exact age but will find out now. We have business meetings today so I am resting until lunch at 12 and the program starts at 2pm. Can you tune in? I am going to make arrangements to attend a foreign convention and some friends are planning an Israel trip. The international is in about a week or two. I might attend AU convention in January if the Loirds wills it.

              • Ken

                I may be able to tune in later this Eve.So, how does it feel being baptized as a BS? Did your memory of your JW baptism come to mind?

      • ZENODotus

        happy for you sister Jacqueline! Heard you in the testimony talk… Always thought you were older :$. He he he.

        • Jeff M.

          I remember a famous line in an old movie, “it isn’t the age, it’s the mileage.”

          You won’t find many like Sr. Jacqueline, travelling from one place to another to encourage everyone she can with her wisdom and joy. Her zeal is ocntagious and she is a pleasure to be around.

        • Jacqueline

          ZenoDotus thank you, I guess the miles don’t show. tee-hee.

  • Ken

    Sharon, I assume you’re also baptized……..HAPPY BAPTISM to you too!!!!!!!!!

  • Ken

    Jacqueline, I assume you’re baptised now, just wanted to say…..HAPPY BAPTISM!!!!!

  • ari matthew davies

    I sure would like to go, but besides the$ 400 for motel the cost to get to penslvania would be a factor I shall have to be content watching it online, sure wish it was in my state !

    • Jacqueline

      ari matthews you will see the program and see the different names of the talks. Also praise and worship is a part of the convention, little ones will sing etc and some will play instruments. It is good for the soul both the mind heart, spirit and body. We get hot food.
      Also we got to the fields and play basketball, we sisters try and walk off some of the food and ice creamLOL. Little ones are scooting everywhere. Ahhhh Ari it is like days of ore. Some nites in the little class rooms brothers talk about interesting subjects. Isarel, Africa, places they have visited. Subjects of another thought or perspective on a subject. Sometimes they just take a book of the bible and break it down. You see friends running to get in the subject they want before the door closes. I am like a kid in the candy store!
      At 2 conventions we were online with the tele network sixscreens and many have listened to that interview. Now you can sit down and enjoy in your own homes. They will be quite a few xjw elders there, one was even from Bethel, David Stine, tellls his story here on the site.https://www.friendsofjehovahswitnesses.com/webcasts/.
      It is indeed a blessingthat the brothers had made spiritual fellowship and feeding available by internet. Dan 12: talked about a time when knowledge would travel fast and be abundant! Sometimes we just have to wait on the Lord, Ari. You hang in there until the convention and be prepared to drop to your knees in praise and thanks to our Father Jehovah and Jesus. I was overcome to see so many “dead people” at my first convention. Now I walking with these bones that are now alive to JW, as blindness was imparted to us so we could not see or realize that our brothers were not dead as the org. led us to believe. Take Care my brother. In Christ. jacqueline

      • Ken

        “Playing basket ball and kids scooting everywhere”! Love it!! Wish I could’ve done that at some of the boring JW conventions!I’m going to a JW convention with my wife next month…..maybe I’ll bring my basket ball just for grins…..LOL!!

        • Jacqueline

          Ken this is after hours however. We are on a college campus so there are playing fields etc all around. I like that we are together here and not just spread all over in hotels to enrich them financially. Now there is nothing wrong with hotels providing a very needed service, and all humans appreciate them. But the watchtower society’s google alerts always mention the monetary value brought to the economy. One city Huntsville Al. decided to charge the watchtower for parking, they saiid no and pulled out after being there for every summer for weeks. My brother died entering the gate in 2005 at the convention. (another story). They went and combined with Birmingham. The director alledgedly lost her job over that. Now they are back with full benefits. Businesses survive or fail depending on some JW conventions. It is written up under google alert Jehovah witnesses. They charge us for parking but it is really free to them. (yeh, relatives are CO, and elders, I know all this). We are not there to boost the economy so that they actually miss us as an economic factor,but the watchtower slings it weigh with this alledged threat. Yes we are allowed to love and enjoy ourselves and the association as well as all the spiritual things going on at night. Some of the friends are bringing their instruments. Remember that at our conventions prior to the governing body? Oh, BTW the family night thing it is rumored is from the GB member whose was once alledgedly a Mormon. http://www.christianwitnesses.com

          • Ken

            Oh, I thought this happened during break time.I’m so glad that it was announced, almost two years ago,That I’m no longer one of Jehovah’s witnesses”, because I can see it’s becoming just like christendom…”A snare and a racket!”

            • Jacqueline

              What are you saying? Did they announce something lately on you? My immersion should be very clear to all of the brothers and sisters dropping by here that I am no longer a witness. I will le them know if they continue coming.Mormonism is what I thought I was seeing quite some time ago but couldn’t figure it out, but now since a GB might have been a Mormon I understand. How adults could let 7 men lead them down a path that is wrong begs an answer. Years ago it was not obvious but now it screams out that you are worshiping 7 men not Jesus he has been totally replaced with the GB. There is a semblance of worship of Jehovah, you have to, he is God. But Jesus is just “the man Jesus” to them. I never realized that expression was a put down to Jesus not just saying he was not God when on earth. Insidious indeed and sneaky, that’s why they say no independent thinking, you might just see thru them.

  • Timileyin olanrewaju

    I am a witness and am happey to be among does preaching d news of my father, Jehovah

    • Jacqueline

      Welcome Timileyin, It does make you happy, I know, to tell about our Father Jehovah and Jesus Christ great sacrifice and ransom for all me. Tell us please if you will a little about your experiences and how did you find this site?

  • Jeff

    Better yet…if you can, join us in Johnstown, PA at the University of Pittsburgh Johnstown campus. You’ll be glad you did.

  • ari matthew davies

    how wonderfull ! a real old fashion asembly like I used to enjoy I must go ! As the bible says how good and pleasant it is for brothers to gather togeather,, and perhaps just perhaps their will be singing and praiseing,,

    • Jacqueline

      Ari you will actually see some of us from the site. Sharon, Jubal,me. I will say hello in front of the camera and type to you when we say hello. This is my third one.

    • Peter K. (admin)

      Ari – Please let us know if you are serious about attending the General Convention. It is located in Pennsylvania and the cost for six days of food and lodging is over $400, however there may be more afforable accomodations. If you are truly interest, I have some questions for you. I want to make sure that your visit to the convention will benefit you as well as the Bible Students you will be meeting there.

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