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Crossing the Bridge From Daniel’s Time to the Time of the End (Daniel 11 verse by verse)

Read an explanation of Daniel 11 (World History) by clicking here:Daniel_11_JUNE_2005

The prophecy of Daniel 11 is a bridge between ancient Israel and End Times. End time prophecy has three principal sources: the Book of Daniel, our Lord Jesus’ Great Prophecy in Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation. There are also many other key prophecies in the Old Testament—especially about the End Time regathering and restoration of Israel.

Bible scholars dating from Sir Isaac Newton on up to the Nineteenth Century saw the importance of Daniel’s time prophecies. However, most—as we shall see—missed a critical key to understanding this important bridging of the eleventh chapter. Without it, these students of prophecy were frozen in a time lock—almost two millennia out of date. Surprisingly, however, a simple statement by Jesus unlocks what might have remained a complete mystery to everyone.

A running history, such as this saga is, could be very challenging were it not for the fact that the student—conscious of its importance—is willing to search with great anticipation for the grand outcome and timing of the climax of our Christian Age.




4 comments to Crossing the Bridge From Daniel’s Time to the Time of the End (Daniel 11 verse by verse)

  • Lisa

    To R.Jerome Harris.
    So to understand Christ and listen to Christ, what should we be doing?
    You quoted Luke 9.35, a scripture from the bible. My understanding for almost 50 years is that all that Christ taught us was to be found in the bible. Apart from the bible, where else do we learn to ‘listen to Christ’?
    I agree that for many of us we heeded the word of an organisation, not the scriptures, for too long. Hence that is why so many of us have come here, to get back to grass roots level and read the scriptures again.
    If the bible is not God’s word Jerome, then what is?
    Much Christian love

    • Peter K. (admin)

      Lisa – Thanks. Very good questions. Jerome does not seem to be responding to our specific rebuttals. You asked good questions.

      Question 1) So to understand Christ and listen to Christ, what should we be doing?

      Question 2) If the bible is not God’s word Jerome, then what is?

      Let’s wait and see if he will directly.

  • Is a Bible scholar a scholar of Christ or as the title implies, “A scholar of the Bible.”

    Once again, the Bible merits scholarship and preference. Christ does not.

    The Most High God did not send to us Daniel or any of the Prophets of old, he sent someone else. To that one, He said, “Listen to him.” (Luke 9:35)

    It is a grave mistake to reach back to those Prophets of old in an attempt to make sense of what is certain to occur. It will only breed confusion and error. We see this now!

    It is much better to “Listen to Christ” as he explained what is going to occur. And, if there is something in Christs words that we do not understand, it is not the Prophets of old that we will come to understand it because that understanding would come by “another way.” It can only come to us from the Father through the ONLY way, His Son.

    Many look to for other ways of understanding: The Prophets of old, Charles Taze Russell, J.F. Rutherford and others.

    You display a lack of faith in God and His Son.

    Rather than ask the Father – as Christ directed us to – for things such as wisdom, understanding and knowledge, you ask men!

    Rather than pray for such things, you put your trust in the things you idolize: Men, organizations and societies.

    • Peter K. (admin)

      Jerome – You can’t seem to get off of this topic. You keep insisting that we should not listen to the Bible, but ONLY to the words of Jesus. Do you mean strictly Jesus’ words as found in the Bible (i.e. in red letters)? You ignore our rebuttals and do not respond. For example, why did Jesus quote the old Testament so often as an authority. If you will not answer the rebuttals, we will have to not allow you to comment any more on this specific topic of only listening to Jesus’ words and not the rest of the Bible. We will accept your comments on other topics. However, if you want to continue to discuss this topic, answer the comments below. Thanks.

      On many other occasions, Jesus cited Scripture as a “proof text” while debating His adversaries. During the wilderness temptation, Jesus quoted Old Testament texts in opposition to Satan (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10). Elsewhere, Jesus responded to His detractors by asking them, “Have you not read. . . ?”, “It is writ­ten. …”, or a similar comments. In Matthew 22:29, Jesus remarked that an ignorance of Scripture caused the Sadducees to a make a theological error. It seems clear from these uses of Scripture that Jesus considered its contents to be the definitive authority in solving theological issues.

      Also, if you don’t trust the Bible, why do you trust that the Bible accurately records Jesus’ words? Or do you?

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