Peter K. (admin) { Hi Let - Sorry for the difficult experiences your are going through. As you well know, Christian liberty and freedom of expression are not valued... }
Let { I stopped attending JW meetings over a year ago now. I hesitate to use my name here, I DO NOT want to get disfellowshipped and... }
Peter K. (admin) { Nice to hear from you Duka. Wishing your God's blessings, guidance and encouragement every day. }
Duka { Hello everyone. I have written here several times over the past few years, under the nickname “Duka.” I am happy to say that I am... }
Peter K. (admin) { Mirolav - I thought you were referring to Daniel 9 prophecy of 70 weeks (beginning in 454 BC) the last week, for the 1260 days... }
Miroslav { 1914 marks the end of Jerusalem's trampling. I cannot see it could be earthly Jerusalem coz Ottomans ruled the city that year, as in the... }
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